The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

Speaking of Rutger Hauer, I've been meaning to watch Hobo With A Shotgun, that good?

If you like 80´s B-rated action flicks and colours that give you that VHS-video-vibe you are going to love this film. It has its flaws, mainly going over over-the-top-acting and violence is cool- idea... but its really funny and violent. Great with beer and maybe a joint or two. And Rutger Hauer is as awesome as ever.
Saw The Amazing Spider-Man 2 on Friday, and I liked it.

I found myself confounded by people who just put all their heart and soul into hating TAS1, even though I recognized that it had problems. First and foremost, the infamous goal post scene was stupid, and they really did waste the Lizard as a villain. But the movie itself was great, and I much preferred its approach to Spiderman over what Raimi did, even if Willem Dafoe and Alfred Molina were AMAZING in their respective roles. TAS2 left me feeling equally pleased. I think the advertisements for the film were the worst part of the movie, because they were advertising a "Villains Unite" thing and suggesting that we'd get a cramped film with too many villains just like in Raimi's Spiderman 3, but that didn't happen at all. If anything, it had the most "comic-bookish" representation of Spiderman I've ever seen. When 1 villain takes the stage, it reminds you that there's always more out there. The scene that most people saw coming was still masterfully composed, and the funny parts were funny while the sad parts were sad. Unlike TAS1's Lizard, they took a character who was almost universally a very simple douchebag and made Electro into a tragic villain that I really felt for; props to Jaime Fox for making this Electro one I loved to watch and hated to see go!

The film was great, it had its drawbacks, but I'll find myself just as puzzled over haters trying to rip this apart because I don't see anything in the film that warrants such spite. I highly recommend watching it. (Just don't go to one of those theaters that charge you a bullshit $16 ticket.... fuck that noise! ~_~ )
Good to hear that Amazing Spiderman 2 is good, gonna go watch it this tuesday (cheap tickets day) I very much liked the first one.
I watched 'Perks of Being a Wallflower' and I still don't know why I even wanted to watch it. It's bad. I guess that's what happens if the writer of the book, writes the script and directs the movie as well.

I still have to watch 'Holy Motors' but it's in French and I hate French.
Mentioning theaters that charge and absurd $16 (or even worse) for a ticket reminds me of the movie I saw when I had to undergo that misfortune: Seven Psychopaths. Anyone else seen this?

I thoroughly loved the movie more than I could probably describe with words, and that's a problem because I can't defend it when I go to family things and the movie gets brought up, because I'm the only one in my bloodline (that I'm aware of) that isn't repulsed by it. I don't know why that is. The whole film toyed with the ostentatious grandeur or Hollywood flicks while giving clever and subtle messages the whole way through. It was almost Tarantino-esque in its use of excessive violence to hammer home a point, except unlike Tarantino films that aren't all that deep (not that his works are shallow, just that they're really there for the experience and captivating narrative, they don't have some kind of profundity like, say, Shawshank Redemption) it was very self-aware parody of how over-the-top films are while weaving a narrative about the human mind. I know that sounds up-my-own-ass pretentious as fuck, but I swear it's true! Each scene has a particular theme about human nature, yet despite the potential for engrossing depth they never miss a chance for some uplifting comedy, so the film's never overly dark nor flighty and light-hearted, either.

Great movie, and like Director/Writer Martin McDonagh's previous film, In Bruges, I'm a huge fan. Funny, moving, compelling, exciting, all wrapped up in one package. =D
I remember one time I paid some rather expensive tickets to watch a movie in group. It was chosen by a friend's then girlfriend..... It was called Angel's Share, and it was the most pointless and boring movie I have ever seen in my life, and I am not exagerating. One of the guys in the group was actually high the entire movie and even he couldn't get any enjoyment out of it.
I watched 'Perks of Being a Wallflower' and I still don't know why I even wanted to watch it. It's bad. I guess that's what happens if the writer of the book, writes the script and directs the movie as well
I watched it over the weekend and had exactly the same reaction, right down to the part about the same writer.

