The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

Don't know why, but that reminds me about how a classmate who studied for a year in the US showed us the Yearbook of the school she attended, and in every picture she was in they had altered them so she looked much tanner than she actually was, because she was latina and they probably thought that all latinos are brown so they retouched the pictures. We all had a good laugh, except her.

Wtf... Reminds me of the "progress party" here, after all their "we aren't racists, we are concerned about culture conflicts!" made a humorous sketch on one of their get-togethes, where they acted as arabs, while nearly dipping themselves in shoe polish. Last I checked, arabs weren't chocolate-dark, not even tan, most of them are... well... white
"Pff, they're all a buncha blackies! But we aren't racist!"

Also reminds me of a humorous yet real political party, called "the political party" that actually functioned for a few years here, where one of the party leaders - a slightly tan skinned north-African Norwegian, was re-touched to staggeringly black

In fact, I have "blackened" both my dad and myself in simple graphics programs. It is quite fun, although probably not the most "PC" thing one can do.
(With that in mind, I am actually for a bit of correctness, it's not like we have to hurry to clash with everyone and everything, so I'm not gonna post my own blackened pic :D)
What DO you guys think of the new Deadpool, anyways. It actually looks like the first Marvel movie I've wanted to see in a long time...

It doesn't look like they are going to fuck the character up in this one, but then again, I've been wrong before.
What DO you guys think of the new Deadpool, anyways. It actually looks like the first Marvel movie I've wanted to see in a long time...

It doesn't look like they are going to fuck the character up in this one, but then again, I've been wrong before.

As little as I care about super-heroes, it does look like they allow cursing. That, in itself, is often more significant than people give it credit for - since to allow cursing, is to step over a kind of boundary that also disrupts many other things. With that boundary crossed, there will be more benefits than only cursing, when it comes to artistic freedom.

I always spot for the cursing! :D
I keep forgetting you Americans rate movies with those letters, it actually is one of the more logical things you guys do (compared to for example your insane measuring units), it makes it easyer to gauge a certain expectation.
Over here we rate purely by "age limit" (well, at least in Norway), almost every movie ever made is given "15 and up", almost all kids movies are "all ages" or "10 and up" and very, very few are labelled "18 and up", usually excessive horror movies, it's quite rare.
I keep forgetting you Americans rate movies with those letters, it actually is one of the more logical things you guys do (compared to for example your insane measuring units), it makes it easyer to gauge a certain expectation.
Over here we rate purely by "age limit" (well, at least in Norway), almost every movie ever made is given "15 and up", almost all kids movies are "all ages" or "10 and up" and very, very few are labelled "18 and up", usually excessive horror movies, it's quite rare.

Yeah, I think the rating system here works out alright. I just now read about NC-17 being partly based upon how many thrusts there are during the sex scenes. :grin:
Re-watched one of my favorite movies, City of God. Known primarily for grittyness and violence, I find this movie aesthetically marvellous, beautifully paced, amazingly acted, all in all a very, very good movie.

I always snicker to the fact that "Lil Ze" asks "Rocket" his name 3 times during this movie

I must also add City of Men, both the series and the film. The series was so profound and genuine, it's one of those where I actually feel a bit sad when it's finished, and I miss the people I've gotten to know in the episodes. This series re-uses some of the actors from City of God, but is much more upbeat, especially considering how dark City of God is.
The City of Men movie takes things back to darkness territory, but functions much more as an epilogue to the series, rather than a movie on its own.
It actually looks like the first Marvel movie I've wanted to see in a long time...

It's worth pointing out that it's not a Marvel Studios film, but a 20th Century Fox film, i.e. the guys who recently brought us Fantastic Four.

So don't get your hopes up is what I'm saying.
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It actually looks like the first Marvel movie I've wanted to see in a long time...

It's worth pointing out that it's not a Marvel Studios film, but a 20th Century Fox film, i.e. the guys who recently brought us Fantastic Four.

So don't get your hopes up is what I'm saying.

Yeah, but they have a pretty good batting average for Xmen movies. Half of them have been good at least. Deadpool is also one of the few comic movies to get a R rating, so it is a bit different than most. If the rating was PG13 the movie would fail horribly, but as it is, they have the spirit of the character down right. Hell, he jokes about how bad the Green Lantern costume was in the trailer - that kind of 4th wall breaking is what he is known for. The costume looks spot on. Probably one of the best I have ever seen in a Marvel movie.

Even Colossus has his classic look - he is rumored to be Russian finally - as opposed to the shitty version we got in the Xmen movies. The real test will be the humor. If the humor fails, then the movie might be disappointing to some fans. I know the main reason I want to see it is the comedy. Some of it was hit or miss in the trailer. I hope they don't go overboard with a lot of forced laughs. I am curious to see if Deadpool will have his dialog boxes at some point, or maybe a thought bubble, so he can argue with himself.
What DO you guys think of the new Deadpool, anyways. It actually looks like the first Marvel movie I've wanted to see in a long time...

