Russia already showing concerns for the way Estonia (and of course mainland Ukraine) treats Russian people, and in my own country, provocators waving Russian flags near the parliament building.
It's also interesting to note that the Russian official REPRESENTITIVE in the council of Europe, in his facebook, wrote that Russia is going to reclaim Alaska, Baltic countries, Poland and Finland. In any other case this would be rambling of a absolute lunatic not worthy of news, however this time, it's rambling of an official Russia's representitive (who is a lunatic)...
In the meantime, France (a NATO country) is going to sell two Mistral battleships to Russia.
That is fucked up. But, but...
1. If Russia touches nato, they're in for WW3.
2. If they touch Alaska, Americans will lose their shit, and it's WW3
It's tempting to say the Finns would pwn Russia once more, but times have changed, and I'm not sure the Finns have the same "nothing to lose" mentality that they had back then. Either way, Russia vs NATO is not very realistic, and it's even less realistic to actually advertise about it beforehand.
What is more likely, is that this message is "meant" for Russians to see - for Russians to get their egos bloated, by seeing a representative of theirs "bravely" talk tough against the whole west. Don't forget, George Bush (representing an ally, not an enemy!) threatened the entire alliance, with the "with us or against us" rethoric. That too was quite an outlandish statement, bluntly put, but ultimately meant as an angrandizing effect.
I agree that it is quite unsettling to see the leader of a superpower talk like that, and Ukraine is allready a bit too close to home, Poland is closer, and Finland is right around the corner, in the end Norway actually shares a border with Russia, and it's the only stretch of frontier we actually take seriously :I