Russian-Ukrainian war

It's not like I'm pro-Serbian or anti-Serbian, but I sometimes notice when certain groups get treated unfairly in media coverage in the U.S. The Serbs were an easy target.
You know what's worrying? China refuses to make an official statement against Russia's actions. This is especially ironic when China has made statements against the West's (and America's) interventionism. China has also been increasing military spending. According to the Economist, the goal is to get to the point where "regional intervention by America on behalf of an ally (ie, Taiwan) would be too dangerous to undertake". If you don't believe that, China has been specifically researching into the kinds of tech the American military performs poorly against (like shore-based missile batteries).

Putin's actions are definitely going to have much, much wider repercussions. Who knows what China might do if Russia reclaims more of its old land unopposed? In these moments, I'm thankful that America and the West are interventionist.
China has a big problem when dealing with the US, namely debt - the US owes China a trillion or so dollars, and you can kiss that debt goodbye the minute it attacks Taiwan...then the US will blockade Chinese products from entering the US - which will collapse the Chinese economy, and leave 1 billion angry Chinese who will have nothing better to do than riot and bring down their own government, etc.

China's military is more weary of its own people than foreign states. During the cultural revolution people literally butchered and ate each other, not out of hunger, but hatred...the Chinese can be slightly insane on occasions. :look:
Yes, I believe that there is to much hype about China, and much of it is caused by fear. Like China will take over! They will be the leading super power! The have a much faster growing economy! Blah blah blah. I cant hear it anymore. It is like those people dont even read one history book in their entire life (which might be true after all ...). The evolution of China be it either in politics or economy is not different to the US or Europe. What ever "growth" they have now, will lead to issues in the future. Their economy is growing much faster then ours? Well guess what happens with engines if they run to fast. Overheating. Their one-child-politic from the past will create as well a demographic nightmare for the future. To make it short, any problem that a "modern" Europe is facing today, china will see in the future as well. And probably in some cases even worse. Like polution, which is already a huge problem now, working conditions for their populiation, decadency, unions etc. Not to mention that China is still very far away from beeing even close to the average US-american/European standart. Particularly in the field of reasearch and education. Most of the fundamental research happens in the US and Europe. Mots of the patents get still registered in the Western world. We will see a shift here, proably in favour for the rising nations, like Brazil, India, China and some Arabian states, probably even in Africa. So power and economy will get more evenly distributed. Eventually. But we are still very far away from that.

People tend to get very irrational fears when it comes to both, China and Russia. Those are very huge nations. The last thing they would do is to overrun either us or the US. The truth is, as soon as we colapse, their time is over as well. They are all global players, a bit of muscle flexing here and there yes, but wars? Hell the fact that Mc-Donalds is present in all of those nations alone will prevent that from happening. Simply to many companies are involved in all of it.

I have actually more fear from smaller conflicts. Imagine a potential nuclear fight between Pakistan and India. Just as example. Or if the middle east would start to burn. Again. Those have the potential to cause a lot of damage. Even for us. Not to mention there could be cold war situations in the future that we might not even expect to see yet. Brazil is on the horizon here. What kind of politic might happen in South America is still not clear yet.

Who knows what the world will be like in 50 or 100 years? But China taking us over? I dont really believe in to that.
Its simply wrong in my opinion that Justin Bibers wedding would generate more fuss then 100 000 dead Africans or Iraquis or what ever.

Justin Bieber is going to slaughter 100-thousand Iraqis after his wedding????? :D


Wouldn't a catastrophic collapse be a "good thing" for China, if we're focusing on the long-term? They have far too many goddamn people, their environment is in very bad shape, government is corrupt, they export deadly toxins in their products. Can their predicament realistically improve without a collapse first? I don't recall corrupt destructive governments usually having a sudden change of heart.

Anyway I came here because I'd like to hear from the locals instead of mass media, what is the current status in Ukraine?
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I have to say... Facepalming is just not enough these days when i read what the russian foreign affairs minister has to say. I haven't felt this way since i was in the kindergarden....
China showed their disapproval of Russian actions by openly abstaining from the UN security council voting. This was, apparently, Chinas way of protesting Russian actions, or rather, as much of a protest they were willing to offer, but nonetheless a sign of disapproval.
(From my understanding of it, they would otherwise have supported Russia much more blatantly)
China showed their disapproval of Russian actions by openly abstaining from the UN security council voting.
Perhaps I'm completely wrong, but purpose of the last UN security council voting was to condemn the annexation of Crimea, wasn't it? So those countries which voted against (or did not vote at all) basically supported actions of the Russian government at Crimea.
They didn't vote at all, they abstained. Apparently, this is enough to mean something in this case. I'm not super versed in this stuff, but it seems like China has a habit of voting in Russian support, so their abstension was noticed.
In the world of politics, abstaining is not the same as support, they simpy are not choosing sides. This is typical as the PRC has essentially become the middle man of the security council/big 5.

I call the PRC 'Mr. Mumbles', as they are never clear on any position and would rather 'auction', their vote to the highest bidder. In the case of two superpowers which can really make life problematic for the PRC, it would rather abstain as voting for either side provides negligible gains.
.. it's been mentioned earlier that he admires Stalin and thinks breaking up the USSR was a bad idea.
Yup, his plans for establishing the Eurasian Union are well known for quite some time.

Now he's improving Russian relationship with China and India too; there are some news about Russia-to-China oil pipeline and Russia-to-India gas pipeline being builded, so the Russian economy wouldn't be hurt so badly by any eventual embargo from west.
Now he's improving Russian relationship with China and India too; there are some news about Russia-to-China oil pipeline and Russia-to-India gas pipeline being builded, so the Russian economy wouldn't be hurt so badly by any eventual embargo from west.

The European Union does more trade with Russia than all of its other partners combined. An embargo would knock out the chair from underneath the RusFed. Not that it's going to happen, since it's a drastic measure that would probably send the EU into a second recession.
Ukraine is obiviously an Russian Independent province.

Same language ,Ukraine is an independent part of Russia that has to be reintroduced in it's initial territory.

Like Moldova with Romania
yes, with that Logic Germany could actually claim austria for them self (again ...), I mean com on! zhey are like ze Germans!. And maybe with a bit more Russian logic at work here it could be expaned to Swiss, Luxembourg and I am sure a few other smaller regions inside of France, Belgium, Netherlands and so on.
Ukraine is obiviously an Russian Independent province.

Same language ,Ukraine is an independent part of Russia that has to be reintroduced in it's initial territory.

Like Moldova with Romania

You can do that with almost every region in the world, since everyone shares ethnolinguistic ties with someone else. The lapps aren't much else than Finns. Norwegians are just Swedes (I dare you to come over here and say that), the French and Spanish are just advanced Italians, in fact all Germanic people who say "house" more or less similarily are one and the same, and should allow German authority over their lands

this will be a great day for the Brits. Do you know how many people use their language today ...