So, can we talk about what Fallout 4 does well?

The gunplay and melee are incredibly satisfying. Combat has never felt better. Character models are a huge step up from the potato people of the Capital Wasteland and the Mojave, their animations are greatly improved too. Moving around is fluid and isn't sudden janky turns.

Power armor is great, but I would prefer if some models such as the T-51b didn't require fusion cores to operate and that power armor was still rare end game gear like in previous installments. Other than that PA is the best it's ever been.
Crafting system is cool in concept, the intro is good even though it's clearly rushed, the Institute is really advanced and I like the move to extremely advanced tech in Fallout as long as it isn't pre-war and it doesn't contradict the world. Nick Valentine is kind of a cool character, I like that the east coast BOS and west coast are communicating again but since they ruined the east coast Brotherhood by turning them into nazis, that makes that point a negative now. Custom built settlements is cool but not my thing, writing got better and worse in some areas, their attempt to be "gray" was a nice effort, even though it ended up failing in the end. I also like what they did with the graphics, I don't think they're that bad.

The leveling system, I thought, was good at first but with how they treated speech builds and how it's almost impossible to make a balanced character, removing any possibility of stat based speech checks? Yeah, that made me hate it, a lot. I like it in concept though, instead of piecing out your skill points into multiple things, you have to chose one or the other, making the decisions more difficult, if they fixed it up and renamed it, I think it could make for a cool system but at this point, I'd just prefer them to bring back the old system. And that's pretty much all I've got. I didn't even like the shooting, I guess I'm alone on that one.
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-Power Armor feels great. Certainly the best iteration of that equipment in the series. A personal favorite moment was deliberaly going up Trinity Tower and jumping all the way down. My only gripe is how it breaks a bit too fast, my T-60 suit can only take so much damage before repairs but my Vault Suit survived all the wear and tear since leaving the Vault intact. The fusion cores were enough of a limiting element IMO.

-Some action sequences are cool. Such as a quest from the Brotherhood where you minigun a Behemoth from a Vertibird or setting up a firing line of NPCs and luring a horde of Mirelurks to it in Taking Independance.

-The BoS is pretty interesting, less of a band of goodie two shoes and more in line with the Midwestern Brotherhood. Terminals on the Prydwen also humanizes them a bit, I liked that some of them have a contest of who can best drop down from the airship in their PA.

-Crafting system is nice. My only gripe is that removing the mods of an item is only possible if you can replace it with a standard mod, costing ressources for no real reason. But being able to turn my laser rifle into a sniper or my 10mm pistol into an automatic is a good way to keep lower tier weapons fun and relevant. Albeit some of the Legendary mods are silly, unlimited ammo capacity anyone?

-Some of the companions (Cait, Nick, Piper) are enjoyable. Albeit the companion wheel from NV was far superior to the system here.

-The Glowing Sea looks very cool, and is appropriately dangerous, being filled with bloodbugs, Deathclaws and Radscorpions who appear out of nowhere. A breath of fresh air in Bethesda's usual overly level scaled worlds.

-The robots have the best quests, such as the General Atomics Galleria and the USS Constitution quest.
I love dropping off the Prydwen with Power Armor. I did the same in the Mass Fusion quest instead of taking the real way down.

I don't get the praise for the General Atomics Galleria, I got there, there were just a couple of Mr Handys selling generic fooditems and I was given 150 caps for going up an elevator but didn't find much to do as most other Mr handys didn't give me any dialogue options. Did I miss something there?

I liked the idea of the Robot Derby..... too bad is just an Enemy infested ruin, would've been a cool side activity, either entering Codsworth on it, or building your own racing robot and such.
I found out who's been making those mole rats with mines on them. This is a place that I randomly stumbled upon while bumbling my way through the city. It's a small parking garage full of those nasty beasts, ticking along.

If you kill or attack them (and it's hard to convince your companions not to) you will have to fight this character:


But, if you've got the Animal Friend perk and charm them instead:


Then you can talk to her (Yellow powder, white powder, burnt tree = sulphur, saltpeter, charcoal = gunpowder), and help yourself to some paydirt on her table:




There's nothing else going on in this building, no Fusion Cores or Legendary Super Mutants, but I think that the little moments like these are the best parts of the game.


