The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

Atomkilla said:
Not meaning to offend, or anything, I am genuinely interested - why do you 'hate' superhero movies so much, UniversalWolf?
I don't hate them, I hate that there are 50 of them every summer. They're monopolizing the big-budget Hollywood movie sector and crowding out anything else.

They go along with 8 Harry Potter movies, 3 Hobbit movies, 3 Transformers movies, yet another Star Trek movie, 3 more Star Wars movies, 3 more Avatar movies...bleh.

Enough with the franchises and sequels, already.
Surprise, surprise! I recently saw Alien VS Predator, and actually liked it! I don't understand at all, the criticism towards it. The action scenes were actually the best part. It's more of a sequal to Aliens than what I've heard Alien 3 is, never seen that. Of course, I wouldn't touch "Requiem" with a long stick.

And just now I finished Ghost in the Shell, and I've added it to my top 111. Yeah I've expanded it once again.

Here is the current version.
  • 1. The Dark Crystal
    2. The Fellowship of the Ring
    3. The Shawshank Redemption
    4. Fight Club
    5. The Prestige
    6. 12 Monkeys
    7. Pulp Fiction
    8. 2001: A Space Odyssey
    9. L.A. Confidential
    10. Blade Runner
    11. Shutter Island
    12. One flew over the cuckoo's nest
    13. Intouchablés
    14. Inception
    15. Watchmen
    16. Kill Bill Vol. 2
    17. Schindler's List
    18. Monty Python and the Holy Grail
    19. The Two Towers
    20. Return of the King
    21. The Matrix
    22. No Country for Old Men
    23. Inglorious Basterds
    24. The Shining
    25. The Truman Show
    26. The Phonebooth
    27. The Man from Earth
    28. Forrest Gump
    29. Se7en
    30. Cube
    31. Terminator 2: Judgement Day
    32. Reservoir Dogs
    33. Inside Job
    34. Snatch
    35. Drive
    36. Kill Bill Vol. 1
    37. District 9
    38. Akira
    39. Minority Report
    40. Full Metal Jacket
    41. Memento
    42. Equilibrium
    43. Der Untergang
    44. El Labirinto del Fauno (Pan's Labyrinth)
    45. The Sixth Sense
    46. Oldboy
    47. The Silence of the Lambs
    48. Alien
    49. Crank
    50. Blood Diamond
    51. The Last Samurai
    52. Empire of the Sun
    53. Highlander
    54. Gran Torino
    55. Monty Python's Life of Brian
    56. Aliens
    57. Citizen Kane
    58. Ghost in the Shell
    59. The Thief and the Cobbler (recobbled cut)
    60. The Good, The Bad and the Ugly
    61. Django Unchained
    62. Clerks
    63. The Conspirator
    64. Dr. Strangelove
    65. Saving Private Ryan
    66. The Help
    67. Star Wars V: The Empire Strikes Back
    68. Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark
    69. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
    70. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
    71. Star Wars IV: A New Hope
    72. Sherlock Holmes
    73. Hellboy
    74. Die Hard: with a Vengeance
    75. Das Boot
    76. Lord of War
    77. The Animatrix
    78. The Dark Knight
    79. The Dark Knight Rises
    80. I,Robot
    81. The Avengers
    82. Office Space
    83. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
    84. The Longest Day
    85. Terminator
    86. Three Kings
    87. Looper
    88. Cloud Atlas
    89. X-Men: First Class
    90. Falling Down
    91. Clerks 2
    92. Dogma
    93. Slumdog Millionaire
    94. My name is Nobody
    95. Jarhead
    96. Moon
    97. X-Men 2
    98. Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows
    99. Collateral
    100. The Guard
    101. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
    102. Boondock Saints
    103. Sunshine
    104. Four Lions
    105. Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths
    106. Red
    107. The Bank Job
    108. The Children of Huang-Shi
    109. Alien VS Predator
    110. Shrek
    111. Man of Steel
Did anybody else think the fight scenes in Man of Steel were a bit dragged out and too long?

The fight scenes (for me anyway) were difficult to watch as it is due to the shaky camera, so having them go on for ages didn't help my opinion of the movie.
I for one tought that Man of Steel wasn't half bad.

It wasn't Perfect by any stretch of the imagination.
I won't say it was a masterpiece and a tought provoking movie. But for a superhero flick it was good, I dislike the DC superhero movies except this one, it actually had Superman doing Supermany things, they didn't turn him into just a dude in armor like they did with Batman. Zod's motivation was understandable and his plan was very unusual, not just conquering earth for evils and giggles, but terraforming it to start the artificial birth of the new Kryptonian race on it while the people on earth just succumb to the new envirorment.

The movie was pretty cold tho, people complain about the characters not being relatable or having focus, and they are right, but I don't think that's a flaw, but a directoral decision, the movie wasn't about Superman, but about the concept of Superman and a story revolving around it. It got stupid sometimes, like with Clark's human father's death. But other things like the sequences in Krypton and the origin story being told as Flashbacks instead of being half the movie were good.

