The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

The Counselor, a Ridley Scott thriller written by Cormac McCarthy (of The Road fame) featuring a bevy of high-profile actors. I was expecting something a little bit out of the ordinary but still fairly classical.

And boy, this movie just takes any sort of convention and shatters it on the pavement after spraying three Uzi magazines on it. It sure as hell isin't even close to standard hollywood fare in tone (hint; don't expect sunshine and rainbows).

Which, while certainly a breath of fresh air, doesn't mean it's perfect by any means. It's well paced, and the actors are obviously very good (especially Michael Fassbender as always, love that guy) but the plot can get a bit hard to follow and me along with my friend immediately noticed several holes. While the story thematically makes sense, getting into the details is not recommended I think.

All in all I'd still recommend it, if only for the unconventional aspect.
I saw the first trailer for that and thought that, this is Ridley's attempt to do a Pulp Fiction style movie. I literally said to my brother "This is Ridley Scott's pulp fiction."

Did that turn out to be accurate at all?
Akratus said:
I saw the first trailer for that and thought that, this is Ridley's attempt to do a Pulp Fiction style movie. I literally said to my brother "This is Ridley Scott's pulp fiction."

Did that turn out to be accurate at all?

Not one bit. In fact, I think you would be hard pressed to find a thriller that's so much on the polar opposite of Pulp Fiction in terms of tone. There is no sociopathic humour or hammy Samuel L. Jackson to be found here.

To be clear, when I say unconventional, I don't mean in a Tarantino way. This is a dark, thoughtful movie. It's much more akin to something like Requiem For A Dream than any sort of feel-good flick.
Walpknut said:
If people stop going to every remake and reboot they'll stop doing them. At least I hope so.

I honestly don't want to sound mean, but I feel that like with milked out game franchises this happens because the majority of people either don't have fucking taste or any true reasoning capabilities, preferring to have everything pre chewed for them.

I hope there will be some interesting 'small' sci fi movies coming out in the next years as the majority of main sci fi movies are pretty much shit in my opinion.
I saw a really, really good movie the other night. The Conversation, from 1974. Gene Hackman stars, directed by Francis Ford Coppola. Highly recommended.

Atomkilla said:
Speaking of original sci-fi (as in, non-remake/boot), anyone seen Gravity?
Yes. Overall, I liked it quite a bit. The good parts are really good. In general, I wish there were more sci-fi movies like this one.

The bad parts are pretty bad, though. They still bother me.

[spoiler:272dedb474]In particular, all the self-indulgent emotional crap about Sandra B's dead daughter should have been cut. It has nothing to do with the story at all, and doesn't fit the character. She's been mopey and depressed ever since it happened, and just going through the motions of life...but at the same time she's an astronaut. Silly.[/spoiler:272dedb474]

But I give it bonus points for being what it is, if you know what I mean.
I still haven't seen it, so I won't read through the spoiler tags, but I often agree with your views on films, so I'll trust on your word and give it a try first time I get a chance.

Personally, I'm a bit vary of Clooney + sci-fi combo...khmsolariskhm...
So I went to see Thor 2, with a friend who is a girl.

It wasn't too bad and I certainly liked it more than Iron Man 3 or Thor 1. Still, my favorite thing about it was a certain joke and the fact that Roy from the IT crowd was in it. Also, Anthony Hopkins. So being that those were my favorite elements, it was just good enough, but there weren't any scenes that really stood out enough to uplift the movie. Although there were some nice scenes. It also fails the integral superhero movie test of being able to balance the humor and seriousness well enough, and the villain was terrible.
Thor 2 was a movie that existed. It had fun parts like the actors of both Loki, Thor and Kat Dennings (a better female lead than Natalie Portman) but the story was kinf of just a set up for either the Avengers 2 or the Guardians of the Galaxy movie. It was Ehhhhh, nothing infuriating but also nothing memorable.
No movies of any note are out. Thought the fifth estate might be good but from what I read about the review it was toned down to avoid offending anyone on either side.
Walpknut said:
Thor 2 was a movie that existed. It had fun parts like the actors of both Loki, Thor and Kat Dennings (a better female lead than Natalie Portman) but the story was kinf of just a set up for either the Avengers 2 or the Guardians of the Galaxy movie. It was Ehhhhh, nothing infuriating but also nothing memorable.

Agreed. Except, the scene where [spoiler:5f7d6d0657]Loki transforms himself into captain america[/spoiler:5f7d6d0657] was quite funny if not memorable. And then there was the scene where[spoiler:5f7d6d0657]loki cuts off thor's hand, which turned out to be a ploy for them to get the jump on the dark elf guy[/spoiler:5f7d6d0657]

So yeah, how bad was that villain? I've seen robots that acted more human.
Alphadrop said:
Deckard has to team up with his long lost son to race through the city in an effort to stop the evil alien conspiracy that created the replicants.
Calling it now.
what the fuck have I just read ...
The Dutch Ghost said:
I just found out about this one on Wikipedia.

Honestly, what the fuck?

Haven't you seen this?

This has fail written all over it. From the unneeded change in the premise, to Murphy being more human (both physically and mentally), to him being much more agile, to the stupid "Murphy, you have to meet your son" scene. I have only one thing to say. Definitively a movie I will never see, lest it taints the value of the original.

Action movies nowadays suck so badly. :(
Yeah I knew of the new Robocop movie for a while now :(

But that seemed to be general knowledge, as would be the probable outcome that it would be full of fail.

But I had no idea that they were planning to reset the Terminator franchise.

I don't think there is any point any more in complaining about Hollywood and its current movie making policies.
I can only hope that the economic crisis hits them as well and puts an end to these remakes/reboots.
Akratus said:

I also liked that little gag they had in the fight at the end were Mjolnir kept trying to get to Thor through space and changing trajectory everytime they teleported.

But yeah, that villain barely had any character.