The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

Hell the original Batman was dark and gritty...kinda. Hollywood loves that stuff. It's either light hearted or serious as shit.
I think Amazing Spiderman did a good job of being middle ground between friendly and having humor and having some gritty stuff.
Sub-Human said:
Walpknut said:
I think Amazing Spiderman did a good job of being middle ground between friendly and having humor and having some gritty stuff.

Also at being extremely boring for the first hour.

I honestly think it was better than the other ones, especially in the first hour. Peter actually acted like Peter. Sure they stuck around his normal life, but it seemed like they eased him into his powers a while longer. I loved how they showed him rediscovering the webbing formula, learning his newfound powers, tracking down Curt Connors, and looking for Uncle Ben's Murderer. They didn't go straight to Spiderman, they stuck with Peter a little bit, and I appreciated it, since we didn't get the real Parker in the other Spidey movies. A origin story needs to build up a little otherwise you will lose the pacing. Sure some of the lovey dovey stuff drug on a bit, but I expect them to build that relationship up.

Also...[spoiler:7f69e7292b] Anyone think the guy that shot Ben might turn out to be Electro?[/spoiler:7f69e7292b]
I loved the first (recent) Spiderman film because of how AWESOME of a job they did with the Green Goblin. It was different than what I was used to, but the cinematography and having Osborn in front of the mirror and the Green Goblin in the mirror without breaking any sense of "this is real" was stellar. That conflict between those two characters are what made that movie, for me. It took a lot of convincing for me to open up to the second, especially because I was not optimistic about how they were going to portray Doc Oc, but I was a believer after seeing the movie. Again, it was different than what I was used to, but the characterization was done SO WELL, that any grievances I could have with it were washed away.

I find myself honestly dumbfounded by the largely negative response The Amazing Spider-Man got. I get that the film was mostly created just so Sony could maintain their ownership of the rights, and that "corporate, not art" sentimentality. But that didn't matter, because it was a solid fucking film. It was great, and the only qualms I had with it were that The Lizard looked a BIT too Voldemort-ish, and the scene where Peter broke the football goal post was absolutely stupid. But the rest, I felt, was great. Yes, they spent a while with Peter, but it all seemed to flow really well. Unlike the other films, they didn't magically skip a few months/years, and they showed him becoming Spiderman over the course of a few days/weeks. It was more believable. Peter was way more relatable. Once again, the villain was portrayed differently than I was accustomed, but it was still pulled off flawlessly. There were hints of the "Lizard and Connors are NOT the same thing" near the end of the movie, when the "cure" was finally administered, so even the complaints to the opposite are somewhat loosely founded. They approached the "real" romance in Peter's life, which I was endlessly happy about, because I HATED the MJ of the Raimi films (not the actress). They essentially made another Spiderman movie in another "real" way, that overall it was not only awesome to view, but also somewhat more believable. Of course, as always, "The Man"'s cameo was a highlight of the film. =)

Besides the 2 previously mentioned qualms of mine, I didn't have ANY problems with the movie. I didn't just not dislike it, I loved it! So what if the decision to create it wasn't for art's sake? The end result was still a magnificent work of art.
Also, no Toby McGuire in the movie, which is a great relief, dude is too tall for Spidey, the Peter Parker of the Raimy films is a complete boring moron, and McGuire just sucks.
Walpknut said:
Also, no Toby McGuire in the movie, which is a great relief, dude is too tall for Spidey, the Peter Parker of the Raimi films is a complete boring moron, and McGuire just sucks.

