Th4if no more.

I have no hopes at all. As a fan of the original game, (not deadly shadows but I like it) I find this to be wayy behind the line. They say a reboot and I don't like what I'm seeing. It has become another copy of Dishonored. Even the things I liked from deadly shadows are gone. To make things worse, they replaced the OV, Stephan Russel who voiced the master thief. The next thing you know is CDPR announcing that Geralt's VA would be re-casted due to OVs unability to peform stunts and shite. Where the hell is the respect for the vets and roots of the series? Die splinter cell! Die!!
Dienan said:
It has become another copy of Dishonored. !
but they still got different flooring and arrows at least unlike copy of oblivion which don't have any original points from it's predecessors as a game.
To be honest, I don't give a fuck about what the devs promise. Look at all the kick-starter projects out there. Some say it's heart warming to see the devs would feed their kids while making your favourite game (Obsidian's new FRPG for an example which hit $4million). I say since they got there money already and won't give a rat shit about making the game as best as they could. They're like, "Hey, I think we should give this weapon a new ani- JUST leave it like that. We got the money already so don't stress yourself buddy. It's not like they're gonna come back for the money LOL". I do not go against kick-starter projects but these projects should work on a more clear-inside script. They don't give you an exact month to wait the alpha. Says the game is out next month and next day it's delayed 3 months. Backers should be treated with trust and respect for trusting some people with a reputation left of making a good game in the history. Anyway, Dishonored is way cooler. I've got short range teleport now. If I want something like the new Thief, I'd play Dishonored instead. The only difference I'm seeing is the more artistic-paint-ish style art direction in Dishonored and photo-realistic art direction it the new Thief. The new game is either Dishonored with no Outsider or Ninja Gaiden 3 without swords.. Thief is dead.. A long time has passed..
After beating Theif gold, I think add combat thing isn't that bad idea since Thief's combat is actually awesome.
it's better than TES3 or 4 without sarcastic.
I don't blame TES 3 or 4 since they are design with level ups and stats while Thief is more closer to action or FPS . anyway Theif's combat is good.
so adding combat isn't that bad.

and for actor, I like Garret in Theif 1 and 2, but other voice won't be bad. new try isn't bad thing.

but what really annoying is, level design.
Thief's map design is one of the most awesome.
non-linear, connected each other, many secrets and design to be disadvantageous to player.
but what they won't is removing these points.
they will add quest marker, make level very linear, and design to be advantageous to player.
What I think Dishonored is bad is these things.
Dis is actually good game compare to lots of games but not good enough as a sneaky game. because of theses things. no need to search secret room or route since game itself teaches you, no need to find way since level is linear, no need to worry since level is design to player to win.
^wherever you go, Fallout & TES would follow. LOL jokes aside,
pissed me off real good. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THIS PEOPLE? I know it might be too late to say this but right now, I think I feel why most of the peeps here at NMA wants to kill and toast every and each Fallout 3 liker. I knew it was gonna be a Dishonored clone but this, this is uber assholary! I'm gonna find my Thief 3 dvd and start fucking playing it while drinking some vodka with pepper! Fuck Edios!!
It's not a joke but method of sneaking and combat is quite similar.
and compare TES and Theif, I think Thief1,2 has better combat for real.
but that doesn't mean TES 3,4 or 5's combat is bad.
funny thing is one of developer of TES4 is fan of Thief.
maybe I feel oblvion's combat and sneaking is similar to Thief because of that: Thief would be one of model for TES4. maybe it's just my imagination though.

and for fo3, the way thief4 dumbing down Thief series is quite similar to the way fo3 dumbing downed Fallout series.
some people pointed out that. that's all.
Already read it before you linked it.

and what's wrong with you.
There's nothing wrong with people in that link.
*facepalm* there's nothing wrong with the guy who rote the article. The problem is with those at Eidos. Why do you always end up grabbing the wrong end of the rope?
I already have no hope for Eidos so I didn't noticed you are to blame Eidios. :lol:
and actually, thief4 has been delayed 5 years without doing anything. so it's too late to blame them. :lol:
Delaying 5( or4?) year with doing nothing so it is certain that game will be fuxx up.

but their opinion about game makes me annoying.
how those people willing to make Thief?
I saw what they want to make is linear stealthy-looking action game
not a complex leveled adventure+action+stealth=Theif
I saw a livestream of it for about 1 minute before I closed the tab. It looked alright, but I didn't see enough to get a good impression of it. Doesn't surprise me if people think it's shit, tho.
From what I've seen, it's alright. The complaint I see most often is how linear it is; there are no big sprawling levels, it's much more like Deadly Shadows than Dark Project. But the difficulty is highy customizable, there are lots of gadgets and upgrades, a good amount of content, and it's much more about sneaking around stealing cutlery than outrunning explosions or somesuch.

Honestly, as usual, the point of view that seems the most level headed is TotalBiscuit's.
I saw a livestream of it for about 1 minute before I closed the tab. It looked alright, but I didn't see enough to get a good impression of it. Doesn't surprise me if people think it's shit, tho.
Judging a game after only watching 1 minute of gameplay, makes total sense.
I only saw TotalBiscuit's video on it, and it actually looked quite nice. It seems like Eidos Montreal actually listened to the criticism and did quite a lot about it.
This is like a Silent Storm reboot having the mechanical complexity of Jagged Alliance 1.'s much more like Deadly Shadows than Dark Project.

Deadly Shadows had levels designed like real buildings and you could jump and mantle freely. How does a modern game with five years of development fail to improve on a console game made 2 generations ago?
Thankfully, better-looking games are just over the horizon.

I saw a livestream of it for about 1 minute before I closed the tab. It looked alright, but I didn't see enough to get a good impression of it. Doesn't surprise me if people think it's shit, tho.
Judging a game after only watching 1 minute of gameplay, makes total sense.

How exactly am I judging it? Did I make blatant statements about the game? I said it looked alright as the stealth seems to function pretty well and it seems to keep in line with the previous games, at least, to some degree.

After watching TotalBiscuit's video, it looks better than I expected it would.
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It might not be the QTE and superfluous "RPG elements" (exp points) filled mess it was looking out to be, but the fact alone that JUMPING is a contextual action and not a regular command is enough of a deal breaker for me, that is just stupid.