The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

EDIT: Forgot to include... that the REASON I stressed the importance of my liking the Gun Control episode and its message of "guns for all; the government should be AFRAID of its citizens!" is that... I don't like guns. HATE em. I consider them vulgar tools. The killing equivalent of easymode game patches. Yet, I'm an ardent opponent to gun regulation, because it doesn't matter that I dislike them. The principle is what matters most. And in principle, it's PARAMOUNT that we not allow government to take us, its citizens, lightly.

I actually grew up around guns. My father had a little .22 rifle, and a 9-shot revolver when I was a kid. The very first thing he taught me about was gun safety, and at a young age to. We'd also go out to where my cousin lived (way outside of Las Vegas) and shoot them. First I started out with the little .22 rifle, and then worked my way up to the 9-shooter. Before he passed away, he had got a .9 mm Smith and Wesson, military/police model (his rifle and pistol had been sold long ago). We went out to shoot that one, to on many occasions. Now, I'm 22 and I myself have a .45 (Colt, newer model).

Naturally, I can't bring myself to hate them. Do I think anyone and everyone should get them? No. Should they be done away with all together? No. Unfortunately, guns were invented for a reason (and that reason wasn't hunting). Humanity will never "evolve" to the point where we will have a international society that doesn't need firearms.
Kinda funny how such similar backgrounds can lead to complete opposite opinions.

I grew up around guns, too. Not in the NRA "they're everywhere, you can take them from my cold dead hands" sort of way. But when I was a kid there were open carrying laws allowing people to wear guns as long as they weren't concealed. Never saw it, though. (That's something drug control and gun control pushers don't seem to understand... presenting the opportunity for something people don't like doesn't mean they'll automatically seek them. They STILL won't like them!) Then more gun control laws got passed. Naturally Colombine had a huge impact on that. I went along with lots of hypes before I came to my senses. But before any of that, I knew guns. My parents had 4-5 guns in the house at all times (again, I rarely ever saw them BECAUSE owning isn't the same thing as brandishing), 2 that were hidden but kept available in case they were ever needed, the rest locked up in a safe for safe keeping. I was in the Boy Scouts, and among the group's many outings we would go shooting. I shot a 22 rifle at the desert ranges, and I shot the same kind of rifle and some pistols at some city gun ranges a couple of times. I learned all about their use and maintenance, and there was never a point where I dissed them.

But when it all comes down to it, exposure to a tool doesn't mean you inherently grow to like it.

Guns are tools, and I have respect for guns, but they're tools I don't care for. Like I said, to me, they're "vulgar". You can get in my face spouting "shit" and "piss" and "cocks" all day long, and that will never offend me nearly so much as the concept of a firearm. A large part of that is my love affair with swords. Depending on how successful I can ever be, I intend to make a sword collection, and among my lofty and deliberately-set-to-be-"impossible" goals I always aim for, to keep myself moving forward, is that I want to some day own a real Masamune. If you know ANYTHING about the legendary Masamune and his swords, you'd understand why that dream is ridiculously fanciful. But having such an ambitious dream is all part of the plan. Ever out of grasp, you keep on reaching.

But unlike a knife or a spear or an axe, swords (particularly katana, rapiers, etc) weren't made for hunting purposes, either. They were refined from a practical tool into a more precise method for killing. So why do I like them but despise guns? That's a topic for another forum. Suffice it to say, I have MANY reasons. But if I were to try to sum it up incredibly briefly: there's just something beautiful about swords, to me. But guns? Nothing beautiful at all. They're TOO "machine" to me. Like comparing a perfect sphere of steel to a car wheel, the latter clearly has a purpose and the former is clearly just aesthetic but otherwise completely useless (unless... y'know, bludgeoning... ah never mind), but that doesn't make it more beautiful. Nothing about the shape of a multi-chambered firearm delights me. But the smooth curves and reflective surfaces of blades are just gorgeous. Of course, beauty being totally in the eye of the beholder- in this case, me -just means this is all the more relative.