I guess I wanted to see it because I heard some ethereal buzz that it was a decent teen drama, and there hasn't been a really good one of those in a long, long time. And there still hasn't. None of the characters are sympathetic or even likable.
Out of curiosity, what WAS the last really good teen drama movie? We all go through that phase where our rationality is clouded by the powerful haze of hormones, so we end up liking movies that we really shouldn't, and any small degree of retrospective would show us that those movies were really quite bad once the nostalgic veil had been lifted. So the thought of there having been great teen dramas just makes me wonder what those could have been. None come to mind for me, but that just means I either didn't see them or I've grown so jaded I blocked them all from memory out of simple association.
So I went and watche Amazing Spiderman 2. I liked it a lot, t was fun, Emma Stone and Garfield have lots of Chemistry on screen and they are actually interesting characters, the action actually reflects the characters and it actually has fun with the source material.
It is not without Flaws, like Rhino's tacked in appearance, even the actor they chose was pretty terrible, but I guess they needed a stinger so the movie didn't have a completely sad ending (Altho, I wouldn't have a problem with that).
RLM? What is that? I have seen the negative reviews from people like Spoony and Bennett the Sage and all of them seemed to fall into the typical Preconcievedly Biased emotional review trappings. They think tha using "I don't care about" is a Review and often times they both simply and exagerate scenes just to fit with their hatred for the movie. Hell Spoony does that often with everything he goes to watch, that's why I only watch his COunter Moneky Videos or his Scripted reviews of old games and B-movies.

Edit: Okay, just found out that it was Red Letter Media, watched the first minutes of the review and already found them annoying, with some badly acted Sketch that thinks is more witty than it actually is. Then they proceed to show they didn't pay attention to the movie. Typical Video Internet Reviewer.
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Out of curiosity, what WAS the last really good teen drama movie?
That's a good question. It's not so easy to come up with an answer, which is part of the reason I was motivated to watch The Perks of Being a Wallflower. I suppose I also wanted to see whether Emma Watson could play a character who wasn't Hermione Granger. I thought she did fine; she wasn't one of the movie's problems.

The most recent teen drama (although it may be slightly misleading to call it a teen drama, even though it's a drama with a teen protagonist) I saw and thought was very good was probably What's Eating Gilbert Grape? from 1993, but it's not a genre I follow closely so I'm sure I missed plenty of them between then and now. The few I have seen have been lackluster.

If you want to see a really messed-up but memorable teen movie, look at The River's Edge with Keanu Reeves and Dennis Hopper.
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Strange. I wouldn't have expected you all to like it seeing as how RLM took a big dump on it.
Why should someone or some group's irrelevant opinions matter to me?

RLM? What is that? I have seen the negative reviews from people like Spoony and Bennett the Sage and all of them seemed to fall into the typical Preconcievedly Biased emotional review trappings. They think tha using "I don't care about" is a Review and often times they both simply and exagerate scenes just to fit with their hatred for the movie. Hell Spoony does that often with everything he goes to watch, that's why I only watch his COunter Moneky Videos or his Scripted reviews of old games and B-movies.

Edit: Okay, just found out that it was Red Letter Media, watched the first minutes of the review and already found them annoying, with some badly acted Sketch that thinks is more witty than it actually is. Then they proceed to show they didn't pay attention to the movie. Typical Video Internet Reviewer.
Yeah, I didn't know what that was, either. But quite frankly, I've distilled my movie review selection down to Jeremy Jahns, and I was not surprised at all that he was overall very receptive to the movie.