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I don't get the praise for the General Atomics Galleria, I got there, there were just a couple of Mr Handys selling generic fooditems and I was given 150 caps for going up an elevator but didn't find much to do as most other Mr handys didn't give me any dialogue options. Did I miss something there?
You should talk to the Handies (save first) before you go up and talk to the Director. Their malfunctions are pretty hilarious in a dark humor sort of way. Like, if you sit down as the Waitron tells you to, it will then ask how you would like to be served - boiled, mashed or burned - because its code tells it that serving customers is a high priority. With good Charisma you can tell it you're not hungry, and it will let you go.
You can Hack the terminal in the basement if your Charisma isn't good enough to talk to the Director (only an easy check is required to get past Tenpin).
When you've charmed the Director you can loot Biometric scanners from the dead Handies, these contain Nuclear Material which is hard to come by initially, and there's an Alarm Clock which also has Nuclear Material in the basement. There is tons and tons of Lead in The Champ's arena from the weights. My character also bought a red dress from Reg.
It's not that the place has anything particularly interesting in the way of loot, but I think the robots' speeches are very well written. And it's nice to find a place in the Wasteland where nobody is shooting at you and everyone's friendly.
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This game made me appreciate Fallout 1,2, Tactics and New Vegas and go right back to playing them so I guess it did do something right.
Tongue in cheek making fun of Bethesda's 'environmental story telling'

[h=1]Fallout 4 Takes Environmental Storytelling to the Next Level[/h]

These incredible stories from the wasteland demonstrate Bethesda's knack for visual storytelling.

"I was on a quest to shoot a bunch of raiders. Someone asked me to shoot the raiders and my options were 'Raiders?' 'Yes' 'No' and 'Maybe'. I'm roleplaying a character that does shoot raiders, so I chose Yes.

Anyway, after I shot the raiders I looked around the remains of the house we had been fighting in. Just sweeping the area for ammo and stimpaks.

That was when it happened. I came upon a skeleton. It was sitting in a recliner. There, on the chair's armrest, was a bottle. This scene introduced so many questions. What was going on with that bottle? How did he die in that chair? Incredible."


"I had just finished a quest that involved shooting a lot of enemies. Taking a few moments to explore my surroundings, I came upon a skeleton. Laying next to him was a mannequin.

Was this guy sleeping with the mannequin? Or did he keep it nearby as a sad substitute for human interaction, like the Will Smith movie I Am Legend?

It really made me think some deep thoughts. Then I stomped across the skeleton and his mannequin to pick up a box of bottlecaps."


"I was on my way to shoot a bunch of enemies for a quest. I had just shot a bunch of enemies while wandering around, then met an NPC and escorted it while we shot a bunch of enemies. The NPC entered a door by standing perfectly still in front of it, then fading out of existence.

Earlier I had used my high Charisma to completely change the quest by asking for a bigger reward for shooting enemies, so I was really getting into my character.

Then I stumbled into environmental storytelling. I knew it was environmental storytelling because there was a skeleton next to a thing.

In this case, the thing was a fishing pole. The skeleton was on a pier. It made me wonder how much this guy liked fishing. Probably a lot!

I was interrupted by some enemies that I had to shoot, but that skeleton with a fishing pole made me feel connected to the game world in a very real and very deep way."


"Saw a skeleton next to another skeleton, and a kickball on the ground between them. Wow. Doubly powerful because there were two skeletons. They must have really liked kickball.

Later, I was shooting an enemy. After pumping four bullets into its head to take its health down by one quarter, I had to reload. That's when I saw another skeleton. This skeleton was laying on a blanket with its hands casually behind its head, wearing sunglasses.

You see, this skeleton was once a person. It was sunbathing when it died. The scene was simultaneously somber and comedic.

I shot the enemy in the head twelve more times to finish it off. Then I turned in the quest to someone who did not acknowledge any of my character's SPECIAL stats. It's amazing what big-budget games can do nowadays."

It makes you feel like 'connected' man.
Maybe the main quest of Fallout 5 will be told exclusively by skeletons :wink:, you should name your protagonist Skeletor at that point.
Maybe the main quest of Fallout 5 will be told exclusively by skeletons :wink:, you should name your protagonist Skeletor at that point.
The guy who made all the skeleton models for Oblivion and Skyrim is secretly controlling Todd Howard by making him read hateful newspapers written by ancient aliens, so he HAS to put in hundreds of them in every game.
This game made me appreciate Fallout 1,2, Tactics and New Vegas and go right back to playing them so I guess it did do something right.

Playing Fallout New Vegas, and loving it.

I'm having trouble playing Fallout 4 for more than 10 minutes because it has just gotten stupid beyond belief, and now New Vegas looks very attractive. I think I will be going back to that.
It's an impressive Skyrim mod, though slightly buggy/glitchy with some CTD issues.