Also, it's nice that I have to use knives on a regular basis when I'm cooking. Sure, I cut myself from time to time, but it comes with the territory. Same way I'll occasionally burn myself. It happens, we move on. But taking out a large, curved blade and sharpening it just before I cut up a nice, perfectly cooked rack of pork ribs before devouring/serving them is a really relaxing moment that I greatly enjoy.

So uh... I like movies.

Oh, I know! I watched a JonTron episode last night about A movie that got me laughing. I just can't imagine HOW some people can be compelled to make total garbage. The "film" in question was Birdemic: Shock and Terror. Look it up, and be amazed at the terribleness of it all. Perhaps it stands as the perfect reference for why agendas should NEVER be the sole cause for making a movie?

There, topic relevance! =D
Being someone who has been pointed a gun at at a very early age I don't get why people feel fine with the idea of no regulation for what is a tool made entirely for killing other things. I wouldn't advocate for total banning because that woulod just create more violence from the inevitable black market that would grow around it.

Also the idea that the government of the US woulod be scared of their people having civilian grade weapons is pretty laughable on the face of their 600 billion in yearly military spending. The moment you shoot at a government official is the moment they stop looking bad if they shoot back at you, civil protests are far more effective at making the government fear the population because if they try to silence a peaceful manifestation then they'll look pretty shittly to foreign powers giving the protestors cause more power.

Also I wouldn't want any asshole operating heavy machinery, why would I want any asshole to be able to weild a gun? I am not calling all gun opwners assholes, there are very responsible ones and caring for a gun and it's safety measures is rather involved.... I think most people are idiots and many like to disregard anything that takes too much effort so I can't really bring myself to want all of them to have guns. Specially the crazy ones or the acoholics.
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Saw this movie last week, "Waltz with Bashir". It's a documentary about the 1982 invasion of Lebanon, and it's unique in the way that it's an animated documentary. Personally I would love to see more stuff like this, I love good stories told by the people who lived them and the animation is just delightful to the eyes.

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Saw this movie last week, "Waltz with Bashir". It's a documentary about the 1982 invasion of Lebanon, and it's unique in the way that it's an animated documentary. Personally I would love to see more stuff like this, I love good stories told by the people who lived them and the animation is just delightful to the eyes.

One of my favorite animated films in general, I've recommended it many pages ago. I don't remember who, but someone was put off by the visual style, which reminded them of Flash animation. It cannot be stressed enough - it may be superficially similar to Flash, but it is not - and the animation is impeccable!
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In my oppinion it looked more like an animated comic book, one that I liked. Reminded me of DMZ.

That looks interesting as well - and Waltz with Bashir has actually been turned into a comic book, with still-frames from the animation. I'm not entiiirely sure how much I like this, but nobody's forcing me to like it, so... to each his own, I'm gonna prefer the animation, because it is the original incarnation of the concept.


Giving Attack on Titan a chance, and so far it's piquing my interest. But - what's with the random German sentences in the intro song? Aaand, what's with the drama-wind appearing from random directions? This was mostly prevalent in the first episode, so maybe they figured it was a bit too much. I love that... happy-go-lucky demeanor of the titans, it makes them extra creepy.
Also a lot of animation-saving-still-image-efforts, but at least they made it artsy

Aaand, I watched Michael Bay's Turtles. I have to - once again - agree with Doug Walker here - I surprisingly did not *hate* it. It was kind of... not a lot to hate, nothing to really love, the action was CG-salad as expected, and a few of the gags were giggleworthy. The previous all animated "TMNT", despite having a complete mess for a plot, was more entertaining - and Splinter was actually... bearable, even funny! "I'm gonna go watch my stories... "
Being someone who has been pointed a gun at at a very early age I don't get why people feel fine with the idea of no regulation for what is a tool made entirely for killing other things. I wouldn't advocate for total banning because that woulod just create more violence from the inevitable black market that would grow around it.

Also the idea that the government of the US woulod be scared of their people having civilian grade weapons is pretty laughable on the face of their 600 billion in yearly military spending. The moment you shoot at a government official is the moment they stop looking bad if they shoot back at you, civil protests are far more effective at making the government fear the population because if they try to silence a peaceful manifestation then they'll look pretty shittly to foreign powers giving the protestors cause more power.

