The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

Shit man, I had to watch Primer with the wikipedia plot summary next to it.

Planning on watching Upstream Color soon.
I saw Gravity this afternoon. Liked it, for the most part. The good parts are really good, and the bad parts are not bad enough to spoil the good parts.
I was being an idiot yesterday, staying awake until 4am for someone so I re Watched the las 8 episodes of Baccano (the last 6 with the 2 Direct to video episodes technically).

Man I love that show, I wish they made more seasons with the rest of the books, I can't find them anywere around here to read them myself.
So just went to watch the new Dragon Ball Z movie.

The movies was entertaining UP TO THE POINT were the titular battle between Goku and the Chihuahua god started, oh Gawd was that dull specially with all the bad cgi they used in place of traditional animation... It only worked when it was dumb Fan Service. If I were to use a numerical score it would be 2 out of 5.
Wikipedia said:
When Birus asks Mr. Boo for one or two of the custard puddings he has, Boo eats all of them, angering the God of Destruction who decides to destroy the Earth.

The best plot has been written, we can all stop now
I would have been fine if the whole movie was just Vegeta trying to prevent Bills (Birus? weaboos writting on Wikipedia again?) from getting mad and being only silly antics. The fight was like the weakest fight ever, just a bunch of CGI.
Walpknut said:
No, but it is never late to exploit Nostalgia, actually the more time it passes the better.

I don't doubt that.

But the guy who originally made the manga (whatshisname) quit, right?
AkiraToriyama has been retiring for years now. He makes the art for a lot of games with the word "Dragon" on their titles too.
Recently watched 'Perks of being a wallflower', 'The Pacific Rim', and 'Babel'.

All three of them were quite exceptional in the genre they belonged to.

Wallflower did not have that high school movie cliche where a loser protagonist becomes new highschool god at the end, but rather ending with implication that the life still goes on and protagonist will still face the hardships on remaining high school years. I mean that's what we do in highschool. Things happen, we may get into trouble, and we make new friends.

The Pacific Rim was simply breathtaking. The way Japanese Mecha formula transformed into that of American's was just superb. Fight scenes were brilliant with every characters having distinct features and roles. Also did I mention that I absolutely loved the fact that there was no 'kissing scene' in this movie?? My only complaint though is that Kikuchi Rinko did not have a role which her acting talents could be maximized.

And Babel.. My god this movie was such a blast. It basically shows many problems that humanity faces today. Including selfishness, miscommunication, and under-developed human rights in a developing country. All the character was understandable considering the situation they were in, although I couldn't stop thinking that Mexican Nanny should have been more careful with what she's doing.

The next movie I'm going to watch will be Pan's Labyrinth. Many people stated that this is one of the best fantasy film ever made.
Pacific Rim was a lot better than it got credit for. Meanwhile Transformers 4 will be lauded as the greatest action movie ever made when it comes out.

I saw Eyes Wide Shut the other day...what a bizarre and pointless movie. It's memorable, I guess, but beyond that I have almost no reaction to it at all, except to wonder why it was made in the first place.
UniversalWolf said:
I saw Eyes Wide Shut the other day...what a bizarre and pointless movie. It's memorable, I guess, but beyond that I have almost no reaction to it at all, except to wonder why it was made in the first place.


Yet Pacific Rim is breathtaking according to you?


Yeah I can see Pacific Rim being kind of a breath of fresh air with movies today, but it being breathtaking I can't quite see.

edit: I've actually mostly watched it, but it couldn't keep my attention after the first hong kong fight.
alec said:
Yet Pacific Rim is breathtaking according to you?
I don't think "better than it got credit for" is quite the same as "breathtaking." That's not my word. In fact I would say Pacific Rim is decidedly not breathtaking, but it is good clean fun. And it isn't a remake of a better movie from the 1980s, or based on an old television show, or a sequel of a sequel of a sequel. And it isn't based on a brand of toys, gods be praised.

Eyes Wide Shut is self-indulgent and desperately, intentionally strange. For a three-hour investment it left me completely empty. What I mean is, if I were going to try and convince someone to watch it, I have no idea what I would say. It's better than staring at MTV for three hours? That's true.
It is a mini series and not really a movie but I am watching The Stand right now and I can't help but think how stereotypical evil the military and the government is acting.

From government employed doctors watching how people die to the flu, soldiers telling reporters they no longer have to deal with their kind of pinko's any more (didn't know being a red blooded American meant unwavering loyalty to the flag, never questioning what you are told, and treating those who do not think like you as the enemy), to officers who still blab about national interests when people are dying in the streets.

You can't help but root for these people to die. They are basically two dimensional cut outs whose only purpose is to make people boo and hiss at them.
The Dutch Ghost said:
Akratus said:
Have you seen Band of Brothers? Now THAT's the shit.

Are they even more stereotypical in that?

You mean you haven't seen it?


You must get the full collection, blu-ray if at all possible, and watch them all ASAP.
There's probably the best scene concerning german soldiers at the very end.