
As a member of the Church of Scientology I may be able to answer some question here.

Scientology has had a rough ride with the media, this is largely uncalled for. Whilst some of the our beliefs may seem a little ‘out there’, far too much emphasis is placed on the various misinterpretations of ‘creation’ according to Scientology. Most of the stories you have heard regarding ‘Xenu’ etc. are hugely inflated, twisted and misinterpreted. Most importantly very little stress is placed on them to start with. The story of Xenu has about as much importance to the average Scientology as the book of Leviticus has to your average Christian. In other words very little. The important aspects of Scientology are the structured lifestyle adaptations based around Hubbard’s discoveries involving human Dianetics. If you truly wish to discover Scientology, from an unbiased open-minded view I suggest Hubbard’s book – Dianetics is the best place to start as it explains the truth behind a lot of scientific, philosophical and ethical ideas.

Scientology is a brilliant movement that looks only to help people. Sure, we are a relatively small force at the moment, against an aggressive, close-minded world. As such it stands to reason supporters donate to their own faith to help the cause. Any follower of Scientology will tell you they are only too happy to help the cause. Further more the amounts are trivial compared to what you receive. Money has only limited importance in life, Scientology is something greater.
Yoshi525 said:
If you truly wish to discover Scientology, from an unbiased open-minded view I suggest Hubbard’s book – Dianetics is the best place to start as it explains the truth behind a lot of scientific, philosophical and ethical ideas.
How can hubbard write an unbiased book about a religion that he founded?
Dianetics =! Scientology, it is the various discoveries on all manner of aspects of reality made by Hubbard. Dianetics forms a very important part of our belief structure, but is not a belief structure in itself. You could create a completely different religion to Scientology based on Dianetics. What dianetics does is describe and explain Hubbard's great discoveries concerning the logos in a factually correct and objective manner. This provides the info for people to draw their own conclusions.
Yoshi, you are setting yourself up too easily. You're not serious, are you? Because you're basically playing a parody of a typical true believer who will hear nothing bad about his ass-tarded religion, its evil ways or the illogical nature of its belief-structure.

You're just being too much a parody. I'm not buying it.
I don't see how people can call Scientology evil. As i have already said, YES donations are required in order to advance through Scientology. So? This is no secret. Call it a con all you like but at the end of the day who is benefiting from this 'con'? Hubbard was already a multimillionaire when he founded Scientology, nowadays the Church is a Non Profit organisation. All donations go straight back in. So yes, the church does aim to take money off it's followers, but only to advance itself, it is also open about this. If that for you is an evil con then fair enough. For me that is a reasonable price considering what i am getting back.
For me that is a reasonable price considering what i am getting back.

It may be a mistake, but I'll bite. What exactly are you getting back that makes your existence better or more productive or more profound than that of a Christian or a Buddhist or an Aethiest? Please be specific.
What exactly are you getting back that makes your existence better or more productive or more profound than that of a Christian or a Buddhist or an Aethiest?

I have never been a Buddhist, or a practising Christian so i cannot really compare these with my beliefs. As for atheism...well, i was an atheist for 17 years or so and didn't really get anything out of it. Not to say my life was bad, but not believing in any fundamental spiritual force does not really add anything either.

More specifically the lifestyle, and ritual associated with Scientology is immense. Auditing sessions are incredibly helpful. I have always found it hard to take crtique and solve personal issues with the help of others, but auditing has really helped me here.
The Scientology is strong with this one.

Yoshi525 said:
against an aggressive, close-minded world

Oh yes, I believe the lie that is unScientology. I am aggressive and close-minded, and hence, automatically your enemy. Strike me down now before my legions gather to war with your religion.

I seem to recall that only 'criminals' make fun of Scientology (nevermind the CoS's own actual criminal record). I don't know, maybe it's because the rest of the world is aggressive and close-minded, and Scientology is the light. I see the truth of it all now. Thank you L. Ron, your revolutionary <s>economical</s>philosophical ideas have released me from my <s>sins</s>past lives.

Oh look, I haven't ever broken a bone in my body in this current life. Why, that means I've never broken a bone in my past lives. Oh yeah, there was that time I dislocated my shoulder at 17 years, that means every life before this one, at 17 years, I dislocated my shoulder. REVOLUTIONARY!

No, I'm not blind and close-minded, I'm just not gullible and desperate for answers. Kthxbaiseeyainthenextinternetlifeforumwhenimalmost21yearsagedat0923onthe18ofwhenever.

Yoshi525 said:
Scientology is a brilliant movement that looks only to help people.

Just as long as those people pay a nominal fee and don't dare question anything other than your life before Scientology.

"We only want to help everyone, as long as you pay the standard membership fee of 299.99"

"But wait Ron! For a limited time, we're slashing our prices to 199.99 and we'll throw in a free reading! That's two readings for the price of one!"

I wouldn't call that help, more like, a service for desperate and/or gullible people. In the meantime, if I need answers, I'll just walk over to the four different Christian churches in town and get it for free, and a complimentary blessing too! You guys should study your competition's behaviour more, they know what good business is. Oh wait, I'm close-minded and aggressive. I forgot that the documented cases out there of Scientologists disassociating themselves with anyone who makes fun of their religion or questions it is a response to close-minded and aggressive behaviour. Screw you guys, I'm going home.

