AskWazzup said:aenemic said:basically the same info, but a few points that the other one didn't mention:
- you can dual-wield weapons.
- there is a button for sprinting.
- while using a bow, you can knock down people in melee to get a shot off.
- two shout abilities mentioned: slow time and call a dragon to aid you.
I have to say, not a single one of these changes sounds bad to me.
Oh boy, the slow time and dragon call sounds like some gimmicky shit. Of course one should see how it looks before making any conclusions, but it sure sounds shitty to me.
Though beeing the cuatious person I am (and knowing Bethesda ...) I dont expect here really all to much. But it is at least the first sign that the Dragons might not be your simple kill-them-all fantasy enemies we all know and looove from our RPGs ...
Letz hope Bethesda is at least trying this time to really give their games a story.