It doesn't look like they are going to fuck the character up in this one, but then again, I've been wrong before.

As little as I care about super-heroes, it does look like they allow cursing. That, in itself, is often more significant than people give it credit for - since to allow cursing, is to step over a kind of boundary that also disrupts many other things. With that boundary crossed, there will be more benefits than only cursing, when it comes to artistic freedom.

I always spot for the cursing! :D
I feel like the worst aspect of that "boundary" is people feeling the need to "replace" cursing with the innocuous, childlike version of curse words. When I hear the characters go "darn it" in RWBY, it always makes me cringe. I know I'm different in that I enjoy deeply exploring language- and VERY different in that I enjoy attempting to invent my own curse words... XD -but there are MANY avenues to take in faithfully expressing how humans behave, even if you want to abstain from cursing. It will ALWAYS come off as non-genuine if you endeavor to censor how people genuinely behave, but there are ways of making it more believable and less childish than simply replacing curse words with baby babble.

A good study on the subject: Penn & Teller: Bullshit! "Profanity"
Alas, Showtime monetized the episodes, so I can't link the full episode. But one can find many great clips from it. Besides, if you haven't watched Bullshit! yet... what the Hell are you doing? GO WATCH Bullshit! NOW!!!

Long story short on the episode's stance on language itself: the gift wrapping isn't the message, the message is the message.
What DO you guys think of the new Deadpool, anyways. It actually looks like the first Marvel movie I've wanted to see in a long time...

It doesn't look like they are going to fuck the character up in this one, but then again, I've been wrong before.

As little as I care about super-heroes, it does look like they allow cursing. That, in itself, is often more significant than people give it credit for - since to allow cursing, is to step over a kind of boundary that also disrupts many other things. With that boundary crossed, there will be more benefits than only cursing, when it comes to artistic freedom.

I always spot for the cursing! :D
I feel like the worst aspect of that "boundary" is people feeling the need to "replace" cursing with the innocuous, childlike version of curse words. When I hear the characters go "darn it" in RWBY, it always makes me cringe. I know I'm different in that I enjoy deeply exploring language- and VERY different in that I enjoy attempting to invent my own curse words... XD -but there are MANY avenues to take in faithfully expressing how humans behave, even if you want to abstain from cursing. It will ALWAYS come off as non-genuine if you endeavor to censor how people genuinely behave, but there are ways of making it more believable and less childish than simply replacing curse words with baby babble.

A good study on the subject: Penn & Teller: Bullshit! "Profanity"
Alas, Showtime monetized the episodes, so I can't link the full episode. But one can find many great clips from it. Besides, if you haven't watched Bullshit! yet... what the Hell are you doing? GO WATCH Bullshit! NOW!!!

Long story short on the episode's stance on language itself: the gift wrapping isn't the message, the message is the message.

I allready stopped myself from ranting about it 2-3 times, I am hard at work with my rant-disciprine ratery - but yes - to avoid cursing is not only to avoid cursing, as many might think - it's not about "the bad words", but it is about a significant departure from believability. In cop shows, people get shot, they fall over, they get crippled, watch their partners/friends/innocent/children die - etc etc - and react by going "oh no" or "darn it" or whatever - NO! NO!
I wanna scream at them - you cannot go ahead and show people getting their reality shattered, and have them react by going "oh, doh!" - people curse, it's even been documented that cursing relieves stress - that is WHY we curse, that's why I curse, you curse, my dad, my mom, children curse, priests and nurses curse, surgeons curse while operating peoples brains - it is helpful to us - we're not trying to be assholes about it! :D

And the moment cursing is allowed in a movie, a big portion of psychological realism has been tended to - right there, by itself! And it serves as a sign - that the creators of the movie are interested in potentially forfeiting a large portion of audience - for that extra bit of believability. Doesn't mean the movie will be good, but it can be a hint at integrity, which I always appreciate

(And Bullshit aired here for a year or two, I watched all of it, and eh, don't hate me now but for almost every episode I sat thinking "Heh, Americans need to be told this? :V" Okay, okay, I bet a bunch of Norwegians needed to be told too!)
(And Bullshit aired here for a year or two, I watched all of it, and eh, don't hate me now but for almost every episode I sat thinking "Heh, Americans need to be told this? :V" Okay, okay, I bet a bunch of Norwegians needed to be told too!)
Sadly, yes. I STILL have to suffer listening to hipsters drone on and on about their "organic lifestyle" and I had to REALLY bite my tongue when my aunt said "we can't keep killing the planet" while patting herself on the back for her "decision" to recycle. It's hardly just Americans, though. People ALL OVER need to be reminded of these things. Hell, I love the Gun Control episode, but Brits were so damn cocky and arrogant about "we don't allow guns, and we're doing fine!" while completely missing the purpose of the Second Amendment. So yeah, it's people EVERYWHERE who need to be reminded of these simple things.