But hey, if you want to clear your spirit-memory-databank of past lives because some guy who was famous for wanting to 'make money, make more money' and to 'move bodies through the shop so as to make money' says it's good for your soul, then knock yourself out, I'll be over here in my close-minded aggressive corner making fun of gullible people and damning myself to eternal damnation for not clearing my soul of past experiences which gave me the pimples back in jr. high.

I guess I'm close-minded and aggressive for not needing answers to my own existence and having the free-mind to question suspicious organisations and mock people who seem too needy for their own good. I feel sorry for anyone who feels the belief that not being in an organisation means you're biased and can't fairly speak out against said organisation is a valid point. Meh, I'm just an asshole, I guess.
More specifically the lifestyle, and ritual associated with Scientology is immense. Auditing sessions are incredibly helpful. I have always found it hard to take crtique and solve personal issues with the help of others, but auditing has really helped me here

Number 1: If this is a joke, your not funny.

Number 2:

Dude, there are a vast amount of alternative religions and beliefs that you can follow besides Scientology. I can understand what you are looking for, and the act of ritual can be helpful, but I suggest you leave the organization you are with. The Titanic had a lot of good food, social activity, and prestiege, but it is still a sinking ship.

And anyways. auditing is a fucked up version of the same idea of self-reflection used in other circles. Scientology is basically L.Ron.Hubbard stripping away other techniques and ideas from other systems.

You don't have to give up your search or ideas of progression, but you do have to get off the sinking ship.

But I still think your and idiot for being an adult and following through with this anyways.

*EDIT* Your on this forum, I assume you've played Fallout 2, I assume you've been to San-Fransisco....


Oh look, I haven't ever broken a bone in my body in this current life. Why, that means I've never broken a bone in my past lives. Oh yeah, there was that time I dislocated my shoulder at 17 years, that means every life before this one, at 17 years, I dislocated my shoulder. REVOLUTIONARY!

So does that mean the Japanese at Hiroshima, in their passed lives, where nuked on another world in another universe? Or did the Shogun lords used to launch magical nuclear warheads at eachother with catapults? O.0 No wonder the mongols couldn't invade.
Dopemine Cleric said:
So does that mean the Japanese at Hiroshima, in their passed lives, where nuked on another world in another universe?


And we all know, almost anything that's good the first time, is good twice.
Wow, a real life Scientologist (Assuming you aren't joking), I have to ask, what's the deal with psychiatrists, seriously, I am not fond of shrinks, just because I don't feel like becoming a pill popping social conformist but that doesn't mean that I believe that shrinks are evil.

There are those that need to be medicated due to them being dangerous to themselves or to their surroundings or unable to actually function in society, and as such that makes psychiatrists a necessary part of social balance.

I have a friend that was institutionalized, and well, he was quite squirrley, I mean he once thought a public transit bus was a fruit truck for crissakes, the fellow couldn't take care of himself and eventually fell down that spiral to the institution.

It was plain to see that he had something wrong in his head, no doubt about it, hopefully his stay will make him better able to handle the world at large.
Wow, a real life Scientologist (Assuming you aren't joking), I have to ask, what's the deal with psychiatrists, seriously, I am not fond of shrinks, just because I don't feel like becoming a pill popping social conformist but that doesn't mean that I believe that shrinks are evil.

Scientology is opposed to the field of psychology; we don't despise it like many make out. The reason this is the case is that psychiatrists systematically analyse behaviour, placing meaning and order behind all things life has to off. Life is a rich fabric of variation and shouldn't be simplified and compartmentalised to such a low level. Some people do need help. The majority of people who visit psychiatrists don't. For those who do Scientology (and a multitude of other groups, belief systems and techniques) has safer ways of cleansing the soul, or more precisely helping the troubled individual cleanse his/her soul.

There are those that need to be medicated due to them being dangerous to themselves or to their surroundings or unable to actually function in society, and as such that makes psychiatrists a necessary part of social balance.

We STRONGLY support the use of modern, 'western' medicine. It works. Drugs exist that DO help serious psychological issues. What we dislike is psychological analysis beyond that required for diagnosis of serious conditions. This happens all the time and is wrong, unproductive and damaging.

Dude, there are a vast amount of alternative religions and beliefs that you can follow besides Scientology. I can understand what you are looking for, and the act of ritual can be helpful, but I suggest you leave the organization you are with. The Titanic had a lot of good food, social activity, and prestiege, but it is still a sinking ship.

Like what? What other religion offers half of what Scientology does in terms of lifestyle improvement AND purification of the soul and mind?

And anyways. auditing is a fucked up version of the same idea of self-reflection used in other circles. Scientology is basically L.Ron.Hubbard stripping away other techniques and ideas from other systems.

No it isn't. May i ask how much you actually know of auditing? Many people hold a lot of silly ideas regarding it.

*EDIT* Your on this forum, I assume you've played Fallout 2, I assume you've been to San-Fransisco....

