Ah, I found it, it's nepotism for family, cronyism for friends, and favouritism as a catch-all term for behaviour in the same category. Typically, cronyism isn't used a lot, and favouritism among friends is used interchangeably with nepotism.
Still, I don't think Emil would need to have nepotism to stay hired. His work ethic and standards seems to be roughly equal to that of Todd Howard, which is to say, I've seen indie developers of three put in more effort with the use of less time.
I really want to avoid directly insulting developers since I hate the practice of doing so but it's particularly ridiculous to me how Bethesda Game Studios can be so behind the times yet simultaneously ignore all the progress of old advancements in gaming.
So they don't learn from the AAA, mass-produced, pretty-graphics linear action games of today, yet they learn nothing from the classic, well-developed games that Fallout was a part of once. It makes it seem suspiciously absurd.
The reason I don't believe Bethesda bribes reviewers is that I don't believe that would even be enough to overlook the glaring flaws.
You can pay a traffic cop to overlook your running of the red light, but you can't exactly cash off under the table when your crime is crashing a burning truck into a hospital and causing it to explode.
What other reason, apart from paying people and favouritism, or even rabid fanboyism, keeps Bethesda Game Studios afloat? I understand Softworks - they're just like all the AAA publishers, and they do hang onto pretty decent studios like the ones that made Dishonored, Rage, and Wolfenstein, but how is it that apart from those three reasons Fallout 4 is able to stand?
Is it...
actually good?!

Okay, jokes aside, back to the point. I think we've come full circle here. So we're back to the lore again - until DLC comes out, I don't think we'll find anything more than those two glaring quests, an overall lack of consistency, stereotyped companions, and shallow factions. And no, don't give me the "you forgot" because we've gone over that more times than I can count. If I missed anything, you've probably already said it
in a previous page.