The art direction was superb, It had an European comic vibe to it, kind of like Giger mixed with The Metabarons, Krypton was more interesting in this movie, most versions of Krypton tend to just paint them as Space Greeks full of wisdom and perfect, this time they are overly militaristic and very focused on expansion to the point were they cause their own destruction.

I don't get the complaints about the fight scenes, they are not just Superman Lifting stuff, this is Zod vs Superman, if they weren't Dragon Ball Z esque I would be pissed off, they werent super zoomed in clusterfucks of blandness, and the coreography was pretty good, they weren't just "Supes hits, get's hit, hits get's hit", rather they were pretty fluid, yeah the shaky cam could get annoying sometimes, but we actually saw the fight interacting with the envirorment and characters fighting they own way despite the fact they have the same power set. Zod didn't know how to fly, so he goes up to Supes by quickly climbing a building with his strength for example.

It was better than the Batman Nolan Films, but then again some of you know that I hate them.

Watch it, don't expect to be blown away by something too complex and you will enjoy it.

If I were to give it a score, I would give it 3.8 out of 5.
I wasn't complaining about the fights themselves, they were totally awesome, but I thought they went on for too long at certain points.
Walpknut said:

Completely agreed, except I like the Nolan Batmans. Except Begins, I think that's very mediocre, and very overrated.

AlphaPromethean said:
I wasn't complaining about the fights themselves, they were totally awesome, but I thought they went on for too long at certain points.

I thought they were the best part. I mean, when the movie kind of skips character development except for the villain, the cinematography, special effects and art design becomes more important. And in the action scenes those came more to the fore front. Well maybe not the art design.

Also, I just saw Mr. Nobody. Well that certainly was a trip. Added it to my top 111.

No se ustedes, pero necesito verme esa pelicula YA!

Machete me hizo postear en español.
UniversalWolf said:
I saw Some Like It Hot from 1959, with Marilyn Monroe, Tony Curtis, and Jack Lemmon. I liked it.

Heh, that's a classic.

I loved it as a kid, and I should probably rewatch it, now that I have spare time on my hands.
So I like to give my impressions of movies in an eloquent and detailed way....

but fuck that


you list is totally epic fail. why?

Grosse Pointe Blank
The Professional
Army of Darkness
Watched two movies,
one was the remake of Red Dawn. Not having seen the original, I am left with confusion. Some of the acting, and the technical details are from okay to good. Some of the pacing, scene setup and plotlines are directly confusing.
[spoiler:15739bc79d]They what... dug holes to hide under, one block away from a fucking checkpoint, and they're able to conduct a complete massacre inside this alley, and nobody catches up to them?[/spoiler:15739bc79d]
The remake only made me very curious about the original.

Second movie is Confessions, Japanese crime-mystery of sorts, very very dark, in fact - it is SO dark most of the movie employs a kind of visual filter making everything even darker.
This creates a near-surreal vibe, that is combined with very "crisp" and naturalistic acting, natural reactions, and a very twisted and cruel story. A story of vengeance, justice, and what constitutes innocence, imo.

Red Dawn remake, not necesarily recommendable. A unusual story, with an unusual angle, and a couple of moral lessons that we all know anyway, but that I'm sure some people need to be told ("To them, this is just a place. To us, it's our home!" said some Afghan, I'm sure. Omgz, that is deep!)

Confessions, recommended for those who like a dark, twisted who-dun-it type drama.
Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one, and all stink. There putting a stop the usual Pissing contest on Movie taste before it starts again.
It was extremely hot and humid here today, and since I don't have air conditioning I spent the afternoon watching Star Trek: Into Darkness in the darkness of a theater.

I didn't hate it, and it's probably better than the last one. There's way too much bromance between Kirk and Spock, and some of the story that mirrors previous Star Trek movies really didn't work for me, but it's a respectably fun summer action movie.
Earth said:
Akratus said:
TheWesDude said:

you list is totally epic fail. why?

According to you.

And me. It has Man of Steel in there :|

Yeah I liked it, so what? Big whoop, big whoop! Wanna fight about it?
Anyway, it's gone now. All in all it was in there for a week.

I just don't get why all superhero movies have to be jokey and light hearted, and otherwise terrible no matter what is in them. Unless they're the Dark Knight, obviously.
Akratus said:
Yeah I liked it, so what? Big whoop, big whoop! Wanna fight about it?
Anyway, it's gone now. All in all it was in there for a week.

I just don't get why all superhero movies have to be jokey and light hearted, and otherwise terrible no matter what is in them. Unless they're the Dark Knight, obviously.

Because I really can't take a guy running around in tights all that seriously. These films can be dark sure, and intelligently written, but the problem with Man of Steel was that, not only was it horribly boring, there was NO humour in it, at all. As many have said, this film was joyless.
Akratus said:
No. Joy =/= humour. There's no joy in clever scenes, nice action or good acting?

Amy Adams was a fucking brick in this film. Henry Caville was more of a super model than an actor, and Russell Crowe was Russell Crowe. I don't really care for Michael Shannon's cliched evil villain with good intentions crap.

I already mentioned all the imagery they stole so there was no good CGI, not to mention they were all clusterfucks anyway. I don't understand people who can sit through Dragon Ball Z style fights without falling asleep.