I calculate I am around 10 hours in.
Well I am at the second flashback with Tommy and Joel in the ski lodge.
I am playing on hard as well.
So far I am enjoying it a lot. Gameplay feels much more fluid and interesting, the gore during fights also makes kills that much more enjoyable. Nothing like Shooting a motherfucker through another mother fucker, taking the first one's arm off and then the second one's leg off with a shotgun round. Ellies animations during stealth kills are also pretty nice, you can see in her face all the strength she is putting on that fucking knife, also good thing daggers are no longer a finite resource, that shit was so dumb in the first game.
The area with the open field was pretty well done.
Graphics are beautiful, there are lots of little animations for everything,
Storywise I am enjoying it more, first game was kinda just a random set of events Ellie and Joel just happened to walk in, with increasing contrievance that sometimes made the last hour of gameplay feel like a shaggy dog story. In this one is more like a western, you get the feeling like you walked into someone else's story on your quest for revenge and now you have to try and survive. There is more of a sense of an actual world existing outside your little shootouts and stealthing around zombies.
One thing I have found kinda pointless are the Shamblers, they are basically the same as the fatties from the 1st game but less dangerous, they haven't really spiced up infected encounters, the clickers are still the more threatening enemy.
I'll see how this pans out.