eaten by a grue.
It's not like I'm pro-Serbian or anti-Serbian, but I sometimes notice when certain groups get treated unfairly in media coverage in the U.S. The Serbs were an easy target.
Its simply wrong in my opinion that Justin Bibers wedding would generate more fuss then 100 000 dead Africans or Iraquis or what ever.
Perhaps I'm completely wrong, but purpose of the last UN security council voting was to condemn the annexation of Crimea, wasn't it? So those countries which voted against (or did not vote at all) basically supported actions of the Russian government at Crimea.China showed their disapproval of Russian actions by openly abstaining from the UN security council voting.
Yup, his plans for establishing the Eurasian Union are well known for quite some time... it's been mentioned earlier that he admires Stalin and thinks breaking up the USSR was a bad idea.
Now he's improving Russian relationship with China and India too; there are some news about Russia-to-China oil pipeline and Russia-to-India gas pipeline being builded, so the Russian economy wouldn't be hurt so badly by any eventual embargo from west.
Ukraine is obiviously an Russian Independent province.
Same language ,Ukraine is an independent part of Russia that has to be reintroduced in it's initial territory.
Like Moldova with Romania