Terrorist attack on French satirical magazine

I'm not a problem at all. But I do think that people like Sander and Crni are because they delude the rest of the free world. People like them are so desperate to believe that all of the problems in the world are of our own making, and if we could just behave better internationally and divide the riches of the world equally, other people will treat us better. To them it's all a matter of more and better education, more affirmative action, more censorship at home and odd concepts like 'better taste', 'more respect'
yeah, I forgot the Belgians have left only prospering and growing nations when ever they set a foot on Africa.

What you do is using a double standart where you measure a whole group of people based on a certain opinion which is not unlikely to the arguments you see thrown around in the mainstream media.

The term islamophobe was used a few times here and I am inclined to agree.

Do all that and you'll see that all religions are intrinsically benign.

Yeah? Sadly we live in a world where said religions exist. That is simply a fact. There is no way around this, and unless you find a better way to deal with it I would say there is not much we can do about their existence. And now we can either decide to fight them at every corner (-which hasn't really worked in the crusades already) or we learn how to co-exist peacefully dealing with it in a democratic and rational way. By the way the same democracy which allows you to live your live (more or less) how you see it fit.

Neither Sander nor I will deny the danger that comes from religions including the Islam. But what happens when people follow a different direction can be seen in the French revolution.

I find this views of your kinda cute, you know, coming from someone who is proud about himself as a cynical would has no problem to see the world as a whole going to hell. You made that clear in the past.

Also a tl,dr is never a good thing in a debate particularly since we are talking about a rather complex topic. I still don't get it how you as academic can be so reactionary.
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It's the 21st century.

Most westerners are de-fanged because processed foods, American TV, and video games have given them enough stimulus and access to information to do something other than kill each other.

Most 3rd world countries are full of monkeys. Not the one's we should be more like either like the Aborigines or the Hawaiians, but stupid fuck monkeys that also are monotheistic. Ya know, destroy all other gods before the ONE TRUE GOD.

So you can continue petting the monkeys and feeling superior like euro-fags do. Make sure to pick up the monkey turds when you walk your monkey down to the park to show your friends.

If you have a friend born into Islam, its best to be a good person to them and show them the reality of things. However, belief systems of any form that demand the conversion and elimination of all that do not follow said belief system should be treated like a fucking cancer.

If you have an Islamic friend, you know this is true since deep in your heart you want them to digest outside information, however you are afraid that they will murder you in your sleep. That is because their terror tactics are working on you. It gives them the right to be idiots. They found a loop-hole in your warm and fuzzy western philosophical society there. If we threaten to murder your children, it will be easier to be stupid fucking monkeys.

Can you really blame them though? There are some smart people in Islam. How else are they going to compete with the CATHOLIC CHURCH.

If you want a view of how the region was before the Christian stupid fuck monkeys started rampaging through the middle east, take a look at Zoroastrianism. It is a belief system 200 years ahead of where both the east and west are right now. We went backwards.
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Take, for example, the issue of apostates. There is no debate going on in the muslim world about what should be done with apostates because the Qu'ran clearly states they should be killed. Period. There is no school, no branch, no cult of islam that goes: 'Oh no, we accept aposatsy, we have no problem with that whatsoever.'
Wrong. There's been opposition to that view since early Islam. Don't come in here with your Protocols of the Elders of Meccah views of Islam and expect people to take you seriously.

What you do is not attacking specific doctrines or views within Islam. You don't present a nuanced view of problematic attitudes in the context of humanity. You just go about shouting "Islam is evil." What you do is to take specific views among some Muslims, and use them to justify discrimination and oppression of human beings. You use it to justify the hounding Muslims out of Europe, use it to justify attacks on mosques, use it to justify the curtailing and removal of rights you supposedly hold so dear -- except when granted to those you don't like.

Aaaaaaand in comes Dopamine with the most racist post of this thread. Congrats, bro!
Yeah Sander ... just like ... in ... OMG, could it be possible? Christianity :shock: I am shocked. The Islam can be really compared with other major religions? Pospestoreous!
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Sander is a whining calf, more suited to be the slave of a strong woman.

He can't be bothered to read posts and flails around in his own filth, and denies that the meek must be protected from the wolves by the strong.

However, it's mostly due to the fact that he has to deal with REAL retards 24/7, that post things that subscribe to nothing more than "NUKE ALL MUSLIMS."

If you can't see that there is some moral qualm against such a statement, your blind and inept and immature enough to actually have a debate.

