
Are you going to be a Bethesdafag?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 4 7.0%
  • No.

    Votes: 34 59.6%
  • I am a hypocrite.

    Votes: 12 21.1%
  • I like to whine a lot about things I am the reason for sucking.

    Votes: 7 12.3%

  • Total voters
I'll probably get this eventually. But, I'm in absolutely no hurry for this one. I can wait until all the DLCs are released and it goes on a Steam sale. I got enough games in my library I haven't played yet.
So let me get this straight, Bethesda releases a bunch of trailers and gameplay footage for Starfield, all of which had shitty performance and stuttering, and now we’re supposed to take solace that it’s not actually going to play this way because a bunch of live action soyjacks speaking on behalf of Digital Foundry said so lmao. I think this is the most transparent paid off interview I’ve seen as of recent. They’re literally showing footage of the game running like shit and saying “This isn’t real it’s just the video recording of the gameplay.” Lmfao

I've read a bunch of posts on RPGcodex' thread that says that a lot of people are saying the game
  1. very smooth
  2. load times are super quick
  3. the least buggy release Bethesda's ever had
I have my doubts but, I dunno, there is a pattern to the reports.
Then again I think everyone who played the demo had to sign an NDA or something (lol).

I'll probably get this eventually. But, I'm in absolutely no hurry for this one. I can wait until all the DLCs are released and it goes on a Steam sale. I got enough games in my library I haven't played yet.
That's the right idea!
Always wait for sales.

Well, it's just like I thought then, you land on a spot on the planet and the planet loads a map from the spaceships middle point, allowing you to go X amount of distance in any direction and then hit an invisible wall, meaning you have to return to your ship, return out to space, click a different spot on the planet slightly to whatever side it was that you wanted to explore and then land again. Meanwhile in NMS you can just zoop around as you please. So the whole selling point for Starfield being planet exploration is basically worse than a 7 year old indie game. That's nice.


Or not?

Then again, it is Pete.
A comment on the FJ page said this message pops up in the tutorial area after walking 40 min in a direction.
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Yeah, no, the game will run like shit at very least on release. There's no way a Bethesda game on release will never not run shit because several of their games right now can run like shit in many areas of the game on high end pcs because Bethesda is terrible at optimizing their games. You need unofficial patches to boost perfomance.

And being the least bugged release means nothing when it will be bugged to shit. Every new version of Skyrim they release always bring back bugs that were squashed by patches in previous versions, so i wouldn't be surprised if a ton of bugs are carried over from previous games.
Yeah, no, the game will run like shit at very least on release. There's no way a Bethesda game on release will never not run shit because several of their games right now can run like shit in many areas of the game on high end pcs because Bethesda is terrible at optimizing their games. You need unofficial patches to boost perfomance.

And being the least bugged release means nothing when it will be bugged to shit. Every new version of Skyrim they release always bring back bugs that were squashed by patches in previous versions, so i wouldn't be surprised if a ton of bugs are carried from previous games.
I also read a post (remember your daily grain of salt) that said that Microsoft is relying so heavily on having just one single hit that will make Xbox worth a damn that they told 'Thesda to spend a year on just polishing it and apparently brought in their own QA team to make sure that the game works properly.
I was about to ask if this is Bethesda's 1st major release since being bought by MS does this mean the game actually went through Q&A this time. I guess that answers that question. That said how does one quantify least buggiest Betheda game? Instead of falling through the map I just sink into it up to my neck?
I was about to ask if this is Bethesda's 1st major release since being bought by MS does this mean the game actually went through Q&A this time. I guess that answers that question. That said how does one quantify least buggiest Betheda game? Instead of falling through the map I just sink into it up to my neck?
My guess is that the game is playtested for the first X amount of hours to make sure it is polished for long enough to get people beyond a refund period.

On that note, the game's tutorial is basically 4 hours long so you're not gonna be able to get to "the real game" before you run out of the refund period on Steam. I wonder why they would something so kooky.
All of this is already in No Man’s Sky, and probably more polished and hand crafted than Starfield ever will be, even after all the DLC comes out for that game (which will probably mostly be workshop DLC like they pulled with Fallout 4).

well i'm pretty sure No Mans Sky has no space combat in it. Its more of a Space-Exploration type game. i could be wrong though. You go around collecting resources, and mining space minerals. which has its appeal. but i need a little bit more stuff to do then that.

Space Battles are going to be pretty fun in Starfield i think. Reminds me of the Star Wars Battlefront games from the PS2 where there was Space Battles in that game but more Star-Wars esque.

Starfield seems more like Skyrim but Space or Fallout but Space mostly blended into Starfield. Which is where i think the appeal of the game will be for Starfield is going to be that people who want a fallout/elder scrolls esque bethesda space game while No Man Sky is more for people who want a pure space exploration game with no gimmicky bethesda appeal in it as its probably more polished the Starfield will be.
well i'm pretty sure No Mans Sky has no space combat in it. Its more of a Space-Exploration type game. i could be wrong though. You go around collecting resources, and mining space minerals. which has its appeal. but i need a little bit more stuff to do then that.