The thing about the voice acting in this game is that it is not bad, it simply feels like Bethesda took all the npc's from the world of Elderscrolls and transferred them over to the Fallout universe. The people of the new Fallout universe don't give me the impression that they are full of despair like the previous fallout games did prior to Fallout 3, so it's not bad imo, just doesn't capture the feel of the atmosphere like the previous games did.
That being said, I do like Nick Valentine voice acting and his character. From what I have read on NMA, people don't seem to like the AI bots Synths, well, being a fan of Fallout Tactics (highly underrated game imo) I can picture Synths being part of the Fallout universe. I can't however for the life of me see why Bethesda decided to add Teleportation in to this world and telekinesis (magic), maybe because now it gives their writers an excuse to explain everything with a simple sentence: "Because magic".

I'm enjoying the game overall, not as a Fallout game, but more like a fan made Skyrim mod with guns and Fallout theme.
I like the fact that there are many more unique building interiors then in fallout 3. Which makes the world feel much more organic and real compared to DC. Also having Boston be wide open on the same cell as the wasteland is a massive improvement as well.
I can't however for the life of me see why Bethesda decided to add Teleportation in to this world and telekinesis (magic), maybe because now it gives their writers an excuse to explain everything with a simple sentence: "Because magic".

I'm enjoying the game overall, not as a Fallout game, but more like a fan made Skyrim mod with guns and Fallout theme.
It's worth noting the old quote "sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" Don't forget New Vegas has pre-war replicators in dead money.
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I like the fact that there are many more unique building interiors then in fallout 3. Which makes the world feel much more organic and real compared to DC. Also having Boston be wide open on the same cell as the wasteland is a massive improvement as well.
I can't however for the life of me see why Bethesda decided to add Teleportation in to this world and telekinesis (magic), maybe because now it gives their writers an excuse to explain everything with a simple sentence: "Because magic".

I'm enjoying the game overall, not as a Fallout game, but more like a fan made Skyrim mod with guns and Fallout theme.
It's worth noting the old quote "sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" Don't forget New Vegas has pre-war replicators in dead money.

Haven't played Dead Money yet, but I need to try it.
I like the fact that there are many more unique building interiors then in fallout 3. Which makes the world feel much more organic and real compared to DC. Also having Boston be wide open on the same cell as the wasteland is a massive improvement as well.
I can't however for the life of me see why Bethesda decided to add Teleportation in to this world and telekinesis (magic), maybe because now it gives their writers an excuse to explain everything with a simple sentence: "Because magic".

I'm enjoying the game overall, not as a Fallout game, but more like a fan made Skyrim mod with guns and Fallout theme.
It's worth noting the old quote "sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" Don't forget New Vegas has pre-war replicators in dead money.

Haven't played Dead Money yet, but I need to try it.

Probably the best DLC I ever played. It's difficult, though. Make sure you feel prepared before going in.
I like the fact that there are many more unique building interiors then in fallout 3. Which makes the world feel much more organic and real compared to DC. Also having Boston be wide open on the same cell as the wasteland is a massive improvement as well.
I can't however for the life of me see why Bethesda decided to add Teleportation in to this world and telekinesis (magic), maybe because now it gives their writers an excuse to explain everything with a simple sentence: "Because magic".

I'm enjoying the game overall, not as a Fallout game, but more like a fan made Skyrim mod with guns and Fallout theme.
It's worth noting the old quote "sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" Don't forget New Vegas has pre-war replicators in dead money.

Haven't played Dead Money yet, but I need to try it.

Probably the best DLC I ever played. It's difficult, though. Make sure you feel prepared before going in.

Combat armour and a shotgun. All I need.

And Boone...
I like the fact that there are many more unique building interiors then in fallout 3. Which makes the world feel much more organic and real compared to DC. Also having Boston be wide open on the same cell as the wasteland is a massive improvement as well.
I can't however for the life of me see why Bethesda decided to add Teleportation in to this world and telekinesis (magic), maybe because now it gives their writers an excuse to explain everything with a simple sentence: "Because magic".

I'm enjoying the game overall, not as a Fallout game, but more like a fan made Skyrim mod with guns and Fallout theme.
It's worth noting the old quote "sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" Don't forget New Vegas has pre-war replicators in dead money.

Haven't played Dead Money yet, but I need to try it.

Probably the best DLC I ever played. It's difficult, though. Make sure you feel prepared before going in.

Combat armour and a shotgun. All I need.

And Boone...

Too bad you start without gear and companions :D