So it's a balance between setting an example/letting things go through. All I can do to help the collective process is call him a shit-head whenever he sprays the entire building with machine-gun fire and get's all huffy when he hits a kid.
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Don't come in here with your Protocols of the Elders of Meccah views of Islam and expect people to take you seriously.
I never read the Protocols of the Elders of Mecca so I can't see how it could have ever influenced my point of view on the matter. I did read the Qu'ran. I base my views on what I know is in there and on a lot of secondary reading. Seeing as how hot a topic things like islam and multiculturalism are and have been in Belgium, since my early teenage years in fact, it helps little to make a meaningless, based on nothing but your own bullshit statement like you did. I am very knowledgeable and well-read on the subject of organized religion, especially islam. I would refrain from having an opinion on the subject or entering a discussion about it if I wasn't.

What you do is not attacking specific doctrines or views within Islam.
What an astute observation. Why would I? It is obviously not my intent to focus on a branch of islam because that's exactly my point. You treat those monsters who killed the cartoonists as something else than muslims. I don't. Because - as I said - their interpretation of islam is completely valid if you read the Qu'ran and the Muhammed they love is the same historical figure, a hatemongering and conquering warlord, that all the other muslims love. Read it. Read the actual book. Also: following your reasoning, genius, a moderate muslim wouldn't be a muslim either and a protestant wouldn't be a christian, because they deviate all from their historical roots. But I do understand your preoccupation with different branches, specific doctrines or views within islam. It's a perfect way to divert attention from the main problem. A rose is a rose is a rose is rose - it doesn't matter what the Linnean subgenera is.

You don't present a nuanced view of problematic attitudes in the context of humanity.
Because these problematic attitudes are widely known. Again, wasting my time by demanding some sort of completeness on the subject you - again - seem to assume exists, while the rest of the world knows that everything is constantly in motion, it's not going to work. You only do that to tire people, because there's always something one forgets - a perfectly human error.

You just go about shouting "Islam is evil."
Again: astute observation, Sherlock. That was in fact my point, even if I chose to express it somewhat more subtle by writing that islam has serious problems which the muslim world needs to address and solve.

What you do is to take specific views among some Muslims, and use them to justify discrimination and oppression of human beings.
No, I don't. Show me where I explicitly justified discrimination and oppression of human beings. If you have the mental immaturity to accuse me of things I didn't do, how do you expect me, or any of us for that matter, to take what you say seriously?

You use it to justify the hounding Muslims out of Europe use it to justify attacks on mosques
Show me where I explicitly justified the deportation of muslims out of Europe. Again: if you have the mental immaturity to accuse me of things I didn't do, how do you expect me, or any of us for that matter, to take what you say seriously?

use it to justify the curtailing and removal of rights you supposedly hold so dear -- except when granted to those you don't like.
Show me where I explicitly justified the curtailing and removal of rights I myself hold dear. For the third and last time: if you have the mental immaturity to accuse me of things I didn't do, how do you expect me, or any of us for that matter, to take what you say seriously?

You criticize the way I choose to discuss this subject and all you seem to be capable of is accusing me of things I didn't do and calling me names that make no sense if you would actually care to look up their meaning. Fail, dude.

In fact, now that I come to think of it, it would be so much easier for all of us, if you would simply name a specific doctrine of islam that has reformed so much that they have explicitly distanced themselves from all the violent, inhumane verses in the Qu'ran. A doctrine that doesn't oppress women because the Qu'ran tells them to, one that doesn't claim moral superiority over other religions, one that promotes democracy and freedom of speech, one that has come to terms with evolution, one that doesn't resort to beheadings or stoning or female circumcision or brainwashing children at an age when they are completely defenseless and naive, one that doesn't bring animal sacrifices to their god. 'Cause that I would call moderate islam. Something that might just be compatible with the Western way of life.
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You seem to be somewhat confused, alec. I do think those terrorists are Muslims. Their interpretation and actions are fringe beliefs within Islam, however. In the same way that Joseph Kony's army is fringe within Christianity, or the Buddhist Thai murdering Muslims are fringe within Buddhism. As I've said before, a religion is not its text, it's the beliefs of its adherents and the actions those people take. And there are plenty of liberal, reformist, democracy-oriented movements among Muslims. You're just blind to them, because you refuse to look.

You are correct, of course, that you don't literally call for those things. And yet, your support of violence on mosques and Muslims places of business, your view of Islam (and hence Muslims) as inherently evil, as somehow fundamentally different from other religions, and your scoffing at those who would speak up against discrimination and deportation -- well, if that's not justification, it certainly comes very very lose.

I'm slightly baffled that Protocols of the Elders of Mecca flew over your head, though. Or that you think Islamophobe is a misnomer. As a supposed linguist, one would think you'd be familiar with fluidity of meaning.
i have 2 links, enjoy!

a numerical look at immigration for the US, short version:

a muslim conference in norway, not sure i am comfortable with the title:
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Who are you to tell them they are not of the religion they identify as? A lot of those holy maical books have entire sections about killing infidels and condoning a bunch of other awful shit, modern followers choose to call them "metaphors" but that is just a cop out really. Are only the ones that agree with you the real "Ists" in question? That's a pretty disingenious way to argue.

