Don't come in here with your Protocols of the Elders of Meccah views of Islam and expect people to take you seriously.
I never read the
Protocols of the Elders of Mecca so I can't see how it could have ever influenced my point of view on the matter. I did read the Qu'ran. I base my views on what I know is in there and on a lot of secondary reading. Seeing as how hot a topic things like islam and multiculturalism are and have been in Belgium, since my early teenage years in fact, it helps little to make a meaningless, based on nothing but your own bullshit statement like you did. I am very knowledgeable and well-read on the subject of organized religion, especially islam. I would refrain from having an opinion on the subject or entering a discussion about it if I wasn't.
What you do is not attacking specific doctrines or views within Islam.
What an astute observation. Why would I? It is obviously not my intent to focus on a branch of islam because that's exactly my point. You treat those monsters who killed the cartoonists as something else than muslims. I don't. Because - as I said - their interpretation of islam is completely valid if you read the Qu'ran and the Muhammed they love is the same historical figure, a hatemongering and conquering warlord, that all the other muslims love. Read it. Read the actual book. Also: following your reasoning, genius, a moderate muslim wouldn't be a muslim either and a protestant wouldn't be a christian, because they deviate all from their historical roots. But I do understand your preoccupation with different branches, specific doctrines or views within islam. It's a perfect way to divert attention from the main problem. A rose is a rose is a rose is rose - it doesn't matter what the Linnean subgenera is.
You don't present a nuanced view of problematic attitudes in the context of humanity.
Because these problematic attitudes are widely known. Again, wasting my time by demanding some sort of completeness on the subject you - again - seem to assume exists, while the rest of the world knows that everything is constantly in motion, it's not going to work. You only do that to tire people, because there's always something one forgets - a perfectly human error.
You just go about shouting "Islam is evil."
Again: astute observation, Sherlock. That was in fact my point, even if I chose to express it somewhat more subtle by writing that islam has serious problems which the muslim world needs to address and solve.
What you do is to take specific views among some Muslims, and use them to justify discrimination and oppression of human beings.
No, I don't.
Show me where I explicitly justified discrimination and oppression of human beings. If you have the mental immaturity to accuse me of things I didn't do, how do you expect me, or any of us for that matter, to take what you say seriously?
You use it to justify the hounding Muslims out of Europe use it to justify attacks on mosques
Show me where I explicitly justified the deportation of muslims out of Europe. Again: if you have the mental immaturity to accuse me of things I didn't do, how do you expect me, or any of us for that matter, to take what you say seriously?
use it to justify the curtailing and removal of rights you supposedly hold so dear -- except when granted to those you don't like.
Show me where I explicitly justified the curtailing and removal of rights I myself hold dear. For the third and last time: if you have the mental immaturity to accuse me of things I didn't do, how do you expect me, or any of us for that matter, to take what you say seriously?
You criticize the way I choose to discuss this subject and all you seem to be capable of is accusing me of things I didn't do and calling me names that make no sense if you would actually care to look up their meaning. Fail, dude.
In fact, now that I come to think of it, it would be so much easier for all of us, if
you would simply name a specific doctrine of islam that has reformed so much that they have explicitly distanced themselves from all the violent, inhumane verses in the Qu'ran. A doctrine that doesn't oppress women because the Qu'ran tells them to, one that doesn't claim moral superiority over other religions, one that promotes democracy and freedom of speech, one that has come to terms with evolution, one that doesn't resort to beheadings or stoning or female circumcision or brainwashing children at an age when they are completely defenseless and naive, one that doesn't bring animal sacrifices to their god. 'Cause that I would call moderate islam. Something that might just be compatible with the Western way of life.