So, how about that? A kinda sorta low-mid budget title made by guys mostly infamous for a really shitty Rambo game made a surprisingly decent Terminator game. I haven't played it myself yet (but I sure will soon), but from what I heard it really nails the atmosphere of the future-war-scenes from the first two movies, and delivers a better and more fitting Terminator story than, uh, I lost count, we are at how many shitty Terminator movies by now? Three? Four? Doesn't matter, Resistance seems to be pretty good despite some issues, and given the similarities between its mechanics and Fallout 4's mechanics it's arguably a better Fallout game than that, too.
So it's not the most innovative game, but you know, I consider anything good in the Terminator franchise to be innovative these days, and a faithful video game adapation that does things competently is also innovative in its own way.
The soundtrack seems to be awesome, too. Great main theme variation.
Funny, Bethesda made two great Terminator games in the 90s, using their Daggerfall engine. Then they shat the bed and ruined Fallout. And now some Polish dudes come along and make a Terminator game that's also basically a better Fallout 4, and that makes this a timeline so fucked it could have been from one of the last three or four Terminator movies.
So rambling post aside, anyone played this yet?
So it's not the most innovative game, but you know, I consider anything good in the Terminator franchise to be innovative these days, and a faithful video game adapation that does things competently is also innovative in its own way.
The soundtrack seems to be awesome, too. Great main theme variation.
Funny, Bethesda made two great Terminator games in the 90s, using their Daggerfall engine. Then they shat the bed and ruined Fallout. And now some Polish dudes come along and make a Terminator game that's also basically a better Fallout 4, and that makes this a timeline so fucked it could have been from one of the last three or four Terminator movies.
So rambling post aside, anyone played this yet?