The Mass' Effect on gaming or HOT ALIEN LESBOZ SEKS!

Since when jerking off to computer games started being more enjoyable than jerking off to porn?
Wait a minute, I've seen those pics just with male Shepard instead of the female.
Does this mean that they've just copy-pasted everything if you're female?
If so, does that mean females are only allowed lesbian sex?
If not, then why can't males have hot gay buttsecks with the NPC-males the females would be able to woo?
I prefer watching girl on girl porn, because I don't like seeing the male part of girl on guy porn. It has nothing to do with thinking that they are desperate.
SkynetV4 said:
Just a question Kharn. Based on some previous posts on other threads regarding this chauvinism theme, are you saying that because there are lesbians in the game, there should be gay men in the game? Going out on a limb, would this imply that you think people should like gay sex because they like lesbian sex? Are you spending too much time on The Order? Do you like men, is that what you are trying to tell us? j/k

The point, which Wooz also seemed to miss, is not that I don't like lesbian scenes (love 'em) or don't understand why it sells, the point is that it's insulting to make specific male-female and female-female couples without making male-male couples. Remember that Fallout 2 didn't, making it a basic free-for-all.

It's not about what people like, though, it's the fact that by adding only alien female on human female sex and no male counterpart, they're being completely open about the chauvinism. They're basically shoving boobies in your face and saying "you like this!" And I do, that's not the issue, the issue is that it insults my sense of discrimination and intelligence by being openly juvenile.

It's just stupid. Insultingly stupid
Wooz said:
Since when jerking off to computer games started being more enjoyable than jerking off to porn?

It's called a "spank bank". It's an idea Adam Lakers Carolla pioneered in the late 1940's.
Brother None said:
It's not about what people like, though, it's the fact that by adding only alien female on human female sex and no male counterpart, they're being completely open about the chauvinism. They're basically shoving boobies in your face and saying "you like this!" And I do, that's not the issue, the issue is that it insults my sense of discrimination and intelligence by being openly juvenile.
Not entirely true. It is a lot about what people like. The fact is, man-on-man just isn't appealing to anyone outside of gay men. On the other hand, girl-on-girl appeals to a lot of people. They've even done a study on it. Lesbian sex scenes tended to arouse most all participants, even straight women, whereas gay man porn, well, didn't evoke that same reaction from most.

Not that I'm defending Mass Effect. Seeing that horrid crap (and I remind you I'm generally for the idea of girl-on-alien-girl) has totally turned me off to the game. I'm just sayin'.

Also, I find it odd that a member of The Order would complain about something being juvenile. Though I suppose you might point to the difference between a game published by a major developer as opposed to a small group of internet friends on a forum.
I don't know what all of you are on about as the link is dead but it doesn't look like a "sex scene" to me:

Also, why would anyone be insulted by the absence of a male-on-male scene, unless they're gay (not pointing fingers here)? I don't think there should be a sex scene at all but if they are going for it, I'm glad there was no male-on-male because I don't want to see it.

It's a known fact that a lot of people find it gross and I'm pretty sure that there is a lot more people who do not want to see male gay sex than those who do. I'm one of those who don't. Should I? I don't think so, I think it should be private as homosexuality is technically not a natural (could be a bad word to use) sexual habit.

I'm not saying anything about gay people, all I'm saying is I don't want to see it. I'm tired of the insistence of gay people that I have to. Why not, perhaps simply out of human decency, not shove your personal sexual habits in my face? If tomorrow I discover that I like to pluck hairs from my crack, should I insist on being able to openly parade that around and be offended if someone does not like it? Should I be offended that sex with animals is not depicted in the game?

Tolerating something is different than promoting it or making an effort to celebrate it. If Bioware doesn't include male sex, it doesn't mean they're prejudice, they just don't dig male-on-male and they have every right to do so (or not do so?). They dig lesbos so they included that.

PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 22:13 Post subject:
Wait a minute, I've seen those pics just with male Shepard instead of the female.
Does this mean that they've just copy-pasted everything if you're female?
If so, does that mean females are only allowed lesbian sex?
If not, then why can't males have hot gay buttsecks with the NPC-males the females would be able to woo?

Now, that's full of good questions. I'm wondering that myself. It also could answer the question of whether they made an effort to remove the possibility of male-on-male without any other reasons. Then, I kinda see TC's point.
maximaz said:
I don't know what all of you are on about as the link is dead but it doesn't look like a "sex scene" to me:

That looks like a different scene. Equally stupid dialogue, though.

maximaz said:
Also, why would anyone be insulted by the absence of a male-on-male scene, unless they're gay (not pointing fingers here)? I don't think there should be a sex scene at all but if they are going for it, I'm glad there was no male-on-male because I don't want to see it.

Neither do I. But I think it's sexist and chauvinistic to include one and not the other. In fact, I don't just think so. I know so. This isn't a porn movie where the sex is about gratification, by including only lesbian and no gay sex BioWare is reinforcing the message that makes people think as Kyuu indicates (yes, Kyuu, that's right, I don't believe people's aversion to gay sex is biological, it's all chemical. Even females are condition to like lesbian sex. Any real man can watch gay sex no problem, tho')

maximaz said:
Now, that's full of good questions. I'm wondering that myself. It also could answer the question of whether they made an effort to remove the possibility of male-on-male without any other reasons. Then, I kinda see TC's point.

Who's TC?

And that's the point I've been making since the start, for Frith's sake.
Didn't they have gay and lesbian romances in Jade Empire? IIRC you'd see the hetrosexual kiss but it cut away for the others. I hope it isn't like KotOR though, where you get characters declaring their love even if you had never taken a romantic dialogue option.
I think I understand your point: that Bioware is insulting your intelligence by not including male-male sex scene because they are making very broad assumptions about what you expect from the game without considering you as a person, as they assume that you enjoy lesbian sex.

Fallout 2 did have the option of getting Davin in your party. Was damn funny to sell him into slavery.

I'll be frank, I only consider gay men as a source of entertainment and jokes. I don't actively dislike them but I still haven't met one that I have liked on a personal level. I guess that would make me an asshole.
SkynetV4 said:
I think I understand your point: that Bioware is insulting your intelligence by not including male-male sex scene because they are making very broad assumptions about what you expect from the game without considering you as a person, as they assume that you enjoy lesbian sex.

Not really my point. They can assume I like lesbian sex all they want, just like they can assume I like shooting stuff all they want. If that's what their game is about, it's what it's about.

But if you're going to include mono-gender relations as a roleplaying option, why limit it to females only? It insults me that they exploit lesbian relations for a quick buck and then refuse to include gay relations because that doesn't sell. It shows their intent is not to offer roleplaying freedom or deliver a political message, it's to sell a sexist message to lonely teenagers. And that really insults me as a consumer.
But wait! There's MORE

I haven't really followed Mass Effect that closely, so I still don't really get if this whole lesbian thing is just due to some crappy copy-paste game design.
Could anyone clarify?
PlanHex said:
But wait! There's MORE

I take it there is some kind of audience who likes this, but I find this one of the most stupidest things I have ever seen in a game, and I played a couple of really awful ones.
Bahahah I don't care what folk say. I've considering buying a Xbox360 just for this game... this seals the deal!
I can't belive this...considerations of whether to like a game or not based on not only sex, but interspecies sex? Come on it's a game or it's porn, but please don't try to do both. Some of us want to remain separated from the other group.

The Vault Dweller