CT Phipps
Carbon Dated and Proud

Edit function. Use it, Phipps.
I bet you feel silly!
I will attribute the problem of him not interesting enough in the original was because they didn't adapt the topic of authentic living beings that's so heavily evoked in the book at all. The stuff with synthetic animals being a commodity in the market, and genuine living animals being a thing of rarity and the most sought-out commodity in the world depicted by the book, AND also Mercerism.... this two topics is what made Deckard an actually interesting character in the book.
Alas, the movie adaptation decided to shift the focus on the synths (Rachel, and Roy Batty and co), and so does 2049 building up upon the ground laid by its predecessor, instead of taking cues from the book (or perhaps there were elements of the book present in 2049, I need to rewatch it).
Well, the movies are literally opposite in their points so you can't really adapt them well. The Replicants are "fake" humans in the Dick novel and meant to evoke Nazism as people who are not people. They don't possess empathy and are a bunch of Uncanny Valley people who shouldn't exist. Ridley Scott made the somewhat justifiable observation that if you have a book about Nazis, maybe the Nazis should be the people exterminating the enslaved underclass.
And once you have that happen, all the other topics fall to the wayside.
As for 2049, I have the opinion it's inferior because it kind of does nothing with the premise. It takes it as a given the Replicants are all human and there's nothing really questionable about it. The most interesting character choice is the fact JOI is probably NOT sentient.