Now I don't think all muslims, christians, etc are all terrorists, I don't have high opinions of religion in general tho, everybody lives their life the way the want to, and sometimes tnere will be cazy people in your group doing stupid shit. That doesn't mean you can sidestep it by declaring them not real sctosmen.
Who are you to tell them they are not of the religion they identify as? A lot of those holy maical books have entire sections about killing infidels and condoning a bunch of other awful shit, modern followers choose to call them "metaphors" but that is just a cop out really. Are only the ones that agree with you the real "Ists" in question? That's a pretty disingenious way to argue.
Who's arguing that?

TheWesDude posts two dumb videos, as per usual. The first isn't even worth addressing. The second is a speaker exploiting audience dissonance by asking, basically, "do you think the Quran should be followed" without specifying how the Quran should be interpreted. The latter is the important part. Plus, getting people to raise their hands in open audiences is trivial because of social pressure.
Just a general tought, I see that kind of logic used a lot whenever this kind of topic comes up.
Who are you to tell them they are not of the religion they identify as? A lot of those holy maical books have entire sections about killing infidels and condoning a bunch of other awful shit, modern followers choose to call them "metaphors" but that is just a cop out really. Are only the ones that agree with you the real "Ists" in question? That's a pretty disingenious way to argue.
Who's arguing that?

TheWesDude posts two dumb videos, as per usual. The first isn't even worth addressing. The second is a speaker exploiting audience dissonance by asking, basically, "do you think the Quran should be followed" without specifying how the Quran should be interpreted. The latter is the important part. Plus, getting people to raise their hands in open audiences is trivial because of social pressure.



You're so sad.
Who are you to tell them they are not of the religion they identify as? A lot of those holy maical books have entire sections about killing infidels and condoning a bunch of other awful shit, modern followers choose to call them "metaphors" but that is just a cop out really. Are only the ones that agree with you the real "Ists" in question? That's a pretty disingenious way to argue.

Now I don't think all muslims, christians, etc are all terrorists, I don't have high opinions of religion in general tho, everybody lives their life the way the want to, and sometimes tnere will be cazy people in your group doing stupid shit. That doesn't mean you can sidestep it by declaring them not real sctosmen.

Any system of belief, pushed to extremes, can be the cause or the justification (often both) of untold atrocities. This is not unique to organised religion at all, albeit it is true that it is often a culprit over the ages.

The Muslims who perpetrate those massacres or engage in any sort of terrorism aren't any less ''real'' muslims than any other, but they also aren't representative of the religion as a whole (as if any sub-group could possibly be representative of a 1.6 billion people religion that spans from Spain to Indonesia).

And while I don't agree with Sander on everything, I do think using some passages of the Quran to say that Islam is evil is a bit ridiculous. All day today, 3.5 million French have been singing La Marseillaise at the top of their lungs, and it's a fucking bloody song even by the standard of national anthems, written in a time where France was a bloodbath. They still did it without any incidents. Such texts can't really be used to tell anything of their adherents.
I'm surprised no one mentioned this already? I mean, it's a couple of days old already. I wonder why. Maybe because they haven't been repeating it on the news all day? Or is it that we outrage when 12 frenchmen get killed but when 2.000 africans get slaughtered it's not really important? They are muslim extremist too, but if they do not operate in the first world I guess they're not worth mentioning. The insurgency in Nigeria killed at least 10.000 people last year alone, but I guess we weren't so worried with extremists as to be having this debate back then. But sure, kill 12 people in France and you'll get demonstrations and people criminalizing religions in internet forums.
I'm surprised no one mentioned this already? I mean, it's a couple of days old already. I wonder why. Maybe because they haven't been repeating it on the news all day? Or is it that we outrage when 12 frenchmen get killed but when 2.000 africans get slaughtered it's not really important? They are muslim extremist too, but if they do not operate in the first world I guess they're not worth mentioning. The insurgency in Nigeria killed at least 10.000 people last year alone, but I guess we weren't so worried with extremists as to be having this debate back then. But sure, kill 12 people in France and you'll get demonstrations and people criminalizing religions in internet forums.

nope, i dont think that is newsworthy at all. and i have a real hard time having much sympathy either to be absolutely honest.

why do you think they never drafted an exit strategy? why do you think they never drafted a time line?

when you go into a country, it is never going to be a quick wham-bam-hello-there-ma'am 1-3 year thing. when you invade a country with the intent to replace their government with a new one, you have to accept there cannot be an exit strategy. there cannot be a time line.

when we first went into iraq and afghanistan, the radical islamic groups like boko haram, isis, taliban, al queda, and others all said the same thing:
the americans will not be here forever, they will leave. we wont.

their recruiting videos featured "western" politicians including US ones saying that we need an exit strategy and we need a time line and we need to leave.

so what happened? eventually the US got a president that started the withdrawal of troops and other countries pulled out as well. they promised this would happen. they came back. and they came back with a vengeance. and the defense "forces" that were in place were woefully under prepared for it. so when they came back with a vengeance, they just threw down their weapons and ran away.

if you did NOT think this was going to happen, i am not sure what to tell you. you got what you asked for. you just never thought of the consequences.