Space Battles are going to be pretty fun in Starfield i think. Reminds me of the Star Wars Battlefront games from the PS2 where there was Space Battles in that game but more Star-Wars esque.

Starfield seems more like Skyrim but Space or Fallout but Space mostly blended into Starfield. Which is where i think the appeal of the game will be for Starfield is going to be that people who want a fallout/elder scrolls esque bethesda space game while No Man Sky is more for people who want a pure space exploration game with no gimmicky bethesda appeal in it as its probably more polished the Starfield will be.
No Man's Sky has space combat, not super complex or anything but it has it. Currently playing it.
You'd be surprised. Bethesda consoomers have heeded the call and preordered it en masse.
Yeah basically "Shut up and take my money."
Like War consumers never change.

That's the right idea!
Always wait for sales.

The most relevant response when it comes to buying new games these days. Barely any title and I mean almost everyone is worth buying full price these days, unless you want to support the developer because they are independent developers and their project holds promise. That is what I did with Starcom Unknown Space because I thought Starcom Nexus was neat to play.
I wanted to mention that game earlier BTW when we were discussing the plot spoilers of Starfield.

In Starcom Nexus it is revealed that the player, their starship, and home port were not just transported to another part of the universe but were also thrown in its past. The crew start picking up hints that other ships and people from a future version of the Starcom organization were also brought to the past after an AI they developed discovered that it could use the technology to move things instantly over great distances could also move things in time. The AI, programmed to make humanity the most advanced and dominant species as possible decided to change this part of the galaxy to suit the needs of the humans that had come with it. A large number had already started worshiping it as a god. To accomplish this goal the AI set out to exterminate all advanced space faring species in this region. Not all of Starcom agreed with it and a rebellion rose up to stop the AI but it was a war that they barely could not win with the AI destroying many of the colonies of the rebel faction. The rebels however managed to trap the AI and the humans loyal to it in a dyson sphere. After that they created a race of lesser AI robots that were instructed that should more humans arrive in the region with technology that could alter human history should they ever make it back to human space or possibly set the AI free, to force these newcomers to give up their technology and be confined to single planets. The AI sought to thwart the plan by creating the rift that brought the player (who is from an earlier part in Starcom history) to this part of space, it knowing that these humans in the search for a way home would come looking for it. Both the AI and the rebel faction have left behind dozens of technological relics such as stargates.
Yeah even games I'm "hyped" for I will wait until they go down to 40 bucks. However those are veeeeeeeeeeeeery few. Elden Ring was one of them. REvil 4R is probably another one. BG3 might be a third. Other than that I dunno if there's any game I have any remote hype for that's 60+ bucks.

However I will buy Slime Rancher and Streets Of Rogue 2 at launch most likely.
Bethesda’s first “next gen game” is locked at 30 FPS, No NVIDIA DLSS setting, jitters like shit in all gameplay footage officially published or shown, invisible walls on so-claimed endless planets, their own PR manager claims the game doesn’t even start until after the main quest, am I missing something else?

Are we in for another Fallout 76 disaster or have Bethesda fans reinforced their hearts for this shit company since then?

Takes 10 minutes before reaching the invisible barrier. What a joke.

:lmao: JFL motherfuckers can't do shit right. Even a group of semi-amateur indie developers managed to make seamless planetary traversal work fine for Kerbal Space Program and those turbotards at Bethsoft can't do it even with billions of Zenimax/Microsoft dollars thrown their way. FML

Takes 10 minutes before reaching the invisible barrier. What a joke.

Could be the tutorial area. I heard that is the one with a limit to it.
Anyway, If that's one of the planets without life on it then that looks like planet exploration on non-habitable planets is going to be dull. Just sand and rocks, sand and rock, sand and rocks. Oh wait, look over there, it's sand and rocks!
So if they're gonna have 1000 planets how many are going to be this repetitive?

Well, it's just like I thought then, you land on a spot on the planet and the planet loads a map from the spaceships middle point, allowing you to go X amount of distance in any direction and then hit an invisible wall, meaning you have to return to your ship, return out to space, click a different spot on the planet slightly to whatever side it was that you wanted to explore and then land again. Meanwhile in NMS you can just zoop around as you please. So the whole selling point for Starfield being planet exploration is basically worse than a 7 year old indie game. That's nice.


Or not?

Then again, it is Pete.
A comment on the FJ page said this message pops up in the tutorial area after walking 40 min in a direction.
Does this mean the planet is only a sandbox similar to Skyrim or the whole planet can be explored but it has to load in sections? It'd be surprising if they lied to this extent.

Meanwhile in NMS you can just zoop around as you please. So the whole selling point for Starfield being planet exploration is basically worse than a 7 year old indie game. That's nice.
Yeah but as much as I like NMS its not really to hot on the terrain either. We're talking ME1 Mako levels in terms of detail.