Also I wouldn't want any asshole operating heavy machinery, why would I want any asshole to be able to weild a gun? I am not calling all gun opwners assholes, there are very responsible ones and caring for a gun and it's safety measures is rather involved.... I think most people are idiots and many like to disregard anything that takes too much effort so I can't really bring myself to want all of them to have guns. Specially the crazy ones or the acoholics.
You're confusing the provisions of the second amendment to be allowing "civilian grade weapons", and nothing else. No, it allows ANY form of weapons to the people. Light machine guns. Automatic rifles. You name it. That's why the NRA is so nutjob zealous about their rights to bear arms. Because it IS our fundamental constitutional right to bear arms to defend ourselves against oppression! That's the POINT of that constitutional provision. Also, governments DO NOT (and physically CAN NOT) outlive their people. You can have every reservation you wish that the governments will have the greater funding and the greater control and the greater power, but that doesn't mean they won't fear an uprising of armed citizens. In fact, they fear it all the time. It's a large part of why gun control laws keep getting enacted.

The whole point is that "anyone can" is NOT the same thing as "anyone does". You worrying over "any asshole" owning a gun is a pessimistic worry, because that's not going to happen. People like me who dislike guns won't go out and buy them when the hypothetical day comes that all gun regulation ceases to exist. Other people who have "faith in the goodness of their common man" will feel that they don't need to worry. Zealous gun nuts will buy MORE guns... but they haven't been hurting anybody and that won't change because of their obsessions being allowed to reach the point of excess. People in countries that DO ban firearms see violence in the form of homemade grenades, illegal firearms, and deadly use of bladed weapons, and they reach the nonsensical conclusion that their gun control laws prevent gun violence. No. Take away a tool for a certain task, and somebody who wants or needs to perform that task will just find another way. Psychopaths will not be stopped by taking away guns. But there's a chance- A CHANCE -that they can be stopped earlier if good citizens, who have guns, happen to be around when said psychopaths go on their rampages.

On a lighter note, I believe it was on Game Grumps, but somebody mentioned a comedian who said that there should be no gun control laws, just replace every gun with a musket. That way, any time a heated argument breaks out into violence at some bar, they have to take out their musket, and then..... they begin packing the powder, loading the pellets, packing the pellets, packing the fuse, lighting the fuse.... ah, fuck it, I've cooled down, I don't give a shit anymore... XD
Jim Jeffries gun-control rant (the musket-bit is at the very end)
This guy has an awesome come-back argument.

Being someone who has been pointed a gun at at a very early age I don't get why people feel fine with the idea of no regulation for what is a tool made entirely for killing other things. I wouldn't advocate for total banning because that woulod just create more violence from the inevitable black market that would grow around it.

Also the idea that the government of the US woulod be scared of their people having civilian grade weapons is pretty laughable on the face of their 600 billion in yearly military spending. The moment you shoot at a government official is the moment they stop looking bad if they shoot back at you, civil protests are far more effective at making the government fear the population because if they try to silence a peaceful manifestation then they'll look pretty shittly to foreign powers giving the protestors cause more power.

Also I wouldn't want any asshole operating heavy machinery, why would I want any asshole to be able to weild a gun? I am not calling all gun opwners assholes, there are very responsible ones and caring for a gun and it's safety measures is rather involved.... I think most people are idiots and many like to disregard anything that takes too much effort so I can't really bring myself to want all of them to have guns. Specially the crazy ones or the acoholics.

I don't think anybody should be able to wield a gun either. I think that there should be criminal and insanity background checks before anyone purchases a gun. I think we should first have to register for a license. But I don't think they should be made extremely, extremely hard to get and a bunch of laws surrounding them where having one is pretty much pointless anyways (like Australia's safe laws, which require firearms to be locked up in a combination turning safe which makes them pretty much pointless). That's just my personal opinion though.
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It seems to me that people who are against gun ownership don't understand the idea of a deterrent. They are like the people who want a world without nukes, withot once taking into consideration that the nukes are what keeps the peace. Unfortunately, the vast majority of people in Europe are against gun ownership so it's not even considered an issue. Because Switzerland must be retarded, why would we want to be anything like that country...?

