Red Dead Redemption

More like the 'failure to search the forums' thread. Merged.

But yes, this game looks awesome and I'm buying it as soon as it's available (so that'd be next week).

I wouldnt' worry too much about the voice acting, Rockstar is usually very good at that aspect.
They showed a trailer of this before Robin Hood and it looked even better than before. This looks like a perfect game.
After watching leaked footage at YouTube I'm even more hyped to play it. It's due tommorow for me so really can't wait. Come on, it's Rockstar. Gonna be awesome or at the very least great.
OakTable said:
I might rent it. If it's awesome enough I'll buy it. Seems good, but I'd like to play it first.

Yeah, I know where you are coming from....

After playing San Andreas, GTAIV was very boring to me....

Now, I'm going to rent this game before deciding whether to purchase it. I doubt it will be better than San Andreas but as long as it's fun, I might get it...
Looks like XBox360 was their main development platform and the PS3 port is pretty badly done. Yet more anecdotal evidence that it takes a lot of work to utilize the full capabilities of the PS3, and that lazy work leads to worse results than the XBox versions.
This is not the first time that these guys are proving themselves to be lazy. I mean if Dragon Age: Origins and Darksiders can look better on the PS3 why shouldn't RDR look at least the same as the 360 version.
I'm waiting for the PC port, if previous Rockstar ports have told me anything then it's that they make awesome bug free ports lovingly edited to make the best use of the more advanced hardware and control scheme the PC has to offer....
Sorry couldn't keep a straight face while typing that.
Astiaks said:
This is not the first time that these guys are proving themselves to be lazy. I mean if Dragon Age: Origins and Darksiders can look better on the PS3 why shouldn't RDR look at least the same as the 360 version.
The reason is pretty simple: the PS3 is a fundamentally different platform to develop for and hence porting the game can take a lot of time (and money) if you want to do it properly. It's easier to create a half-assed port that'll still work.
So, did anyone got this game already for a little pre-game review? As expected, Metacritics' score is pretty high, but we all know how much we believe them. :|
The game is pretty fun, the shooting works pretty well and the variety in missions keeps things from feeling really boring.

My only complaint is that the same that I had with GTA:San Andreas, there's waaaaay too much empty space that isn't used for much of anything.

The fact that you can't fast travel from roads or towns for free is also somewhat annoying.
You can fast travel from your camp.

I have the PS3 version and there are some bugs, nothing major though. Hopefully an update will fix them.

Other than that, I am really enjoying this game. It's awesome. :D Good variety of things to do, good atmosphere. Yeah, there are empty spaces, but, hey, its the desert, shoot some armadillos or something.

Oh, another thing, the dialogue is a bit too modern at times. I don't believe that certain insults and language that are used in the game would actually be said in 1911. There are some other things that struck me as "historically incorrect" while playing, but can't remember them. Whatever though, I still like the game.
verevoof said:
You can fast travel from your camp.

I have the PS3 version and there are some bugs, nothing major though. Hopefully an update will fix them.

Other than that, I am really enjoying this game. It's awesome. :D Good variety of things to do, good atmosphere. Yeah, there are empty spaces, but, hey, its the desert, shoot some armadillos or something.

Oh, another thing, the dialogue is a bit too modern at times. I don't believe that certain insults and language that are used in the game would actually be said in 1911. There are some other things that struck me as "historically incorrect" while playing, but can't remember them. Whatever though, I still like the game.
Heh, there's a valid reason for using modern insults: historically appropriate cussing doesn't work for us modern folk. They had the same problem with Deadwood - they wanted to keep it historically accurate, but the swearing of the day doesn't have much of an impact for modern viewers and it would come across as quaint or silly.
'Course, it was probably just laziness for Rockstar, but still.
It's better to preserve swear words of modern times, to a degree of course. I think it works here. I guess most of us won't/don't play this game for its historical value
Dragula said:
To be fair, words like "whore" "fuck" and "bitch" have been around for 200 years.
Yes, but words like "dickhead," "cocksucker," and "cunt"? In 1911? I'm not so sure.