I once turned to "Escape to the Movies" on The Escapist for perspective on prospective films to peruse, but I grew disillusioned with Movie Bob after he (in Akratus' words) "took a big dump" on TAS1, and not because he didn't like the film, but HOW he approached his unbridled hate towards the movie. He was irrational. He was childish. He was a flaming hypocrite. It bothered me that I went into The Amazing Spider-Man and came away thoroughly pleased only to see Movie Bob go off on a never-ending tirade about how not only the movie was bad, but it represented all that was bad with the movie industry, and I just didn't see what the fuck he was on about. In the years since, I finally realized why. I knew from the beginning that he had it out against the Webb series because to him, TAS was a reboot made purely out of corporate greed and therefore it COULD NOT be an enjoyable film, or an artistic achievement. He'd set his mind to the idea that the movie was a failure long before it was ever completed, let alone out in theaters. I learned later that Movie Bob was a proudly self-proclaimed fanboy, and I was appalled at his display of fanboy pride IN A PANEL DENOUNCING FANBOYISM- his absence of self-awareness was just shocking to me. Then he went on to make a statement about something in a film, praising it for being a great idea (if he was nice to the film in question), only to turn around and demonize that very SAME "great idea" (if he was being mean to the film). It was further hypocrisy with no self-awareness out of the guy.

For instance: Bob was quite delighted about Cloud Atlas and he delicately defended the movie's repeated use of "cross-race make up" as a wonderful artistic decision that wasn't racially insensitive at all because you have to be a backwards moron to knee-jerk react to a white guy playing an Asian or Robert Downey Jr. playing a Swiss playing a black man and instantly perceive this as racism, because it's not racism, it's art, and it enhances the film; BUT he turns around and goes off on a raging tangent about how racially insensitive it is for Johnny Depp to portray an American tribal in The Lone Ranger. I get that he liked Cloud Atlas and he didn't like The Lone Ranger, but he NEEDED to understand (and he just couldn't) that you can't go back on your own established principles simply because doing so is a convenience for your opinion that you don't want to afford the possibility might be ungrounded. There was more, but the short story is, years went by and I just noticed more reasons why I should not respect a single thing Movie Bob says about movies, and when TAS2 came around, he tragically predictably said nothing but complaints about it. His review wasn't even really a review, it was just an extended whine about his fanboy love for Raimi's trilogy being eclipsed by films he couldn't admit were actually good.

I like Jeremy's reviews because he typically says much of the same things I do about certain films, and he's shown integrity in his reviewing, though I do disagree with him on occasion. However, ultimately, other people's opinions shouldn't matter to me or anyone else besides the opinion's origin. They're just irrelevant assertions.
RLM? What is that? I have seen the negative reviews from people like Spoony and Bennett the Sage and all of them seemed to fall into the typical Preconcievedly Biased emotional review trappings. They think tha using "I don't care about" is a Review and often times they both simply and exagerate scenes just to fit with their hatred for the movie. Hell Spoony does that often with everything he goes to watch, that's why I only watch his COunter Moneky Videos or his Scripted reviews of old games and B-movies.

Edit: Okay, just found out that it was Red Letter Media, watched the first minutes of the review and already found them annoying, with some badly acted Sketch that thinks is more witty than it actually is. Then they proceed to show they didn't pay attention to the movie. Typical Video Internet Reviewer.

Did you know that their sketches are intentionally lame? They're very much of the self deprecating sort, making constant jabs at themselves. "Badly acted" as criticism is especially funny, since that is exactly what they are going for. The sketches are a miniscule part of half in the bag anyway. And I very much believe that if you gave more reviews a listen you would find out that they, and especially Mike, have very good knowledge of the movie making process, and what makes a good movie. It was Mike Stoklasa who made the famous star wars prequel reviews.

I really find it too bad that you found them offputting, because you're explaining yourselves here how you're looking for better movie reviewers, and how movie reviewers have dissapointed you in the past, or how you go to someone for reviews not as a first choice. But Half in the Bag in my opinion, as far as I've found, is the best authority on the internet when it comes to contemporary cinema. I've only ever disagreed with them on the Iron Man 3 and Man of Steel reviews, and even then not so much, understanding where they are coming from.
I can imagine. I think they suffer from blockbuster movie fatigue.

If you want to see them putting forward a little more effort, I would recommend episodes 49, 17 and 12.