Red Dead Redemption

Verd1234 said:
Actually, it's reported that the word "fuck" was used in WW1 so I guess so of this is accurate...
Some words, yes. By far not all of them.

Anyway, I've been playing this game for a couple of hours. Honestly, it's really really good fun. The main missions are compelling and a bit more serious (at least so far) than the GTA series. The storyline itself seems solid. The action feels less packed together and the world does too, and it manages to capture the atmosphere of the spaghetti westerns pretty well. The side-jobs - roaming around, shooting wildlife, performing jobs for random strangers, are all rewarded with some form of perks and they give you clear goals to reach.
I wouldn't entirely call this GTA in a Wild West setting, because a big attraction in the GTA series was always causing as much havok as you could - that doesn't really apply as much to Red Dead Redemption.
This game feels more like what GUN tried to be but never could be: a good free-roaming game, with a solid storyline and a real 'realistic' western-feel to the game.

The main complaint I have so far is that Rockstar is going overboard with their cinematic experience. It was kind of annoying in GTA 4, but the cutscenes in Red Dead Redemption can get really lengthy and there's no user input during those cutscenes.
I am very curious but how does law enforcement work in the game?

I have heard that consequences are more severe than in Grand Theft Auto for doing bad things so I am just curious..
I usually fall in love instantly when it comes to games which capture a certain atmosphere quite well. But this here, hell, delivering a cinematic experience, yet you can free roam and it still doesnt get boring. When I started the game the first time, had goosebumps at the first time I could control my character... All those little details, the music (the best adaption of classical spaghetti soundtracks so far for me, dang I want to let my guitar sound like this :D ), everything delivers a really good atmosphere. The first time I encountered a simple storm in the game, how the horses react to the flash/thunder, how little water stains form after several time, the sheet lightning at the horizon up in the clouds...

Also, the beautiful landscape one can see when travelling from Mc Farlanes Ranch to Armadillo, this scenery, hell.. Or some minutes ago, I managed to cross the border to mexico, when first gaining control to the character, I was surprised: There was actually a song of Jose Gonzales playing! One of my favorite artists with the accoustic guitar... Just a new song of him in a new Rockstar title. :P :D Awesome. It was the best moment so far for me ingame listening to this song and seeing those plains of mexico.

The general gameplay is also fun, the shooting is ok, though I find it a bit too easy, even without aim helps. Horse ridin' was a bit complicated at the beginning, but now I am used to the controls and it feels natural. The little jobs are also fun, though a bit too easy. The game could be a bit more hard in general imo. Also, the animal hunting, treasure hunting etc is motivatin as these things are fun. Looking forward for more in the game. :)
Oh . . .

My . . . .

Gawd . . .

Where have I been, I got to the point were I never thought they would make a decent open ended western's cowboy game and I just now paid attention to this game & watched the review on gamespot. I was just about to go to bed, I haven't been this excited about a game in a long time I really cannot wait to play this first thing tomorrow.

Im glad I just now found out about the game, that is alway's the best thing that can happen as waiting for a game like F: New Vegas sucks.

Anyway im effin stoked to play this omg finally a good western game its about time!
Waiting 6-12 months for this to make it to the PC, if it even does, is going to be a pain. Just like with the last two GTA incarnations.
Not sure if it's been posted, but go to the Display options and turn up the Saturation and Contrast, the colors become much brighter and it makes an already beautiful game look even better.
I am with Sander here, I think the much more blend and colorless colours fit the setting better. Especially when deep in desert, Mexico etc.
Eyenixon said:
Unfortunately "fitting the setting" does not look as good.
'Looking good' isn't an objective measure. With the muted colours this feels much more like the classic western films I love, so for me that looks a lot better than the vibrant colours you prefer.
It's a damn good game, I've been playing it all week and have finished the main storyline. I won't spoil it for you guys who have to wait forever to get it on PC. :lol:
Sander said:
Eyenixon said:
Unfortunately "fitting the setting" does not look as good.
'Looking good' isn't an objective measure. With the muted colours this feels much more like the classic western films I love, so for me that looks a lot better than the vibrant colours you prefer.

Yeh. It would actually be even more better (atleast for me :D ) if there'd be such a graphic filter which brings noise to the picture, like they did in Mass Effect 1.
Man I'm gonna have to go and get it. I have a western shaped hole in my games collection and it must be filled!
OakTable said:
Urgh, every god damn time I go to the rental store, it isn't there. I wonder if Gamefly is any good.

Gamefly is better than all the rental stores I've seen. On newer games if you don't have it que'd up beforehand, you may have to wait for brand new titles sometimes, but it's still a really nice service. Plus it's times better than just buying every game new, with the possibility of it being crap.

On-topic: The game is really amazing fun, got to Mexico and just had to slow down and absorb the scenery when that first song is playing.
Since I got the game from Gamestop, I have the entire soundtrack.

It's not the 320kbps that I am so used to with all of my other music, but I still get teary-eyed when I listen to some of the tracks while I'm driving around.
Same goes for me, generalissimofurioso. :)

I have a hard time finding enough coyotes for the sniper challenge. :( I alwys encounter wolves..
Any tips where I could look for them?
There's a bunch of coyotes around Armadillo. Try traveling at night, too.