So? Fallout does not paint a very good picture of the Followers either or the Unity. These ideas can be compared to many other religions with far bigger reputations than my own. What has this got to do with anything?

Oh yes, I believe the lie that is unScientology. I am aggressive and close-minded, and hence, automatically your enemy. Strike me down now before my legions gather to war with your religion.

Don't be so dense.
Yoshi said:
Like what? What other religion offers half of what Scientology does in terms of lifestyle improvement AND purification of the soul and mind?

Ahahaha. No wait, wait, give me a second to catch my breath so I can respond. Ahahahahahahahaha.

Yoshi said:
Don't be so dense.

Says the open-minded Scientologist. I'm glad you can throw out words like 'dense' and 'close-minded'. You seem like you're having a fun time with it, don't let us unenlightened, unpure souls stop you.
I can't say I agree with your beliefs, some Sci-Fi writer makes a religion out of one of his books screams mental instability of the followers to some extent.

I know it sounds obtuse, but at the same time, I think of the Bible as just another book, some decent stories in it, but it's just a book, same with Dianetics, same with the Koran, same with any other written 'religious' document.

Psychiatrists are Scientists of the mind in the highest sense, without them we would have significantly less knowledge about many of the chemical imbalances that affect the mind.

Yes they are the least glamorous of the sciences, but they are still scientists, no less than other fields of anatomical or biological study in science, they are the only scientists that can have a practical application on a day to day life, making them a cross between scientists and doctors.

As I mentioned before, I'm not fond of them simply because I don't want to be a pill popping conformist, but things like stress, mental wellness, compulsions, etc. can have a medical and/or scientific reason behind it.

What scientology is saying to me in your comment "Scientology is opposed to the field of psychology; we don't despise it like many make out. The reason this is the case is that psychiatrists systematically analyse behaviour, placing meaning and order behind all things life has to off." Is that Scientology, despite it's name being derived from science, is advocating ignorance of scientific truth rather than enlightenment through scientific discovery.

Besides, my money is better spent making other people happy, you donate 300 bucks plus on a regular basis to multi-billionaire exploitationists (in my opinion) I donate 1000 plus dolars so that 300+ people who are generally cash strapped, have a fun convention hereabouts.

We both have our things we shell out for that some would call us crazy for, but I'd honestly like to know, why pay these fees rather than just get the book and get the same 'teachings' from it rather than from some con-artist (once again, in my opinion)
What do you think of this? Is it all lies to discredit this noble religion/following?

Some of it is indeed lies. Most of it is misinterpretations. Some of it is truth. It addresses a broad spectrum of issues, i am not going to write a discussion about the validity of all of them, i don't have the time or the motivation. If you wish to point out any specific claim i will happily address it.

I can't say I agree with your beliefs, some Sci-Fi writer makes a religion out of one of his books screams mental instability of the followers to some extent.

A common misconception is that Dianteics and/or other books Scientology is based on were originally fictional works. They were not. I can see how it may look. However are you really going to disregard Hubbard because he was a sci-fi writer? On this merit could a sci-fi writer never be a credible religious figure? Seems silly to me.

I know it sounds obtuse, but at the same time, I think of the Bible as just another book, some decent stories in it, but it's just a book, same with Dianetics, same with the Koran, same with any other written 'religious' document.

I do agree with you to an extent. As i have said, for me and MOST other Scientologists it is what you do that counts rather than what you read/believe.

As I mentioned before, I'm not fond of them simply because I don't want to be a pill popping conformist, but things like stress, mental wellness, compulsions, etc. can have a medical and/or scientific reason behind it.

Current research in genetics is starting to show their may be basic Scientifics reasons behind crime. Certainly detectable, perhaps even curable. If measures were designed based on this science it could be used to reduce crime levels. Would this be a good thing - yes. Would the policy be a good thing? Many, myself included would say no.

As I mentioned before, I'm not fond of them simply because I don't want to be a pill popping conformist, but things like stress, mental wellness, compulsions, etc. can have a medical and/or scientific reason behind it.

The science in Scientology refers to the basic roots of the word. 'Study of knowing'. This can be applied to many different contexts, in the case of Scientology this is a largely spiritual one which has some practical ramifications.

Besides, my money is better spent making other people happy, you donate 300 bucks plus on a regular basis to multi-billionaire exploitationists (in my opinion) I donate 1000 plus dolars so that 300+ people who are generally cash strapped, have a fun convention hereabouts.

A large, and increasing amount of the churches budget goes towards charitable work.

why pay these fees rather than just get the book and get the same 'teachings' from it rather than from some con-artist (once again, in my opinion)

Would it be better to learn the teachings of Jesus from a book or from the disciples themselves?

Says the open-minded Scientologist. I'm glad you can throw out words like 'dense' and 'close-minded'. You seem like you're having a fun time with it, don't let us unenlightened, unpure souls stop you.

Do you believe you are dense and close-minded?
I'm sorry, it's just too easy to have fun with this to continue in any serious manner from here on until the hilarity stops. Thank-you for the good times Yoshi, and good luck with your campaign to enlighten the readers of this thread.