The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

Nope, I have never watched the series.

And oh brother, instead of trying to stick a bit closer to reality or at least the plausible, we get a load of tropes.
The Dutch Ghost said:
Nope, I have never watched the series.

And oh brother, instead of trying to stick a bit closer to reality or at least the plausible, we get a load of tropes.

Is there a war series named oh brother? Because that's not what Band of Brothers is about, it's in fact the opposite.

It is by far the very best war series ever made.
No, oh brother is more of a remark, sort of saying "People go to far/are that dumb"

Akratus, you really got me confused there for a moment. First giving me the impression that the series is full of stereotypes with that clip of Hitler.
The Dutch Ghost said:
Akratus, you really got me confused there for a moment. First giving me the impression that the series is full of stereotypes with that clip of Hitler.

To allay more cross post confusion that's a clip from Inglorious Basterds that's gone all meme. Band of Brothers is based on true events jazzed up a bit so manages to skip most of the standard war stereotypes.

Edit: To clarify really based on true events by talking to the people there and reading diaries, not "based on true events" like a crappy horror movie.
The Dutch Ghost said:
It is a mini series and not really a movie but I am watching The Stand right now and I can't help but think how stereotypical evil the military and the government is acting.
I remember watching that miniseries when it originally came out. I really, really liked the first half or so, but I didn't like the second half. I don't remember the specifics of why I found it disappointing though.
UniversalWolf said:
The Dutch Ghost said:
It is a mini series and not really a movie but I am watching The Stand right now and I can't help but think how stereotypical evil the military and the government is acting.
I remember watching that miniseries when it originally came out. I really, really liked the first half or so, but I didn't like the second half. I don't remember the specifics of why I found it disappointing though.

Band of Brothers is one of these things I've watched to death, as a little "smoking ritual" (cough cough), but, in return, had a lot of oportunity to analyze (to death)

My impressions are that it is generally a good series, good production values, etc., not to mention the whole "saving private ryan redux"-esque feel and tone of it. Some of these soldiers seem to give off an impressive ammount of dust, when shot, but hey, better than the usual old blood-splatter etc.

I'll usually summarize Band of Brothers as the best attempt so far, in a mainstream-ish American production, to show WW2 in a relatively nuanced manner. That is, right behind Saving Private Ryan.

My biggest gripes were "the lessons" in many an episode, lessons such as "aw shucks, germans are people too!" "war is hell!" "etc etc"
but to be fair, Band of Brothers was nothing in comparison to The Pacific, when it came to these idiotic lessons, where nearly every episode had to squeeze out some "japanese are people too!"-moral.

/rant... :0
UniversalWolf said:
The Dutch Ghost said:
It is a mini series and not really a movie but I am watching The Stand right now and I can't help but think how stereotypical evil the military and the government is acting.
I remember watching that miniseries when it originally came out. I really, really liked the first half or so, but I didn't like the second half. I don't remember the specifics of why I found it disappointing though.

The first part with the spread of the super flu was okay done (if stereotypical), but then they go all Christian and sappy to the point that it becomes slow and annoying to watch.
Strange enough exactly that starts to increase is when we actually see the 'dark man' or Randall Flag in person.

And then there is of course the stupid ending. Before that old bat lady Abigail is whining about how people have to take a Stand and after a stupid set up, comes to actually nothing as the deus ex machina playing the role of the deus ex machina resolves everything. (imagine if the four main 'good' characters had actually been delayed a couple of days, they might have just arrived in time to see Las Vegas blow up in a nuclear cloud and be done with it)

I know this is one of King's things but they should have considered removing all the religious/supernatural overtones and just played it as a 'after the end of modern civilization' story, with survivors simply divided in two camps on how to rebuild civilization.

That and trimming out all the dead wood which could have probably reduced this mini series to something better executed.
I hope it's more like First Class and less like the first three movies.

Edit: is it just me or it looks more like a tv show than a theatrical release?
Wow! A Days of Future Past movie! And the trailer is STUFFED with Sentinels!

It is!

They're right there!

I really hated This is the end. I wouldn't have seen it if I knew beforehand that it was just another stupid seth rogen stoner comedy.
I'd recommend The World's End over it.
What is this, X-Men 5? And then Prometheus 2 and my personal nightmare, Blade Runner 2, are both in the works. So there isn't going to be an original story for at least the next six or seven years, I'd say.
Deckard has to team up with his long lost son to race through the city in an effort to stop the evil alien conspiracy that created the replicants.
Calling it now.