I thought he was fine, if not a bit whiny, but he wasn't as good as Garfield. The 3rd movie ruined everything though. It kinda brought the other movies down with it a bit. The problem with Raimi was he made the movies too campy at times, which can be good, but when he took it to the extreme in 3 it almost made me dislike the other movies by default...almost. Both Green Goblin and Doc Ock were handled really well. William Dafoe was perfect, except for the metal suit, and I still enjoy watching that one. Spidey 2 was pretty damn good, but I didn't really care for the whole power loss crap, plus I started to really hate Kirsten Dunst's portrayal of Mj in that one. I won't mention what all went wrong with 3. The new series stands a chance of being pure awesomeness, if they pull back on the stupid shit, like the goal post for instance. I am seeing a trend that looks like it won't end anytime soon, with the third movie, dark and edgy last stand type stuff. Iron Man 3 is doing it now and I know Amazing Spiderman 3 will do it too, with the all too obvious Stacy/Goblin arc. That isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it does leave little for the imagination. I guess they could prove me wrong and do something unpredictable, but Amazing Spiderman was pretty predictable. Once again, not a bad thing, I don't expect Shakespeare (Or is it Bacon? Heh.) from most superhero movies, but they do start to run together.

Iron Man 3 will not dissapoint me, I'm pretty sure of that. Finally we get to see Mandarin. I've heard fanboy's bitching about a half white guy playing him, which is funny because Mandarin is half white in the comics. Dumb fanboys are the worse. I am intrigued by the cap tattoo on his neck. That may piss me off if it is for some dumbass reason, so I hope they have a good one for that. I am reaaaallly psyched about the Extremis storyline, and hope they kill a major character to piss Tony off (See ya Happy), but they better not make Mandarin a pushover. Those rings better annihilate Tony the first time he encounters Mandarin or it won't do him justice. They could give Mandarin armor like in some portrayals, but I kinda hope they don't. The trailer is out, so I advise any fans to check it out.

Thor: Dark World looks to be using more on-location sets, so that is a good sign. Malekith is a villain most people haven't heard of, but that isn't a bad thing. Many people never heard of Loki before either, now they love him to death. I am curious what schemes Loki has planned when he returns home. Stealing the Infinity Gauntlet perhaps? Doctor Strange is rumored to have a cameo in Thor 2, so they better not screw that casting decision up. That one hasn't been confirmed, but I'll bet my bottom dollar it will happen. I feel like some kind of super villain alliance will be formed by the time we get to Avengers 2. Makes sense because the Guardians of the Galaxy and Avengers stand a high probability of teaming up to tackle Thanos, somewhere down the line. Captain America 2 is the only film I have no idea what they have planned for, other than Falcon and Winter Soldier. Oh yeah, they said Crossbones will be in that one - The guy that killed Captain America. Hmm. Don't think they will go that route, but it does make it interesting. With the AntMan movie coming soon too I can't help but see it all began to line up: Rumors of Ms. Marvel in Avengers 2, Doctor Strange in Thor 2, Falcon in Cap 2, and Ant Man(maybe Wasp?).
I hope they don't just go for redoing the Gwen Stacy death thing to introduce MJ. I actually think the last movie (or the next one) will have the Man Spider.
Atomkilla said:
You should probably put a spoiler on that, Walpknut.
But yeah, that's an amazing scene, though I would say that you had bad luck - that is one of the most crucial scenes in the film, and you've seen it - guess the film will kinda suck for you...

UniversalWolf said:
I saw Shutter Island in a theater. I found the ending too anticlimactic, but I agree the bulk of it was very good. I had no idea what was going to happen next.

Actually, I find the ending to be quite good. Nicely wraps the whole thing up, and adds sense to some scenes
[spoiler:e20a4cafc4]such as the rats scene, which I'd found to be tremendously stupid while watching it.[/spoiler:e20a4cafc4]
It only made sense after finishing the film.

It was the last movie I saw. First I was dissapointed that
[spoiler:e20a4cafc4]Dicaprio's character relapses, but then that one line, that last line. One of the best endings ever.

