The Outer Worlds - Early Impressions

I've so far only made it through the character creation before my controller had a stroke. My first impression is the stat selection is pretty cool and it was fun to see that low intelligence would affect dialogue options and that min/maxing your character incurred major penalties. Not sure how these will play out in the long game but hoping they're interesting.

My second impression was that I didn't think a character creator could be uglier than Oblivion's but somehow they've managed to pull it off in 2019. Hard to make a character that doesn't look like the Elephant Man in drag.
The humor that I've seen really isn't anywhere near as wacky as Old World Blues. When you really dig in with a conversation I'd say it's satire, that these people are compliant to corporations to a fault. Even the moon-headed mascot is a really, really sad sack when you dig into his mini story. It's nothing like the brain-dead humor of Bethesda. It's more in the vein of Fallout, including the products you find. Is there really that much of a difference between the companies in Fallout and The Outer Worlds? They're both symptoms of a failed structure that contributed to one ending in nuclear war and the other with colonies on the brink of collapse. The Groundbreaker station felt mostly serious and miserable for those who are trying to make a living there, mainly because they're independent of the corporations who are trying to squeeze them.

There's a mix of levity and brevity here that conveys humor and the share sadness of a warped future.
The humor in The Outer Worlds seems to also be on par with that of Fallout 2. I recall that Fallout 2 is a bit divisive with the fanbase. Some people love it and consider it to be the best of the Fallout games while others consider it to be a step in the wrong direction for the franchise. (Well at least until Fallout 3 came along.)
To each their own I suppose.

My second impression was that I didn't think a character creator could be uglier than Oblivion's but somehow they've managed to pull it off in 2019. Hard to make a character that doesn't look like the Elephant Man in drag.
This is probably the biggest complaint I have seen on Twitter for The Outer Worlds with people lamenting; "We wanted a game like New Vegas not a game with New Vegas' graphics!"
To be fair to Obsidian this game had a smaller budget then your average AAA game and I also believe they were running out of money during the games development before Microsoft came and bought them. So Obsidian has a bit of a excuse. Plus, Obsidian was never known to have good character creators in their games.
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I have been following up on this game since the start of this week on the RPG Codex and from what people who have been playing the game have been telling there along with from what I have been reading about on various sites I can not say that this game really grabs me.

Now I am not going to talk about possible progressive social politics/ideology content which have become such a major point of discussion in various forums, Pro and Anti, but rather from what I read about the design such as the world building, the writing, the quests, and of course the gameplay.

From what I understand The Outer Worlds definitely doesn't try to be an epic like Mass Effect, more a "down to earth" experience in which your decisions decide if a colony survives or not and how it will survive. Such a low scale setting and narrative can be interesting but I still always prefer there is something extra to grab my attention.
Something like this always feels to me like it helps set up the real problem or crisis like how for example in FNV the conflict between the NCR and the Legion would make Ulysses decide that neither nation or House had the answer and that the world should be reset again with the hope something better might come out of it.

Actually there some such themes in this but I don't want to give spoilers.

I can not give much commentary about the Corporatism angle in this game, I am sadly not that knowledgeable in that field but from what I heard it can be sometimes very simplified but also done in a very cartoon esque way. Something that was a point of discussion on the Codex.

To me it sounds very unbalanced with little nuances with the other side being borderline communism. I kind of wish that the situation was a bit more open to interpretation, with either sides have their good sides and bad sides or perhaps better strengths and weaknesses.
Even the main "religion" seems designed in such a way that you can not help being repulsed by it.

Gameplay, well many people compare it to FNV and that some of it such as the shooting part is much better than TOW's "predecessor" but that at lower level its feels to difficulty.
There is crafting in the game but a lot of people who played the game at some point found it pointless to do as it was much easier to scavenge better equipment. Even buying better weapons, armor, and other things you may need can be completely skipped.

Exploration on its own feel unrewarding as it only result in more "junk" to carry around.

There is some interesting thing done with perks with the player being able to choose to have "weaknesses" in return for extra skill points with the weaknesses sometimes also opening up new roleplaying options but in general perks are considered underwhelming.

The game's world itself is described as a sort of mix between Bioshock, Borderlands, and perhaps a dash of the latest Prey game world aesthetics and feel.
Oh the alien world part coming out of No Man's Sky.

I am not done with reading all the RPG Codex entries yet but I am going to wait until this game is on Steam, all DLCs are released, and it is on sale, and if it will be sold on GOG I will wait for it until it is released there.

Oh and this is BTW what you get when you allow the game to generate a face for your character;

I have been following up on this game since the start of this week on the RPG Codex and from what people who have been playing the game have been telling there along with from what I have been reading about on various sites I can not say that this game really grabs me.

Now I am not going to talk about possible progressive social politics/ideology content which have become such a major point of discussion in various forums, Pro and Anti, but rather from what I read about the design such as the world building, the writing, the quests, and of course the gameplay.

From what I understand The Outer Worlds definitely doesn't try to be an epic like Mass Effect, more a "down to earth" experience in which your decisions decide if a colony survives or not and how it will survive. Such a low scale setting and narrative can be interesting but I still always prefer there is something extra to grab my attention.

Something like this always feels to me like it helps set up the real problem or crisis like how for example in FNV the conflict between the NCR and the Legion would make Ulysses decide that neither nation or House had the answer and that the world should be reset again with the hope something better might come out of it.

Actually there some such themes in this but I don't want to give spoilers.

I can not give much commentary about the Corporatism angle in this game, I am sadly not that knowledgeable in that field but from what I heard it can be sometimes very simplified but also done in a very cartoon esque way. Something that was a point of discussion on the Codex.

