The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

Watched Heat. Still a great movie.

I saw the trailer for the upcoming Stand Up Guys and I thought to myself "this is the sort of movie I was hoping to see between Pacino and Deniro instead of Righteous Kill." So I figured I'd watch something else with both of them in it that was decent.
Last movie I watched was Tim Burton's Batman from 1989. Except I've already seen that a while ago though (I bought it on DVD). Last new movie I watched was The Matrix Revolutions. It was well, sorta' average. Quite anti-climatic. And I still don't understand the ending of it.
Has anyone already watched Wreck-it-Ralph? How is it? Is it the Shrek with a pandery Gimmick like I feel it is (thanks to the trailers)?
Walpknut said:
How is it? Is it the Shrek with a pandery Gimmick like I feel it is (thanks to the trailers)?

Are you saying you don't like Shrek? What are you, some kind of Farquaad?

Shrek yourself before you wreck yourself.

BFox17 said:
Last new movie I watched was The Matrix Revolutions.
I'm sorry

And I still don't understand the ending of it.
It's a reference to the book of revelations. Specifically the part where it says Jesus will fight Satan in an epic DBZ style battle while the millions of billions of fallen angels witness the last battle ("We are legion for we are many" "It's me! Me too! And us! And me!") and then Jesus wins and turns the sky gay
BFox17 said:
Last movie I watched was Tim Burton's Batman from 1989. Except I've already seen that a while ago though (I bought it on DVD). Last new movie I watched was The Matrix Revolutions. It was well, sorta' average. Quite anti-climatic. And I still don't understand the ending of it.

Matrix 1: The One finds out humanity is controlled by robots! The entire planet surface crawls with them! Expectations ammount! Humanity must be liberated: The robots must be destroyed. It will be EPIC! The following movies will surely offer tons of relevant amazingness:

Matrix 2: Lots and lots of kung fu. Why kung fu? Because kung fu.

Matrix 3: Fuck it.
BFox17 said:
Last movie I watched was Tim Burton's Batman from 1989. Except I've already seen that a while ago though (I bought it on DVD). Last new movie I watched was The Matrix Revolutions. It was well, sorta' average. Quite anti-climatic. And I still don't understand the ending of it.

You are telling me the last new movie you watched was that piece of shit? Do you dislike movies or something? Cmon dude. Don't treat yourself like that. You deserve better.
TorontRayne said:
BFox17 said:
Last movie I watched was Tim Burton's Batman from 1989. Except I've already seen that a while ago though (I bought it on DVD). Last new movie I watched was The Matrix Revolutions. It was well, sorta' average. Quite anti-climatic. And I still don't understand the ending of it.

You are telling me the last new movie you watched was that piece of shit? Do you dislike movies or something? Cmon dude. Don't treat yourself like that. You deserve better.


I never liked the "realistic" approach of the new Batman movies. He's "Batman", he can't be "realistic" :I

Plus, it's Jack Nicholson! Jack Nicholson!

He's the Joker without even trying!
Jack Nicholson!
zegh8578 said:
TorontRayne said:
BFox17 said:
Last movie I watched was Tim Burton's Batman from 1989. Except I've already seen that a while ago though (I bought it on DVD). Last new movie I watched was The Matrix Revolutions. It was well, sorta' average. Quite anti-climatic. And I still don't understand the ending of it.

You are telling me the last new movie you watched was that piece of shit? Do you dislike movies or something? Cmon dude. Don't treat yourself like that. You deserve better.


I never liked the "realistic" approach of the new Batman movies. He's "Batman", he can't be "realistic" :I

Plus, it's Jack Nicholson! Jack Nicholson!

He's the Joker without even trying!
Jack Nicholson!


BRO! I don't like Nolan's Batman movies either!
TorontRayne wasn't calling Burton's Batman a piece of shit...he was referring to The Matrix Revolutions...
Verd1234 said:
TorontRayne wasn't calling Burton's Batman a piece of shit...he was referring to The Matrix Revolutions...


Okay then :I

That truly was a piece of shit :I
TorontRayne said:
BFox17 said:
Last movie I watched was Tim Burton's Batman from 1989. Except I've already seen that a while ago though (I bought it on DVD). Last new movie I watched was The Matrix Revolutions. It was well, sorta' average. Quite anti-climatic. And I still don't understand the ending of it.

You are telling me the last new movie you watched was that piece of shit? Do you dislike movies or something? Cmon dude. Don't treat yourself like that. You deserve better.

Well what can I say, I like treating myself badly :)
In a few days, to really torture myself, I'm gonna watch New Moon on Film4 (even though I hate Twilight to bits). :D
Verd1234 said:
TorontRayne wasn't calling Burton's Batman a piece of shit...he was referring to The Matrix Revolutions...

Yep. Batman rocked duders. Who can hate the Jackmeister?
So I watched Ted and the Totall Recall remake. Both were pretty entertaining. Ted basically felt like a live action Family Guy episode, which can be good or bad depending on the person. Total Recall was one of the better remakes in recent memory, but I'm not sure if it topped the original. I kinda expected to see a certain mutant psychic, but I was disappointed a little. Both movies are worth watching I suppose.