Teddy Daniels: So, what's our next move?
Chuck Aule: You tell me.
Teddy Daniels: I gotta get off this rock, Chuck. Get back to the mainland. Whatever the hell's going on here, it's bad.
Teddy Daniels: [sotto voce] Don't worry, partner, they're not gonna catch us.
Chuck Aule: That's right, we're too smart for 'em.
Teddy Daniels: Yeah, we are, aren't we?
Teddy Daniels: You know, this place makes me wonder.
Chuck Aule: Yeah, what's that, boss?
Teddy Daniels: Which would be worse - to live as a monster? Or to die as a good man?
[/spoiler:e20a4cafc4] ^Ending spoiler^

Also, here's my top 40 movies.
[spoiler:e20a4cafc4]1. The Dark Crystal
2. The lord of the rings
3. The Shawshank Redemption
4. Intouchablés
5. One flew over the cuckoo's nest
6. Fight Club
7. Watchmen
8. Inception
9. Inglourious Basterds
10. Pulp Fiction
11. 12 Monkeys
12. Blade Runner
13. 2001: A Space Odyssey
14. Shutter Island
15. Kill Bill Vol. 2
16. Monty Python and the Holy Grail
17. The Matrix
18. Snatch
19. The Dark Knight
20. Reservoir Dogs
21. The Shining
22. Cube
23. Drive
24. Das Boot
25. The Prestige
26. The Truman Show
27. Forrest Gump
28. The Man from Earth
29. Terminator 2: Judgement Day
30.The Phonebooth
31. Se7en
32. Saving Private Ryan
33. Highlander
34. Alien
35. Star wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back
36. Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark
37. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
38. Star wars: Episode IV A new Hope
39. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
40. Gran Torino

This is like my 20th version.[/spoiler:e20a4cafc4]
I watched Zodiac a second time over the weekend. It's a pretty darn good Fincher movie. Very understated, but very compelling.
Skyfall was a nice ride. It was better than most recent action flicks, although it started being a drag somewhere in the middle of the movie.

[spoiler:cf4ffbf220]Interesting that they let M die at the end - the ridiculous invincible good guys is somewhat grounded here.[/spoiler:cf4ffbf220]
Did anyone else laugh out loud when in the amazing spiderman, lizard just mixed some random vials together in a high school and blew up a wall? Who is giving teenagers explosives?

And they wonder why there are so many supervillains...
Joelzania said:
Did anyone else laugh out loud when in the amazing spiderman, lizard just mixed some random vials together in a high school and blew up a wall? Who is giving teenagers explosives?

And they wonder why there are so many supervillains...

Yeah, that was kinda cool, but a little silly.
Sub-Human said:
Skyfall was a nice ride. It was better than most recent action flicks...
My problem is that James Bond movies aren't supposed to be action movies, they're supposed to be spy suspense thrillers. That's what the best ones are, like From Russia with Love. There's a single gunfight, and a boat chase at the end, and that's it for the action. Nowadays every movie must be an action movie whether it's appropriate or not.
TorontRayne said:
Joelzania said:
Did anyone else laugh out loud when in the amazing spiderman, lizard just mixed some random vials together in a high school and blew up a wall? Who is giving teenagers explosives?

And they wonder why there are so many supervillains...

Yeah, that was kinda cool, but a little silly.

Acids and Bases.

Also he didn't blew up a wall, he threw Spidey through it and then he threw the bottle into the hole.
apparently there is a new universal soldier movie. was kinda hyped when i saw that it starred JCVD, dolph, andrei arlovski and scott adkins.

was de-hyped when i realized that the unisols have seemed to have turned into a spartan, stalinist cult with JCVD as their supreme leader. then, seeing scott adkins getting his ass kicked for the better part of the movie was kinda strange. i also almost had two seizures, thanks to full-screen strobe-light artistry.

what the fuck?
Walpknut said:
TorontRayne said:
Joelzania said:
Did anyone else laugh out loud when in the amazing spiderman, lizard just mixed some random vials together in a high school and blew up a wall? Who is giving teenagers explosives?

And they wonder why there are so many supervillains...

Yeah, that was kinda cool, but a little silly.

Acids and Bases.

Also he didn't blew up a wall, he threw Spidey through it and then he threw the bottle into the hole.

I wish I was given acids and bases to mess about with in school... Your chemistry class must have been awesome...
Departures (jap. Okubiritu)

is an amazing japanesse drama about... nah i'm not gonna describe it, it would just ruin it.
its my personal movie of the year.
I just watched Prometheus, yep that movie was crap, what the fuck happened to Ridley Scott. The story was ridiculous.