The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

As soon as I got home and opened it up, I popped the blade runner blu-ray in. I ordered the 2 disc special edition.

Second time I´ve seen it. It was so fucking glorious. Instant 10/10. A masterpiece, in hd with glorious sound quality. Best sci-fi movie ever made?
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I saw an old war movie from the 1950s called Run Silent, Run Deep (starring Clark Gable and Burt Lancaster), about a U.S. submarine hunting a Japanese destroyer in the Pacific. It was pretty good, overall. It really managed to create some heavy tension at the end. I don't know how true the story is, but it was based on a book of the same name by an ex-submariner.
I'm sure technically they're the same thing. Pot-aye-toe, pot-ah-toe.

Watched RoboCop. I think I actually prefer the old ones - they're so gritty and cool. This one's sleek and.. too sleek.
Funny that, I bet the producer was a teen in the 80s and thought RoboCop was the best thing ever, and had to remake it no matter what...somethings should be left alone, and RoboCop is one of those things.

A reminder -

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It wasn't too long ago that I watched the first robocop through for the first time. Having seen it, and after learning that there would be a remake I knew I would have no use for it and needn't to see it.
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It's kinda an in-joke. The businessman who oversees the project in the movie, says they need a "cool, edgy color. . make it black."
As soon as I got home and opened it up, I popped the blade runner blu-ray in. I ordered the 2 disc special edition.

Second time I´ve seen it. It was so fucking glorious. Instant 10/10. A masterpiece, in hd with glorious sound quality. Best sci-fi movie ever made?

I think this should convince everyone easily. And proves that well written text, even a short one, coupled with very good acting does not need awesome sceneray to make great science fiction. Nothing can beat your imagination anyway. Right here with just those lines you can feel what the android has all seen eventually in his rather short life.

It's kinda an in-joke. The businessman who oversees the project in the movie, says they need a "cool, edgy color. . make it black."
I guess the problem with the new Robocop might be that it simply feels to realistic, I believe this becomes really obvious when you hear what Verhoeven, the director of the first Robocop has to say about the violence and why he chose to exagerate it so much giving it a sense of humor because it was so bizarre, very close to the way how violence was used in the action movies of the 80s or 90s, as we saw it in true lies for example or Rambo. Its obvious that this new Robocop is a remake that the world does not need really. But I guess that is true for many remakes.
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Some of the effects in Blade Runner might be a little rough-around-the-edges by contemporary standards, but I still say that movie looks better than almost all CGI orgies these days. The scene in the room with the owl at the corporate headquarters (the one where Deckard gives Rachel the VK test) is one of the best looking I've ever seen as far as composition and color. I love it every time I see it, especially when they lower the shade on the window.

The music is unique and wonderful. The lighting, the sets, the costumes...there are just so many awesome things about it. It's got style.

CGI movies have a depressing quality of sameness, because everyone is using essentially the same tools and methods.
CGI movies have a depressing quality of sameness, because everyone is using essentially the same tools and methods.


About the RoboCop remake's relevance: I liked the "commentary" on US imperialistic character and world domination by military robots. I think that was the best part of the writing. The plot itself was rather redundant. I even prefer the original origin story better than the "realistic one" in the new film. It was just... bad. And what Crni said about the violence :puppy-dog: