The Joker is Incel Cismale Trash.

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I didn't even know what an "incel" was until I googled it a month or so ago. Was the word coined because of the "mgtow" movement (which I also had to google about a year ago)? Why are all these unimportant, ridiculous millennials inventing "words" that aren't self explanatory? Why not use a short description ("an involuntary celibate" or - even better - "someone who's alone but doesn't want to be") that everyone immediately understands? Why am I all of a sudden a "cisgender"?


Maybe we need a Joker to set the world on fire and get rid of all the really crazy people.
Incels are a whole thing, it started as a bunch of bottom tier losers commiserating their sexlessness and it turned into a whole subculture of the most bitter, angry, hateful scum this side of a gender studies lecture hall. They went full cult with a whole slew of lingo and cult tenets and gained infamy with that dude who shot up some frats or something. Since then "incel" has remained a self-proclaimed name for these losers and the go-to insult directed at nerds and anyone displeased with mainstream media.

I just hope Joker gets an Oscar so Moviebob gets a rage-induced heart attack.
Well it seems unique enough that I'm going to go see it for myself before I make a judgement on it.
Its Taxi Driver with clowns and not nearly as violent. Warner just Streisand Effected its way to half a billion in profit. Good for them.
For as confused and half baked as the political messages in Joker end up being, anyone who looks at the Arthur Fleck character and just thinks "incel loser" is a bad person, objectively speaking.