Also, keep in mind that Bullshit! originally aired in the early 2000's... So try to remember how different things and policies and people were 10-15 years ago. I can still remember what it was like when adoring a child in public wasn't cynically labeled "pedophilia" or adults interacting at all with kids frowned upon as "stranger danger", and that was only about 20 years ago.

EDIT: Forgot to include... that the REASON I stressed the importance of my liking the Gun Control episode and its message of "guns for all; the government should be AFRAID of its citizens!" is that... I don't like guns. HATE em. I consider them vulgar tools. The killing equivalent of easymode game patches. Yet, I'm an ardent opponent to gun regulation, because it doesn't matter that I dislike them. The principle is what matters most. And in principle, it's PARAMOUNT that we not allow government to take us, its citizens, lightly.
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It actually looks like the first Marvel movie I've wanted to see in a long time...

It's worth pointing out that it's not a Marvel Studios film, but a 20th Century Fox film, i.e. the guys who recently brought us Fantastic Four.

So don't get your hopes up is what I'm saying.

Just because they fucked Fantastic Four up, doesn't mean they'll do the same to this. Plus, FOX has been known to put out good movies (when they care enough).

And I think Ryan Reynolds is good (not "perfect", but good) for this part. People on YouTube were saying if this came out in the mid to early 90's, it'd be Jim Carrey playing the part. That I could not, or did not want to imagine.
It actually looks like the first Marvel movie I've wanted to see in a long time...

It's worth pointing out that it's not a Marvel Studios film, but a 20th Century Fox film, i.e. the guys who recently brought us Fantastic Four.

So don't get your hopes up is what I'm saying.

Just because they fucked Fantastic Four up, doesn't mean they'll do the same to this. Plus, FOX has been known to put out good movies (when they care enough).

And I think Ryan Reynolds is good (not "perfect", but good) for this part. People on YouTube were saying if this came out in the mid to early 90's, it'd be Jim Carrey playing the part. That I could not, or did not want to imagine.

Reynolds does seem to fit the part. He went to bat for the movie so that shows a lot. Jim Carrey can't do physical roles. As far as action movies go at least.
EDIT: Forgot to include... that the REASON I stressed the importance of my liking the Gun Control episode and its message of "guns for all; the government should be AFRAID of its citizens!" is that... I don't like guns. HATE em. I consider them vulgar tools. The killing equivalent of easymode game patches. Yet, I'm an ardent opponent to gun regulation, because it doesn't matter that I dislike them. The principle is what matters most. And in principle, it's PARAMOUNT that we not allow government to take us, its citizens, lightly.

I actually grew up around guns. My father had a little .22 rifle, and a 9-shot revolver when I was a kid. The very first thing he taught me about was gun safety, and at a young age to. We'd also go out to where my cousin lived (way outside of Las Vegas) and shoot them. First I started out with the little .22 rifle, and then worked my way up to the 9-shooter. Before he passed away, he had got a .9 mm Smith and Wesson, military/police model (his rifle and pistol had been sold long ago). We went out to shoot that one, to on many occasions. Now, I'm 22 and I myself have a .45 (Colt, newer model).

Naturally, I can't bring myself to hate them. Do I think anyone and everyone should get them? No. Should they be done away with all together? No. Unfortunately, guns were invented for a reason (and that reason wasn't hunting). Humanity will never "evolve" to the point where we will have a international society that doesn't need firearms.

It actually looks like the first Marvel movie I've wanted to see in a long time...

It's worth pointing out that it's not a Marvel Studios film, but a 20th Century Fox film, i.e. the guys who recently brought us Fantastic Four.

So don't get your hopes up is what I'm saying.

Just because they fucked Fantastic Four up, doesn't mean they'll do the same to this. Plus, FOX has been known to put out good movies (when they care enough).

And I think Ryan Reynolds is good (not "perfect", but good) for this part. People on YouTube were saying if this came out in the mid to early 90's, it'd be Jim Carrey playing the part. That I could not, or did not want to imagine.

Reynolds does seem to fit the part. He went to bat for the movie so that shows a lot. Jim Carrey can't do physical roles. As far as action movies go at least.

I can't give your post rads for some reason...
Military =/= civilians with firearms.

And maybe I am going to far with this, but I would tend to say that we don't even need really any large military in the nuclear age anyway. Not in Europe. Not in the US. Peacekeeping operations if we have to talk about that, don't require huge armies. Not on the level as how some of the larger nations deploy them, including China, Russia etc.

Anyway. Who cares :p This is about movies after all.
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Military =/= civilians with firearms.

And maybe I am going to far with this, but I would tend to say that we don't even need really any large military in the nuclear age anyway. Not in Europe. Not in the US. Peacekeeping operations if we have to talk about that, don't require huge armies. Not on the level as how some of the larger nations deploy them, including China, Russia etc.

Anyway. Who cares :p This is about movies after all.

Well, I agree with you there. In my opinion, we should do away with massive militaries all together, and instead just rely on Special Forces. But with the politically unstable way many nations are, that'll never happen. Plus, conventional warfare is always a better option that nuclear.