Poland should seize it, surely Polish speaking people living there demand it. 

I have a question you chaps may be able to answer. Why does Russia still control that patch of land on the Baltic coast east of Danzig? That makes no sense to me, unless they made old Konigsburg a war trophy or something. Which is still a pretty weak excuse.
Thanks for answering my question. That makes a certain amount of sense. It's pretty strange to see it on a map though. It definitely looks like it should be part of Lithuania and/or Poland....it was initially supposed to go to Lithuania, but this became very problematic quickly, since Lithuania is a small country...
The interesting irony of this situation is that 30 years ago we would not have dared tolerate such behavior from the Soviets, and had they illegally violated the sovereignty of another nation, the West would have brought things to the brink and with a artful mix of military posturing and tough talk would have brought the Soviets back to their senses.
Unfortunately, once the Cold War ended we began this softer line on Russia looking at it as some form of economic and social backwater whom was better off as the brunt of political jokes(and by all accounts the Presidency of Boris Yeltsin bordered on a very bad one indeed). As we softened our stance and let the Russians to their economic misery and disorder, we began to sow the seeds of the Russians looking for a political strongeman.
They found that figure in Vladimir Putin. An economic reformer with the soul of an old Communist Party Hardliner. Putin has reinvigorated the Russian Federation and put it on the world stage again, but unfortunately his imperial ambitions of rebuilding the old Soviet Union have created a rather ruthless tyrant who only understands hard currency and force (in many ways much like the old Soviet leadership).
If we wish to stop Putin and his creeping advance into the former SSR's, then we need to show that we in the West are resolved to use force to counter Russian aggression, and that any act against any sovereign state in which Russia attempts to bully into submission will be met both be economic but military means if necessary, after all Putin doesn't care about strongly worded statements. The only thing that will deter him is forceful action!
It depens how much the people are "worth". The western society is extremly hypocritical. Blow up two towers and the world will cry. But a situation where pretty much 1 million people died and even with the help of the french government. No one cares.
It depens how much the people are "worth". The western society is extremly hypocritical. Blow up two towers and the world will cry. But a situation where pretty much 1 million people died and even with the help of the french government. No one cares.
There is nothing hypocritical about it, only reflects reality in which you can't be the world police, the new "media wars" and that knowing how to choose your battles is part of life. Those who don't get achieve nothing.
I will fight ANYONE!
Hmm? Is it suddenly wrong to point at something that is yeah ... blatantly silly and wrong? The mass media are doing nothing in educating or briefing the people. Hell in some cases they are even clearly biased to some political side, like for the rupublican or democrat parties.@Crni Vuk, Like some pop start dying creating more echo then hundreds murders\rapes\assaults across the country that become statistical numbers, soon you'll tell me that the world isn't fair![]()
This is intense as cuban crisis.I really hope that this will be all solved peacefully.One thing that Fallout 2 taught me it is that new aged America is hungry for oil.I don't want to offense nobody.
The problem is, as others have put it, Putin NEEDS Crimea, so much so that he has shown a willingness to fight for it. Its akin to backing an adversary into a corner, it will fight all the harder and pull all the stops. As much as the U.S. seems to be the sole superpower, we simply do not live in a world where might makes right is the only alternative. In other words, even for the United States, it can only push its weight around just so much. I think Crimea was simply a test, akin to S. Ossetia and Kosovo. We could no sooner tell the PRC what to do about Tibet or the Ughyar situtaion either. The conspiracist in me believes that the permanent security council members have become akin to a bunch of mafiosi who have decided to work things out at a sitdown in regards to running the world than to just go military crazy.
I will agree with you on that. The media here in the U.S. demonized the Serbs. Their motivation was really simple. They loved Clinton, and because Clinton was going to move against the Serbs, they had to gin up dislike of the Serbs and make the Albanians in Kosovo into victims. The political right jumped on the bandwagon too, because even though they disliked Clinton, they were hawkish and interventionist.The western media, is a bag full of maggots. I hate them. With a passion. They did nothing else then throwing around lies, propaganda and missinformation during the war on the Kosovo war in 1998/99 painting Serbians as some kind of war criminals and ruthless killers that make it a fun of killing Albanians.