
fedaykin said:
Ravager69, why do you consistently spell "Scientology" incorrectly?

Firstly - it is of no consequence to the matter itself. Secondly - it is a sign of disrespect I hold for them, not because I do not agree with their believes, but because of the nature of their organization.

Becuase, assuming there is no kind of god at all, what good comes out of scientology?
it is a sign of disrespect I hold for them, not because I do not agree with their believes, but because of the nature of their organization.

How can you not not agree with their beliefs? Do you believe the Xenu emperor or whatever existed? Do you agree with the nukes in the volcanoes part? ugh...
The Vault Dweller said:
I'm sorry Kharn, but where the Scientologists "charge" their people money I willingly give mine away. In fact I'm not even asked for it so I don't see how you can compare Scientology and Christianity.

Reheeeheeeeelly? It's not like there's something like, say, church membership fees for quite a number of churches, is there?
Giving with receiving goes against Scientologist beliefs. They can not exchange something for nothing.

Labour doesn't fall under that, so they do sometimes help out. Help out, note, in the framework of their own belief. Just like Christian priests do. But somehow when Scientologists do it, it's wrong

Just like with the Catholic Church, charity for Scientology is a completely self-serving concept. For both churches the goal of charity is never to help others, but rather to promote your beliefs unto others.
Not the Luthies, however I don't oft go to church anyways, actually I only go when I'm dragged there kicking and screaming on the more religious days that my family deems important that I make an appearance there (Easter, Christmas, etc.)

Plus, no offense intended to the Catholics here, but a lot of the time in the Catholic church you're told what's what no questions allowed, sounds a lot like the church of Scientology, at least Luthies are allowed to ask questions about the Bible and their interpretations, heck they're even encouraged to do so!
Well, certainly Lutherism has a more popular, humanist mindset. But plenty of other major religions (Catholicism, Islam, Judaism) do not.
Brother None said:
The Vault Dweller said:
I'm sorry Kharn, but where the Scientologists "charge" their people money I willingly give mine away. In fact I'm not even asked for it so I don't see how you can compare Scientology and Christianity.

Reheeeheeeeelly? It's not like there's something like, say, church membership fees for quite a number of churches, is there?

I've never encountered that, but it wouldn't surprise me. Especially with what I hear about "megachurches" and such where the services aren't just religious, but also "fun". People should go for prayer and the idea you could charge money to do so is ludicrous.

The Vault Dweller
Germany is on the verge of banning the "church" at the moment.

The reasoning, however, isn't the religious nature of it, the brainwashing or the money scams.

The reasoning is that it is a political organisation promoting anti-democratic ideas (i.e. Scientologists are allowed to treat outsiders ("raw meat") any way they please -- superiority of the chosen few).

I'm wondering how long it'll take them to realise that at least SOME of the major religions obviously share the same characteristics (Islam: infidels are a disgrace and can be killed; Judaism: Jews are the chosen people; Jehovah's Wittnesses et al: JW's/etc are the chosen people; etc etc) and that all others share at least SOME of the characteristics in one way or another.

Religion is the problem, not Scientology itself. Scientology is pseudo-science wrapped around a supernaturalist tale about mankind's "true capabilities". As long as "faith" is an excuse to shut out logical discourse, this kind of supernaturalist thinking will continue to appear in forms like Scientology, JW's, Mormonism (another pseudo-religious cash cow invented by a ruthless salesman, btw), etc.

Thinking outside the box and questioning the boundaries of current knowledge is a Good Thing. Swallowing religious dogma (or ANY dogma) so you don't have to use your intellect anymore is NOT.
Yes, it is very mocial a classist social cast within the church of scientology.

btw, for ythose of you who dont know, when a scifag reaches OT8, they supposedly gfgain telekentic powers nad the ability to fly and breathe in space and transcend reality and time.

For thew few who think it was a work of fiction, L Ron Hubbard, the writer of Diantetics and FOUNDER of the church of scientology, is the guy who created it.

Xenu is not god or jesus, he is actually the great evil in their religion, closer to the devil.

