So I watched The Divide.
First of all, it didn't meet my expectations. Not in the way of its quality, will get to it later, but rather in the way the story goes. I was expecting a depressive and dark film, especially after Yamu's "The Road cranked up to 11", and I had hypothesized, so to speak, how the story might go judging by the trailer...
I was wrong.
[spoiler:dedee21a61]The film is by definition a horror, but what a horror it is. A very hard-hitting, emotional and exploitative, violent and abusive, this movie is definitely one of the darkest, most depressing, and as Yamu said it, cynical depictions of humanity I've seen...worse yet, it is very realistic. Not in a manner of "this will definitely happen", no, it's still very extreme, but I don't think there's a moment in film which couldn't fill the blank "potential outcome", given the situation, the characters, and their respective backgrounds.
There's also a somewhat political background to it, which isn't big, or deep, but is still a somewhat vague "warning" - myself liking the fact that it isn't really thrown in to our face (okay, not much), but left in traces (which are a bit obvious, though).
Film is technically really good. Nothing special, but the way it is shot really brings out the atmosphere.
Acting is so-so in the beginning, but gradually gets better (and more disturbing), but nothing special. The cast is well-picked in my opinion.
Cramped, disturbing, graphic... it is in many regards more suited for (body) horror enthusiasts rather than post-apoc ones, but I still give my recommendation for anyone who is interested in the genre (and this is NMA, I guess there are a few). I'm obviously still under heavy impression since I'm basically typing this just after watching it, but I'm pretty sure this film will stay with me. It's not the most logical, best-acted, best conceived or whatever film...but it is something. Make it out for yourselves. [/spoiler:dedee21a61]
Recommended. I just give a warning though. This film can fuck you up. Hard.