you guys have no clue how bad a PC user feels right now ...
anyway. The game really so good like it seems or did you bought the hype ?
anyway. The game really so good like it seems or did you bought the hype ?

Stanislao Moulinsky said:[youtube][/youtube]
Ausir said:
Guiltyofbeingtrite said:How long is the main story? Are there difficulty levels (I like hard difficulty generally). How is the commerce set up? Buying and selling of weapons and ammo like GTA?
That's because when you die, it reloads the latest autosave.Surf Solar said:I spent about ~20 hours on the main story.
The game isnt really difficult, could be a bit harder though, even with the "expert aiming mode". You buy ammo and weapons, some weapons you also find. When you die, you keep your weapons.