Scientology has very many unnaceptable practices, up to and including the right to sue people for leaving the religion. Yes, they sue you if you stop being a scientologist, for money you owe them for time they spent helping you. Even if you paid them. It is actually scientology 'scripture' to battle all dissenters with litigation en masse.

Scientology has a recorded record of attemtping to infiltrate and disrupt religions through oppression and secrecy and spying in illegal contexts.

In many aspects it is fair to say that it is not worse than other religions. Infact, in many aspects it is quit a good religion for people (i think all mysticism is silly, but people reserve their right to be silly if they want). But despite the belief itself being mostly harmless, the actual organization, the CoS and SeaOrg, are very fucking evil and out with malicious intent that they attempt to stifle in the most abusive means possible.

For the most part, listen to what BN has been saying, his opinion is either true or close enough to true that it should be taken that way. The ideas themselves are just weird, but thats a tenet of religion generally, fantasticism.
The Roman catholic church burned women at the stake, out and out killed whole villages or manipulated kings under their sway to do the dirty work for them 'in the name of god' and above all else, extorted their believer's faith for enough gold to make them the largest business in the 1300-1600.

The priests have been known to harbor malicious intent, and fanaticism, and many people have tried to fight back against the Roman Catholic church in the past. (Yay Luthies!)

Scientology = Roman Catholic MKII?

Is Scientology worse than any other religion?

Not really but at the same time, it's another one that rubs other religions the wrong way and in effect could perpetrate another holy war if it hasn't already.

If anything Scientology's inner workings are a lot like the old Roman Catholic church from before the Protestant revolt, so if you're gonna bring down Scientology, bring down Catholicism and any other religion that advocates ignorance in faith rather than knowledge and faith.
Thats jsut it, Scientology is run by people using modern tactics with a medieval goal.

They are a religious anachronism in the western world and must be destroyed, although it seems perfectly okay to let groups like freezone continue to survive (theyre the opposing group of scientologists that dont believe in the medieval tactics that the CoS uses)

Here is the tl;dr on Anonymous for those who are interested
mord sith said:
f you're gonna bring down Scientology, bring down Catholicism and any other religion that advocates ignorance in faith rather than knowledge and faith.

Comparing Scientology to the Roman Catholic Church is just plain retarded. Under the Borgias, maybe. Today? Please.
Or maybe Catholicism is so sneaky that their conspiracies go unnoticed!

Unlike those CoS amateurs


Organizations != religions
Wooz said:
mord sith said:
f you're gonna bring down Scientology, bring down Catholicism and any other religion that advocates ignorance in faith rather than knowledge and faith.

Comparing Scientology to the Roman Catholic Church is just plain retarded. Under the Borgias, maybe. Today? Please.

C'mon Wooz, keep it in context, I thought you knew better than that.

If anything Scientology's inner workings are a lot like the old Roman Catholic church from before the Protestant revolt, so if you're gonna bring down Scientology, bring down Catholicism and any other religion that advocates ignorance in faith rather than knowledge and faith.
No, Wooz is right. I think the Catholic Church has done a better job of getting its shit together than most other churches.

Ok, so as for history, the Catholics have a lot to answer for. But these days, you want corruption, a lot of the Protestants have the Catholics beat. The advantage of the Catholic Church is that its painful history gives it hindsight at what kinds of corruption are possible in the name of organized faith.
I didn't say he was wrong, just that he was responding to my post in an incorrect context. I had stated that I was comparing it to the pre-protestant revolt Roman Catholic Church. As for corruption in the protestant churches, I've experienced it firsthand so I'm not blind to it.

P.S. word to the wise, if any religion asks you to be a missionary, SAY NO, the advice they give you in their training camps / groups could very well get you killed in a third world country. Not to mention the fact that they promise funding that they then take away without notice after you're already mid-stream on your way out there.

And that's the Luthies, imagine what the Mormons do to you! :P :D
Is scientology way fucking weird?
Maybe, but so is this.

Note to self: Create own religion.

Preferably one with a giant robot god that requires defeat by several smaller yet equally powerful transforming robots.
Hmm... Giant robots, check,

Will the chosen be able to pilot the smaller transforming robots?

if so where do I sign? :D :P