To me it sounds very unbalanced with little nuances with the other side being borderline communism. I kind of wish that the situation was a bit more open to interpretation, with either sides have their good sides and bad sides or perhaps better strengths and weaknesses. Even the main "religion" seems designed in such a way that you can not help being repulsed by it.

In simple terms, no.

In longer terms, you're really wrong.

In a lengthy explanation of why, the politics of THE OUTER WORLDS are relevant in the context that it actually takes a moment to do decent world-building and people can infer political bias from it. Which is to say that truth has a political bias. The gameworld is based around the Gilded Age of America where company towns, mining bosses, and rampant looter capitalism were problems. Having grown up in Appalachia where the mining revolts and United States bombing the rioters are common folklore, this is something that is both entertaining as well as educational.

As for pro-communism, no, because communism and unlimited looter capitalism are the same entity. Capitalism requires competition and a strong regularly civilian government to thrive while placing it all in the hands of corporate bodies result in absolute control of both the economy as well as civilian structures under a single body that will ruthlessly exploit the working class/public. In communism and looter capitalism, the economy serves a dictatorial singular "elite" that leads to mass human suffering as well as well as a collapse of a thriving economic system.

In other words, monopoly=bad. State based economies=bad.

Which is just true.

The OUTER WORLDS depends on the idea that the Board of Halycon's allied corporations have broken contact with the Earth Government. They have taken over direct rule of the planetary colonies and are doing a shit job because the only economic competition is between each other, leading to a collapse of trade as well as government services due to shoddy workmanship as well as skimming by the leadership. The fact the colonies are not purely terraformed to human life means that the colony is failing with famine, pestilence, and other problems threatening an extinction event.

The Outer Worlds is pro-civilian government rather than corporate government, which you have to a LUNATIC to not support because no sane person would support corporate government over civilian anymore than being a person who would support divine right by kings. Yet, apparently some people believe this is a legitimate political point, perhaps like saying the Earth is round. The Outer Worlds also makes the point that science is innately good and that facts should be supported over corporate propaganda as well as trained professionals working for the public good over denying problems. Again, this is not a political stance unless you're a fucking moron as the argument is, "People who can grow food should be allowed to grow food versus attempting to feed them poisonous food grown by people who don't know how to do it."

Ironically, I'd argue the Outer Worlds is not harsh ENOUGH in its politics as the corporations are largely depicted as ineffectual and greedy as opposed to malevolent. Given the sheer amount of greed it requires to have killed thousands of people with its failed policies, which were by accident than design, I'd argue they deserve to be treated as cartoon villains--but they aren't.
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I kinda wish that The Outer Worlds had a Robocop 1 and 2 reference (movies that also were a satire of corporate and consumer culture) where a bunch of board members are discussing a terrible disaster that happened on one of the colonies and the head of the board says this line from Robocop 2, which is probably the greatest line ever said by a evil corporate businessman; "This could look bad for us. Scramble the best spin team we have."
In a real sense, this is just Firefly: The Game. I wish there were more smuggling contracts but there's still plenty of good clean crime to get up to.

I kinda wish that The Outer Worlds had a Robocop 1 and 2 reference (movies that also were a satire of corporate and consumer culture) where a bunch of board members are discussing a terrible disaster that happened on one of the colonies and the head of the board says this line from Robocop 2, which is probably the greatest line ever said by a evil corporate businessman; "This could look bad for us. Scramble the best spin team we have."

There's a much better satirical line which makes the writer a god among men, "OCP gambled in markets traditionally regarded as non-profit: hospitals, prisons, space exploration. I say good business is where you find it."

Now, if you'll excuse me, I must cry.
It's kinda surprising how people can rant at length about the flaws of a game they haven't played.
Oh and this is BTW what you get when you allow the game to generate a face for your character...
Obsidian was never known to have good character creators in their games.

Yeah, so I actually had to restart my game because of this. I was about an hour or so in and an NPC kept referring to me as "ma'am" and I figured it was a bug since I was playing a male character. It turns out the character generator randomizes gender and doesn't distinguish between male/female features. So I thought I was playing a scientist with a beard and male pattern baldness but apparently they also had a vagina.
It turns out the character generator randomizes gender and doesn't distinguish between male/female features. So I thought I was playing a scientist with a beard and male pattern baldness but apparently they also had a vagina.
I would like to believe that this is a concealed joke—for 'Be Careful What [future] You Wish For...'. :twisted:
Maybe don't set it to random? I got a battle-scarred soldier of fortune...with mutton chops! I took my time, and I'm quite happy with the results. If I have a critique it's that the number of options is limited due to budget constraints.
My critique is that the lighting during character creation is fucked and makes it hard to tell what the hair color is even supposed to be. Altho, you don't even see your character for the entire game so eh....
I would like to believe that this is a concealed joke—for 'Be Careful What [future] You Wish For...'. :twisted:

I'm going to say it's a bug because everyone was assuming my gender :-p

Maybe don't set it to random? I got a battle-scarred soldier of fortune...with mutton chops! I took my time, and I'm quite happy with the results. If I have a critique it's that the number of options is limited due to budget constraints.

I didn't want to but I thought the character gen sucked and I didn't want to spend an hour trying to make something
Maybe don't set it to random?
Tim Cain has told an anecdote about random selection before. He was asked to make a jukebox that played random tracks—and did not realize that (of course) they meant random without repeat... so it did cross my mind that this could have simply been coding a —totally— random selection of features, rather than variation within specific gender.
LegacyKillaHD, a YouTuber I quite like and respect, made a really good video on The Outer Worlds. He really likes it. Says its delightful and that the game really makes Bethesda look lazy and incompetent. My favorite thing that he says is that Obsidian knows more on what Fallout fans want then Bethesda who say they know what Fallout fans really want. Its worth a watch.
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Really, the biggest complaint so far from people is it's only 20 hours long. Which is a pretty good complaint, IMHO.