Mildly Dipped

glocks are reliable guns. I don't particularly like them.
I was forced to shoot a glock 26 last weekend (with an extended mag so there was a gap that my fingers kept slipping into) at my CPL course.
I was not impressed.
As for Desert eagles, which one are you comparing to the glock?
The baby eagle/Jericho is a good gun by all accounts. Its a copy of the CZ-75 linage.
The Mountain eagle, micro eagle, lone eagle and the "Arnold Schwarzenegger .357, .44, 50" Desert Eagles don't really fit into any logical comparison with a glock IMO.
Desert Eagles are all steel for the most part (I know there are baby eagles and Jericho's made with polymer frames.)
The biggest differences you will find is that the Jericho's/baby eagles have a double action trigger and an exposed hammer + safety.
Glocks are striker fired, have a trigger that is a bit different than single or double action triggers and they have no exposed hammer or safety.
Its up to you to decide what you are more comfortable with.
A glock is always ready to go (assuming its loaded). A desert eagle etc. may be on safe, or may have a round in the chamber but have the hammer down and will require a double action trigger pull to fire.
I was forced to shoot a glock 26 last weekend (with an extended mag so there was a gap that my fingers kept slipping into) at my CPL course.
I was not impressed.
As for Desert eagles, which one are you comparing to the glock?
The baby eagle/Jericho is a good gun by all accounts. Its a copy of the CZ-75 linage.
The Mountain eagle, micro eagle, lone eagle and the "Arnold Schwarzenegger .357, .44, 50" Desert Eagles don't really fit into any logical comparison with a glock IMO.
Desert Eagles are all steel for the most part (I know there are baby eagles and Jericho's made with polymer frames.)
The biggest differences you will find is that the Jericho's/baby eagles have a double action trigger and an exposed hammer + safety.
Glocks are striker fired, have a trigger that is a bit different than single or double action triggers and they have no exposed hammer or safety.
Its up to you to decide what you are more comfortable with.
A glock is always ready to go (assuming its loaded). A desert eagle etc. may be on safe, or may have a round in the chamber but have the hammer down and will require a double action trigger pull to fire.