MGS 3 might be a better game but MGS had a better story imo. MGS 3 felt more like Bond, less like Snake Plisken, and I can't have that.
Do remember that Metal Gear Solid was sort of a remake of Metal Gear 2 Solid Snake.
I actually found that game a bit more enjoyable but that is probably because I enjoy 8 bit/ 18 bit sprite graphics. It wasn't as verbose as MGS sometimes was.
It did have some ridiculous elements that broke away from the seriousness of the story and setting such as using an owl to convince a guard that it is night time. Doesn't the guy see the sun in the sky to realize that that is not so?
Other that the MGS3 tend to be more filled with cutscenes in every part one thing I also did not like about MGS3 is that when option are offered to go full action such as when I found a couple of machine gun turrets on a mountain range with which I could take down a patrolling HIND helicopter that doing so will always get you into trouble.
Every time I entered a new map I felt I had to sneak around and knock out all the guards in order to proceed.