"be careful of what you wish for, you just may get it"
is a thing for a reason.
Who are you to tell them they are not of the religion they identify as? A lot of those holy maical books have entire sections about killing infidels and condoning a bunch of other awful shit, modern followers choose to call them "metaphors" but that is just a cop out really. Are only the ones that agree with you the real "Ists" in question? That's a pretty disingenious way to argue.

well to be fair and I am not directly comparing it, but the era of enlightenment saw also enough extremism and persecution. Or just the countless political systems, communism as one of the popular ones.

I am not arguing about the questionable texsts and inherent danager that is in religion. But extremism or interpretations in favour of your actions can be equally dangerous in other views outside of religion.

I'm surprised no one mentioned this already? I mean, it's a couple of days old already. I wonder why. Maybe because they haven't been repeating it on the news all day? Or is it that we outrage when 12 frenchmen get killed but when 2.000 africans get slaughtered it's not really important? They are muslim extremist too, but if they do not operate in the first world I guess they're not worth mentioning. The insurgency in Nigeria killed at least 10.000 people last year alone, but I guess we weren't so worried with extremists as to be having this debate back then. But sure, kill 12 people in France and you'll get demonstrations and people criminalizing religions in internet forums.

nope, i dont think that is newsworthy at all. and i have a real hard time having much sympathy either to be absolutely honest.
Yeah, well when 1 million people died in Rhwanda it wasn't newsworthy either. Not even the french involvement.
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I'm surprised no one mentioned this already? I mean, it's a couple of days old already. I wonder why. Maybe because they haven't been repeating it on the news all day? Or is it that we outrage when 12 frenchmen get killed but when 2.000 africans get slaughtered it's not really important? They are muslim extremist too, but if they do not operate in the first world I guess they're not worth mentioning. The insurgency in Nigeria killed at least 10.000 people last year alone, but I guess we weren't so worried with extremists as to be having this debate back then. But sure, kill 12 people in France and you'll get demonstrations and people criminalizing religions in internet forums.

I'm not sure what your point is. People empathize more with things that happen (relatively speaking) next door than things that don't. It's how we're wired. I'm not even sure what's your message.

It did make frontpage on both CNN and BBC, though.
Even if they had killed three guys, this is the symbol that matter.
The terrorist (at least what we have been told) showed that they had the power to kill those who were making fun of the prophet. People were killed in France, the supposed country of Freedom of Speech (people might argue if it is stil the case), because of their drawings. At least, this is what we are been told by the press.
I would call refusing to see the humanity of Muslims because of bidirectional ethnic tensions in the Balkans a pretty callous and vulgar view of humanity, yes.

If you wanted to make the point that sometimes, violent conflicts split across religious lines too, then sure. That's what you seemed to be doing in your response post. To take that as a refutation of the concept that Muslim Europeans, and Muslims across the world, are not just human beings like anyone else -- living their lives like anyone else, with similar problems and similar problematic behaviors as everyone else -- that's just odd.
Chronic strawmanning. I mean, I don't know what ELSE this behavior CAN be called, honestly. And I'd much rather call it something else, for the same reason I wish alec would use other descriptive terms than "oikophobe". No, NOT because it's wrong, but because repetition of the same thing just won't break through. Not when you very clearly demonstrate an aptitude towards disregard.

You say I refuse the humanity of Muslims, I very clearly said:
Muslims (because they're people, just like us)

You said my stance is a refutation of Muslims across the world, European Muslims therefore included, being human beings like anyone else. I very clearly said:
Yes, we're all people.
And people can be nasty, delusional, violent, and cruel

You try to spin my words in such a way that what I'M saying is the callous and vulgar, when I've clearly stated its your prerogatives that are such, as illustrated here:
[I felt that] your candor in relation to that general statement [...] because of how it embraced the ignorance of all generalizations, and how you chose to cling to that quality of your statements and your position in your defense of that general statement [was callous and vulgar].

You are no Sultan of Spin. You're very bad at it, in fact. For every accusation you toss my, I've already burnt it to the ground for the lies that it is. You just want to build up an easy target so it's effortless to tackle it, misrepresenting me in the process, because you cannot tackle me for who I am and what I stand for. When will you stop lying? When will everyone who undergoes this pointless rhetorical circular nonsense stop lying?

EDIT: I realized AFTER posting this the irony of mentioning the "Sultan of Spin" name, given that this topic is centering around Muslims. This was not intentional.
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