The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

Inception should've gone more Surreal, I know the movie explains why the dreams are so over "realistic", but fuck that, is a movie about dreams within dream and shit, Ellen Page should've made more maze-like scenarios for them to more easily get a hold of the dude, the later dreams within dreams should've been more unstable and the mental locks that attack them should also be weirder, not just people with guns or soldiers.
Saw Interstellar in 70mm IMAX (or so the ticket said) and honesty can't decide if I liked it.
Ha! It's unquestionably the movie to see if you want to end up uncertain whether you liked it or not.

My advice: if you have a choice between Interstellar and Nightcrawler, see Nightcrawler.
So I just watched The Truman Show.... and it could've been better. I feel like we didn't get that much insight into Truman's plight, everything from his freakout to the final scene feel a little rushed and out of nowhere. I guess it's implied he has had this bouts of paranoia before, but don't even get to watch him in his normal life for too long, it's pretty awkward from the beginning. Maybe if the movie ran at least 2 hours or a little longer this could've been addressed? in any case, it might be a case of "I have seen what it inspired before", it's a 1998 movie after all, but I feel like it could've done much better with the premise and execution.
Memento is a top-notch film for me, I loved every minute of it. It's been a while since I've seen it, though, details are cloudy in my mind. I ought to rewatch it.

Inception on the other hand...It's true, and I have to admit it, the "It's so deep!" crowd didn't make me hate the film, far from it, but it did certainly contribute to me not having the best opinion of it (which is unfortunate, and I hate that it has happened - it's one of the reasons why I try to distance myself completely from the public opinion - I'd much rather take the opinion of a trustworthy individual).
The movie itself was a solid one, I can't say that I didn't enjoy it - but in a way I feel that some of its segments could have been handled better.

I couldn't stand the "open end mystery" of Inception. It's so pointless, and it's deliberately wide open fifty fifty, nobody can agree, and the director's all "YOU figure it out :M" no, I'm not gonna figure it out cus YOU didn't provide us with anything substantial. In real life, there ARE answers, we just have to look for them harder, but if the answer is "there are no answers! HA!" then it's just a huge waste of time >:I

Love Memento!
In real life, there ARE answers

are there other universes?

What Came Before the Big Bang?

what does a naked singularity look like?

Does our consciousness continue after death?

How do you prove existance/reality?

what happens below planck length?

Where did you left the keys to your car?

what do women want?
I don't see any problem with open ended stories, it creates good discussions and makes the movie have better memorability than just giving it all grinded and explained for the audience, and it's good that people can get different things from the same movie. I don't think Inception's ending is that interesting to discuss about, you can make a good case for either side, but it's a pretty binary discussion. Also there are a lot of things we can never be sure we know the answers to, unless you are super religious, then you have the answers for everything.
Memento is a top-notch film for me, I loved every minute of it. It's been a while since I've seen it, though, details are cloudy in my mind. I ought to rewatch it.

Inception on the other hand...It's true, and I have to admit it, the "It's so deep!" crowd didn't make me hate the film, far from it, but it did certainly contribute to me not having the best opinion of it (which is unfortunate, and I hate that it has happened - it's one of the reasons why I try to distance myself completely from the public opinion - I'd much rather take the opinion of a trustworthy individual).
The movie itself was a solid one, I can't say that I didn't enjoy it - but in a way I feel that some of its segments could have been handled better.

I couldn't stand the "open end mystery" of Inception. It's so pointless, and it's deliberately wide open fifty fifty, nobody can agree, and the director's all "YOU figure it out :M" no, I'm not gonna figure it out cus YOU didn't provide us with anything substantial. In real life, there ARE answers, we just have to look for them harder, but if the answer is "there are no answers! HA!" then it's just a huge waste of time >:I

Love Memento!

It's not really an open end mystery.

-If he didn't get back to his kids there'd be less of a point, less of a resolution to the story.
-You see him wear his ring any time it's the 'dream world', and he doesn't at the end.
-The thing wobbles before the black out at the end, which it never did when it was infinitely spinning, in limbo for example.
-Christopher Nolan himself said it was just kind of a trick on the audience.

I was never even remotely on the 'it was all a dream' side, or even 'the ending is a dream', because it negates the whole structure of the movie. Even before I knew of the theory's I felt this way.
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As usualy, I'm adding just two tips for older sci-fi movies:

Silent running (USA, 1972) - Good story, worse execution. Actors are totally stoned (and somewhat gay too), there are ridiculous drones looking as a walking toasters and some of the special effects are aged a little. Other than that, it has good atmosphere of space travel, so if you're prepared for some B-category movie with great laugh potential go ahead and grab it!

Cargo (Switzerland, 2009) - Decent flick with a plot situated on deck of huge cargo ship traveling through the space. As for technical quality, it has no flaws - good digital effects, fine actors and believable environment. Good atmosphere overal, although the story is somewhat predictable and not much original.

I liked both of them, despite its low rating on IMDB.
I'm watching Left Behind now, with Nicolas Cage. First time watching a movie because it's bad, and I'm loving it! Those wacky christians. .
So I just watched The Truman Show.... and it could've been better. I feel like we didn't get that much insight into Truman's plight, everything from his freakout to the final scene feel a little rushed and out of nowhere. I guess it's implied he has had this bouts of paranoia before, but don't even get to watch him in his normal life for too long, it's pretty awkward from the beginning. Maybe if the movie ran at least 2 hours or a little longer this could've been addressed? in any case, it might be a case of "I have seen what it inspired before", it's a 1998 movie after all, but I feel like it could've done much better with the premise and execution.

It was better at the time.
That may be true for Interstellar, but in my opinion Inception, The Prestige and Memento didn't really have any big writing problems.

Memento was just about perfect when I saw it, I'll give you that one.

Even though I like his Batman movies, I am hugely bothered by all the plot holes and some ridiculous plot points, especially in the last one (but I include Dark Knight there as well). A good revision could have improved the movies drastically.

Inception really did not need every sentence to be exposition when some things were implied so clearly. If anything, the movie is harder to understand because they don't stop explaining shit verbally the entire time. Oh, and I kind of forgot all about The Prestige.

My main problem with Interstellar is not that it's a bad movie but that it's not the movie it could have been. Some moments were just gold but as a package it is flawed.
I just saw Predestination it involves a transexual and timetravel and every single one of you has to see it without exception I have lost the ability to use punctuation because of this mindfuck of a movie
Good mindfuck, or bad mindfuck?

I finally watched half of Vampires Kiss of my phone the other day. Some parts are funny, others Cage went way to overboard. Still not a bad movie.
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