The Mass' Effect on gaming or HOT ALIEN LESBOZ SEKS!

On that note, I don't think many guys ponder about the ethics of sex while banging a girl doggy-style.

Damn you Wooz. I'm going to think of nothing but that next time :(
I don't really see how that's equivocal. Not including gay sex = racial discrimination? (The equal sign meaning "is equivalent to.")
If you think about it is discriminatory seeing how man on man sex is one of the three possible combinations (I left out hermaphrodites and animals :D). It is also sort of insulting seeing how they probably thought: 'Hell, we'll give 'em chicks making out and they'll turn a blind eye to any other defects'. Besides, if I remember correctly, in Fallout 2 you could get Davin in the sack if your Ch was high enough... so once again Fallout rules :). Another reason for leaving man on man out might be the ensuing scandal... poisoning the minds of the immaculate players and all that...
Would I choose a male char and go snag myself a healthy helping of male alien ass? No, maybe once to make sure it's possible, but I want to know it's there... it shouldn't be that hard to put in, it's just an animation... but it could go a long way...
Martinez said:
It is also sort of insulting seeing how they probably thought: 'Hell, we'll give 'em chicks making out and they'll turn a blind eye to any other defects'.
See, I disagree. I don't think there was any ulterior motive to including the girl-on-alien-girl thing and excluding a similar man-on-man thing. I highly doubt any discussion of whether or not to include it even happened, or was even thought about. It certainly didn't cross my mind when this whole topic (that particular scene in Mass Effect) started until the whole "ZOMG this is so sexist and demeaning they should have included dude-on-alien-dude too then it would be okay" thing came up.
Besides, if I remember correctly, in Fallout 2 you could get Davin in the sack if your Ch was high enough...
Just because Fallout 2 did it doesn't mean developers are forevermore obligated to include something similar as well. Further, while the ability to "get with" Davin as a male character was amusing, I don't really feel it added anything significant to the game.
Yes, and that point is pretty damned stupid because it's pretty weird to claim that my behaviour on the Order should determine my political or social views. What's next, what I say in a bar is something I can never contradict?
Of course not. But I would still find it incongruous if I observed you slapping women's asses and making lewd comments to the female patrons at a bar one night, then the next night you were on a podium calling out, say, a movie producer for demeaning women in his latest movie.
Kyuu said:
See, I disagree. I don't think there was any ulterior motive to including the girl-on-alien-girl thing and excluding a similar man-on-man thing. I highly doubt any discussion of whether or not to include it even happened, or was even thought about.

And they didn't think of it because they're chauvinist pigs.

That is not relevant.
LOL, if people really likes those games, why don't they go play DOA: Beach Volleyball? Which is a rip off from Sexy Beach? :lol:

I can't remember who said it in this thread, but he is right, a lot of M on M stories are written by female writers. The boy love (roughly translated) sector in anime/manga is almost exclusively dedicated to a younger female audience and it's mostly created by female writers.

It probably has to do with the writer's state of mind. North Americans tend to be more uptight(due to cultural reasons) about sex issues. Wasn't it Dietrich who famous said (half jokingly) "Americans don't have sex, they have sex problems."? Instead of saying that they are chauvinistic, maybe they are just a bit homophobic?

Anyway, speculation aside, you are right, BN, in saying that the reasons don't matter. It's the fact that they did it at all that mattered. But if they are supposed to be Asexual, how the hell do they expect this to work? :?
Brother None said:
And they didn't think of it because they're chauvinist pigs.
Right. That's the only possible reason. Maybe subconsciously they're a little homophobic (like the majority of males I've met) or whatever, but I hardly think that qualifies for "chauvinist pig" status. I rather think how they treat women in real life is more relevant.

Also, Starseeker, I don't think a single sexual scene in a game suddenly makes it comparable to DOAX, which has little appeal besides the sexual factor (and the simple, arcadey fun of the volleyball game). Although I suppose some might argue that holds true with Mass Effect also.
If I got this right, it's not that you go out to have sex with someone at random and hit an invisible wall if you try to have sex as a male. There is one specific NPC who's willing to have sex with the main character and she happens to be female and she happens to like females. In that case it would be ridiculous to demand that the developers set up the gallery of characters so that there's a suitable mirror matchup for every taste, or that characters change their preferences according to your own character choices, Liam Neeson style, so that the same interactions can be played out in every game.
Per said:
If I got this right, it's not that you go out to have sex with someone at random and hit an invisible wall if you try to have sex as a male. There is one specific NPC who's willing to have sex with the main character and she happens to be female and she happens to like females.

There's also a male NPC that'll have sex with female PCs, but not with male PCs.
The funniest things are the dialogue's options.

"Liara: By the goddess! That was incredible, Shepard!"

- "And so was you."
- "It was."
- "Let's go again!"
It's their game and they have spent millions of dollars for it, so they can do whatever they want with it imo. If you don't like it, don't buy it. It's simple as that.

Mass Effect doesn't really seem great , but I don't understand why this is such a big deal. BioWare decided that they will have lesbian, but not gay sex and it's their decision not ours. It's liberty.
H.A.D.E.S. said:
It's their game and they have spent millions of dollars for it, so they can do whatever they want with it imo. If you don't like it, don't buy it. It's simple as that.

Mass Effect doesn't really seem great , but I don't understand why this is such a big deal. BioWare decided that they will have lesbian, but not gay sex and it's their decision not ours. It's liberty.

Liberty doesn't extend to my right to object to their sexism?

If it does: shut up.

If it doesn't: how does that make sense?
Did I say you can't talk about it? I can object your views just as well.

I just don't see why you see this as so big deal. There is lesbian sex, but no gay sex, so what? Does that make them sexists? Yeah maybe, but it's their goddamn decision, maybe they didn't have time to create gay sex or maybe it just doesn't fit the characters. Do you boycot lesbian porn because they don't have gay sex?
H.A.D.E.S. said:
Do you boycot lesbian porn because they don't have gay sex?
No. Do I boycott RPGs because they are trying to be porn instead of RPGs? Yes.
You're just resetting the argument, H.A.D.E.S.

Unless you have something new to add, I'm not going to restart an argument I've already had.
I didn't see this discussed in another thread, so I'll ask here:

Is the game any good? (issues of sexual inclusiveness notwithstanding) Are you enjoying playing it?

It looked fun, and has been one of the few new games to pique my interest. It's been getting great reviews, but I'd be interested to hear what NMA people think about it. Especially since BN has been referring to its combat system when talking about F3.
I can't play it, don't have an Xbox 360.

The opinion of people I trust, as opposed to "professional game reviewers" has been mixed, so my interest in this game is still at a zero.

Note that I've stated that the way ME looks to play in combat in the demo videos is similar to what I saw of Fallout 3 in the demo. They could play quite different in practice, I wouldn't know as I haven't played either.
Well, I've played through a rather large chunk of the game. It's basically a deep-ass third person shooter with delusions that it's something more. The whole morality aspect basically boils down to whether or not you want to complete side-quests and the vehicular portions have wonky controls. Other than that, it's pretty fun (more so than some other 3rd person shooters I've played in the last couple of years... Like 50 Cent: Bulletproof (shudders))

Personally, I'd give it an B- for giving other third person shooters a goal to which to strive towards. The minus is mostly due to the fact that it will be RPGs that use this game as a goal to strive toward.
20071119.jpg boobies :lol: