The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

I just saw Fantastic Four..... Oh my god.... The leather colorless outfits, the retarded "GRRRRITY ADAPTING" of shit that didn't even need it, like Clobbering time is now a phrase Ben's brother saide before abusing him? Doom's costume is fused to his body? is this the early 2000s again? I mean weird considering that the FF movie from back then (while still pretty terrible) was actually colorful....
The characters are as uninteresting as they get, Doom's powers are very vaguely defined and more than half of the movie is very cliche and monotonous build up to them even getting any powers at all....

The director's first act was to try and wash his hands off the movie, that is just downright hilarious. This movie already has apologists saying that the director is not at fault but from the beginning this already looked like a disaster with the "gritty approach" their flip flopping about wether they wanted to cater to fans at all and even the rumors about the director just being a complete assclown on set and even showing up drunk off his ass... I don't get why people are being so defensive of the guy....
I have the perfect solution for you! THIS series has a character who can stretch and manipulate his body like it was made out of rubber, a character who can make themselves invisible, and is a member of a super 4 person squad, a character who can turn their body into fire and is a fun-loving badass, a stone man (not much else to say about him, really XD), and just ONE antagonist out of many various villains who uses both technology as well as a sort of "magic" as his personal arsenal, AND YET the creator takes ownership of his mistakes rather than feeling ashamed of them, and it's colorful in presentation, jovial in overall mood, yet it doesn't lack in sincerity or its own seriously depressing moments of dreary darkness from time to time! =D

There. Now you have something to enjoy that brings the coolness factor of the Fantastic Four without dragging it down with unnecessary grittiness, or without fixating on making a silly idea of Doom as the sole antagonist, or without losing itself to comedy when some degree of seriousness is in order. May you enjoy! ^^
I read the plot to the new F4 when I found out it was getting universally panned and my first thought was that there is no way Doom would ever lose in that way. Like there's no such thing as a random encounter with Doom because he plans for everything that isn't falling to appeals to his ego. The way they do it is ridiculous and more P/W-IS than CIS.

On another note it turns out they're making a sequel to it, to be released in the second quarter of 2017. They'll never learn.
Watched "It's such a beautiful day" by Don Hertzfeldt.

I really underestimated this guy, thinking it was limited to crazy-silly stuff like "Rejected", he almost brought a tear out of me with "Meaning of Life", but this full length feature just... put a huge pressure on my chest... heavy heavy stick-figure flick :I
I CANNOT imagine how you could underestimate him because of Rejected. Even on a surface level that is a work of true art, but look beneath the layers and it's a really deep piece. It might take watching the version with his personal commentary subtitled over it to understand some of the missed depth, but that doesn't mean you can't see it. I love his stuff, even if I don't totally agree with nor embrace his anti-consumerist perspective.

I'd say it's kinda like enjoying a Joss Whedon film: the guy's a nutcase and kind of a douchebag, but damn it if he can't make some really incredible cinema!
I CANNOT imagine how you could underestimate him because of Rejected. Even on a surface level that is a work of true art, but look beneath the layers and it's a really deep piece. It might take watching the version with his personal commentary subtitled over it to understand some of the missed depth, but that doesn't mean you can't see it. I love his stuff, even if I don't totally agree with nor embrace his anti-consumerist perspective.

I'd say it's kinda like enjoying a Joss Whedon film: the guy's a nutcase and kind of a douchebag, but damn it if he can't make some really incredible cinema!

I know, I know, what I meant was - I tend to fear that these kinds of works are "one hit wonders", or lucky flukes. I really enjoyed "Rejected", but you can't blame me - in these days of crazy-humor-all-over-the-internet - for suspecting that his other works would be similar. This goes for many artists, and it has come back to bite me, in the shape of missing out on a ton of good stuff. Part of the worry is opposite - I worry that I'll end up someones fanboy, helplessly collecting all of their works.. :D

In the end, I just had no idea the magnitude of impact that "It's such a beautiful day" threw at me. Like I said - I could feel it in my chest, man! D:
Hmmm. Well I guess we can chalk that up to when we each were exposed to it? I saw Rejected for the first time around the same time I was watching my friend play Fallout, so needless to say viral celebrity stardom and youtube weren't THINGS, yet.
Hmmm. Well I guess we can chalk that up to when we each were exposed to it? I saw Rejected for the first time around the same time I was watching my friend play Fallout, so needless to say viral celebrity stardom and youtube weren't THINGS, yet.

Oh, yes, very probably. I first saw Rejected about 2 years ago, and to me it was one-more of a bunch of crazy-silly stuff online. It was very good at it though, someone who can detect quality, can quickly detect it in Rejected. Many shake their heads at it, and they think it is bad, but obviously, even the "lame" animation is splendidly composed and timed - it is evidently a deliberate "simple" appearance... :D

But despite those good signs, signs of true quality, I was a bit sceptical, sticking with the (unfair) assumption that this was probably someone's lucky fluke.

Anyway, "It's such a beautiful day" is highly recommended, at least on this forum here - but it easily is a movie you cannot recommend to everyone indiscriminately. I do not recommend it to my stepmother, she is very sensitive :D
Rewatched Godzilla 2014.... I think my brain actively made me forget how bad this moviewas... beacuse Hot damn, this movie just sucks on every aspect and it is so clueless about what the first Godzilla film was about with it's American Military centric film shit that is kind of comedic. Almost feels like a South Park skit, with all and the Heroes wanting to use an atomic bomb and taking over the Japanese's operation because 'MURIKA FUCK YEAH.... And you don't even get to see the monsters fighting for more than like 4 minutes, so you spend most of the movie looking at wet blankets pretending to be people and looking at the monsters in POV shots that obscure everything when it's even about to start.

EDIT PLUS: Just watched the Attach on Tities live action movie, I retract my previous statement, that one was THE WORST movie I have seen this year, Fanfoursticks was a better adaptation than this.... just imagine that....
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Funily Attach on Tities actually involves a bunch of giant people with no genitals. And the movie for some reason decided to remove familial ties all characters had on the manga just so they could be romantically involved. There is even a sex scene even tho Attack on Titan has absolutely no Fanservice at all.

Also their uniform still have horse riding boots but they cahnged the setting so that they have motorized vehicles.... Did Japan just try to pull a Hollywood style adaptation?
Funily Attach on Tities actually involves a bunch of giant people with no genitals. And the movie for some reason decided to remove familial ties all characters had on the manga just so they could be romantically involved. There is even a sex scene even tho Attack on Titan has absolutely no Fanservice at all.

Also their uniform still have horse riding boots but they cahnged the setting so that they have motorized vehicles.... Did Japan just try to pull a Hollywood style adaptation?

Hm, sounds like regular Tumblr fanfiction.
Sin Nombre, a kind of "basic story" of the drama unfolding around some Hondurans on their way through Mexico, on their way to the US border. Pretty good, a typically grounded, human kind of drama
I watched Jon Stewart's movie, Rosewater, and uh... it kinda sucked.

I've also got to wonder why there was no uproar about him casting Hispanic people to play Iranians. Their accents were pretty noticeably off even.
Don't know why, but that reminds me about how a classmate who studied for a year in the US showed us the Yearbook of the school she attended, and in every picture she was in they had altered them so she looked much tanner than she actually was, because she was latina and they probably thought that all latinos are brown so they retouched the pictures. We all had a good laugh, except her.
Only got round to watching Nightcrawler the other night, and that was only due to fanfare from critics really, as I thought the plot looked fairly hazy... but oh wow, that has to be the first film in years where it a) superseded all hype, which rarely ever happens and b)... I felt sick at the end, totally gut-wrenching and a total antithesis to the clichéd Hollywood payoff at the end where we're battered with the ol' "bad guy gets what's coming to him" trope.