Yes, it is very mocial a classist social cast within the church of scientology.
btw, for ythose of you who dont know, when a scifag reaches OT8, they supposedly gfgain telekentic powers nad the ability to fly and breathe in space and transcend reality and time.
For thew few who think it was a work of fiction, L Ron Hubbard, the writer of Diantetics and FOUNDER of the church of scientology, is the guy who created it.
Xenu is not god or jesus, he is actually the great evil in their religion, closer to the devil.
Scientology has very many unnaceptable practices, up to and including the right to sue people for leaving the religion. Yes, they sue you if you stop being a scientologist, for money you owe them for time they spent helping you. Even if you paid them. It is actually scientology 'scripture' to battle all dissenters with litigation en masse.
Scientology has a recorded record of attemtping to infiltrate and disrupt religions through oppression and secrecy and spying in illegal contexts.
In many aspects it is fair to say that it is not worse than other religions. Infact, in many aspects it is quit a good religion for people (i think all mysticism is silly, but people reserve their right to be silly if they want). But despite the belief itself being mostly harmless, the actual organization, the CoS and SeaOrg, are very fucking evil and out with malicious intent that they attempt to stifle in the most abusive means possible.
For the most part, listen to what BN has been saying, his opinion is either true or close enough to true that it should be taken that way. The ideas themselves are just weird, but thats a tenet of religion generally, fantasticism.