Terminator: Resistance - Now with Annihilation Line DLC


For hate's sake.
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Board Cop oTO
So, how about that? A kinda sorta low-mid budget title made by guys mostly infamous for a really shitty Rambo game made a surprisingly decent Terminator game. I haven't played it myself yet (but I sure will soon), but from what I heard it really nails the atmosphere of the future-war-scenes from the first two movies, and delivers a better and more fitting Terminator story than, uh, I lost count, we are at how many shitty Terminator movies by now? Three? Four? Doesn't matter, Resistance seems to be pretty good despite some issues, and given the similarities between its mechanics and Fallout 4's mechanics it's arguably a better Fallout game than that, too.
So it's not the most innovative game, but you know, I consider anything good in the Terminator franchise to be innovative these days, and a faithful video game adapation that does things competently is also innovative in its own way.
The soundtrack seems to be awesome, too. Great main theme variation.

Funny, Bethesda made two great Terminator games in the 90s, using their Daggerfall engine. Then they shat the bed and ruined Fallout. And now some Polish dudes come along and make a Terminator game that's also basically a better Fallout 4, and that makes this a timeline so fucked it could have been from one of the last three or four Terminator movies.

So rambling post aside, anyone played this yet?
The only Resistance game I know is Insomniac's playstation exclusive.

So what's the basic premise for this game?
You're a dude in the Reistance against Skynet in the future war, sole survivor of your cell.
You meet up with some civilian survivors and help them out, then catch with with Tech-Com again. Then you fight against Skynet, with the game basically ending with the premises of the first two games.
Pretty much. The game is apparently nothing special, but y'know, a game simply being SOLID and COMPETENT doesn't mean it's bad, it's just not outstanding. Although, as I said, any instance of the Terminator franchise not shitting the bed in the 21st century is pretty much outstanding by itself.
Sarah Connor Chronicles was great by that standard, too, fite me irl.
I lost interest in Terminator after trying to watch the third movie. It couldn't beat Judgement Day and it sure as shit couldn't look in Terminator 1's general direction
Terminator 1 is a masterpiece. Terminator 2 is still great despite being so 90s it has an edgy kid in it. After that, nothing Terminator exists, besides maybe Future Shock and Skynet (the games), and Sarah Connor Chronicles.
Apparently, Resistance ignores absolutely everything besides Terminator 1 and 2. Which is the proper thing to do.
After the disaster that it was their Rambo game, it wasn't really hard to make something better. But this looks actually somewhat interesting. Might check out in the future, maybe get it on sale.

Looks like a good AA game. I didn't even know it had skills, side missions or different endings. I'll be checking out on sale.
It literally has the same lockpicking mechanics that Fallout 4 and Skyrim have.
Pretty cool game. I'm in the end of my second mission (find Colin? Or what his name). Good gun-play and atmosphere.
I did not know no one had opened a topic about this game yet.
My friend David gifted me a copy around my birthday and while my current computer can not run it completely properly I still enjoyed playing it.

Like you said Hassknecht, it is not a very innovative game or perhaps the best in its genre as it has its shortcomings and flaws here and there.
But as a sci fi shooter it is pretty acceptable and as Terminator licensed game it is one of the games we have seen in ages since the 90s, and I would like to say arguably better than those.

For one it nails the scenes we saw of the Future War/War against the Machines so well with the inclusion of the Skynet machines we saw in those movies, ones that were scrapped but were mentioned in the design documents such as silverfish, and good developer made additional designs.
The only one design missing I would like to have seen in the HK Centurion.

The only title I know I could compare this game to is Terminator Dawn of Fate on the PS2 and original Xbox. It was not very well received at the time and it has its own flaws and limitations, for example I did not like the forced 3D cameras similar to those of Resident Evil 1-3, and found it a shame that the Tech Com resistance soldiers did not look like their movie counterparts but the rest visually that game so much resembled the future we saw in Terminator 1 and 2 unlike later technically better games such as Terminator 3 The Redemption but which Future War felt so style wise different from what we saw in T1 and T2, the Future War I wanted to visit in game.

Resistance is in many ways what I wanted Dawn of Fate to be.

There is still plenty of room for improvement.
- The AI of the Terminators themselves is rather weak but a mod can improve this.
- It would probably have made sense if the the Machines were networked and warned each other the moment you attack one of them.
- A lot of the models and textures feel last gen, not that I might it but I do wish the cars looked a bit more detailed
Animation could probably also have been greatly expanded.
- The flying HK's could probably be more of a threat.
- Perhaps more emphasis on Stealth? Especially on the more difficult levels? The levels clearly are designed for a stealth approach.
One of the most nail biting scenes is probably in the hospital.

But yeah, Terminator Resistance is basically Fallout 4 done better with a movie IP attached to it.

I honestly hope we will get to see some DLC (I would rather say Expansion Packs) for this game.

As for the complaints of "respected" sources of game journalism such as IGN, check the Steam forums and Meta critic what most gamers who played this felt of those.
I guess it's basically a cross between the two old Terminator games, Future Shock and Skynet, and Fallout 4.

I liked those old games, they did the atmosphere justice with the limited technology available.
For games from 1995/96 they had some rather advanced features, like open, non-linear levels, a proper coherent story, vehicle sections, and rifle scopes that actually animate properly, something that even modern games rarely do.
It would have been awesome if Resistance has a big open map like Terminator Future Shock and Terminator Skynet but the current maps work.

There is actually a fan project that seeks to make a more open world Terminator-War against the Machines game but the name has escaped me.
This game was truly great! A bit on the easy side even though I played on hard and the AI could have been better but otherwise it was a solid experience.

I wish they will keep adding to it and that it eventually becomes a masterpiece.
Perhaps you might have read about it but someone who went through Infiltrator DLC's files found file maps and models that suggest that there might be a second DLC in development that will have a full new single player campaign which includes the appearance of Kyle Reese, Ferro, and the HK Centurion, a machine that Cameron made concept art for but never appeared in Terminator 1 or 2. (it did appear in Terminator Dawn of Fate)