But to stay on the topic of movies, is anyone else a fan of this?
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Giving Attack on Titan a chance, and so far it's piquing my interest. But - what's with the random German sentences in the intro song? Aaand, what's with the drama-wind appearing from random directions? This was mostly prevalent in the first episode, so maybe they figured it was a bit too much. I love that... happy-go-lucky demeanor of the titans, it makes them extra creepy.
Also a lot of animation-saving-still-image-efforts, but at least they made it artsy
Good, it's a pretty good series that very quickly starts subverting and ignoring the typical tropes and archetypes of shonen anime. I hope you are watching it subbed, because the english dub ruins a lot of the lines and even gives characters pretty awful voices.
AoT the anime was made on a very tight budget, and no one on the production team expected it to be that popular due to it being kind of a non standard series without moe or fan service so the team had to maximize their resources.
THe manga is pretty good too.

Don't watch the live action movie tho, it's garbage.
No, it allows ANY form of weapons to the people. Light machine guns. Automatic rifles. You name it. That's why the NRA is so nutjob zealous about their rights to bear arms. Because it IS our fundamental constitutional right to bear arms to defend ourselves against oppression! That's the POINT of that constitutional provision.

Wrong, United States vs. Miller.
All those guns didn't give you good healthcare or a competent education system, they also didn't stop the economical crisis caused by deregulation and war spending, just sayin'
Giving Attack on Titan a chance, and so far it's piquing my interest. But - what's with the random German sentences in the intro song? Aaand, what's with the drama-wind appearing from random directions? This was mostly prevalent in the first episode, so maybe they figured it was a bit too much. I love that... happy-go-lucky demeanor of the titans, it makes them extra creepy.
Also a lot of animation-saving-still-image-efforts, but at least they made it artsy
Good, it's a pretty good series that very quickly starts subverting and ignoring the typical tropes and archetypes of shonen anime. I hope you are watching it subbed, because the english dub ruins a lot of the lines and even gives characters pretty awful voices.
AoT the anime was made on a very tight budget, and no one on the production team expected it to be that popular due to it being kind of a non standard series without moe or fan service so the team had to maximize their resources.
THe manga is pretty good too.

Don't watch the live action movie tho, it's garbage.

Always original language, yes. I naively used to think dubbed animations were less of a deal than dubbed movies (which I avoid at all cost. Norwegians don't dub movies, except those for small children), but my first watch of Princess Mononoke dubbed was very very weird, I remember the confusion "I cannot remember this movie being this bad and un-subtle!" (my very first watch of it was in original language)
After a few views and comparisons, I realized the dubbed version actually over-explained things, over-elaborated, and even added words where nothing was said in the original - such as when the characters first enter the deepest of the ancient forest, and encounter a lake - he says "oh!" - while in the original, he spelllls it out "oh! This place is very beautiful!" - the character turns away from camera, so there's no mouth moving, and therefore "an oportunity" to "fix" it...
Actually. It was the continental army with the decleration by the congress that gave you freedom. Not your gunz :V

I know this is the movie topic, and maybe it is time for another I lov mah gunz topic. But I always find it funny when anyone seriously argues for his weapons to protect his constitution and to fight opression. You can love weapons, that's fine by me. I also don't mind people owning the really big stuff, like heavy machine guns or even tanks. Hell most gun owners are rather resonable from what I can tell and even if I don't really see a need for weapons I could enjoy a a stay at the Knob Creek gun show. But looking at the current situation.

The government of the US is corrupt as fuck, it is already doing unconstitutional things on a daily basis, with lobbys and think tanks having more power than the public. The issue? It doesn't effect everyone, just a few. And it is not enough of a reason to stand for the rights of others.
No, it allows ANY form of weapons to the people. Light machine guns. Automatic rifles. You name it. That's why the NRA is so nutjob zealous about their rights to bear arms. Because it IS our fundamental constitutional right to bear arms to defend ourselves against oppression! That's the POINT of that constitutional provision.

Wrong, United States vs. Miller.
Are you a lawyer? Cause you're making a legal argument, not a rational argument. They're two VERY different things.