The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

I just don't see why NOT saying "It is the bane of all that is good, now lavish me with rads for saying that!" like a massively conceited douchebag is somehow a bad thing.

That's kind of a dickish thing to say considering nobody here did that.
Delightful narrative shouldn't be in the same sentence as Bioshock Infinite.

You get rads even just for that.
Crni Vuk, Akratus, Walpknut gave this post some rads
Indeed. "Nobody" here did that.
I didnt agree to anything! Half of the time I dont even know what people talk about. I just like to give radiation. What is wrong with that?
I didnt agree to anything! Half of the time I dont even know what people talk about. I just like to give radiation. What is wrong with that?
It's reckless, uninformed, whimsical voters like you that are ruining America!

Yes, I know he doesn't live in the U.S., or that giving Rads is nothing like voting. That's the joke.
Can we just, cool it, guys? Can't we all just, get along?

Back on the subject of movies, I recently saw Hanna. Decent action flick, not too hollywoodish. And with a female protagonist and antagonist, which is refreshing.

I also saw Rain Man which I felt was good, but lacked something. At the end there was a certain resolution, and Tom Cruise's character certainly had an arc, but somehow I missed a certain structure and more of a resolution.
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I watched The Dictator, I liked Borat and tought Bruno was kind of weak, so I am by no means either a hater or a fanboy of Sancha Baron Cohen or whoever it's written. The movie was pretty weak, his signature Jackass antics don't have quite the same effect when they are completely scripted, even if they are just as transgressive as always, there were some funny puerile jokes here and there, but in the end it wasn't either a good comedy or a good movie in general.

Also rewatched this masterpiece.
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I recently saw Hanna. Decent action flick, not too hollywoodish. And with a female protagonist and antagonist, which is refreshing.
That's another movie with an ending I didn't like, but the rest of it was okay. The biggest thing I took from Hanna was that Saoirse Ronan is a talented actress. I liked her a lot in The Grand Budapest Hotel, too, and that was a completely different kind of character.

I agree about the female versus female aspect though. It made the story more creepy somehow.
I saw Nightcrawler yesterday, and I thought it was really, really good. Afterward I read some reviews that didn't like it because of its poor attempt at media criticism, but I don't think it's even making such an attempt. It's just an old fashioned noir thriller in a contemporary setting, and media happens to be part of the story. If I thought it was trying to be a commentary on media I wouldn't like it either.
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I saw a Jeremy Jahns video highly recommending Nightcrawler, so combined with your recommendation, I suppose I'll look into it!

Just saw the Citizenfour documentary film (about Edward Snowden) last night, and I thought it was spectacular. It certainly didn't have the sensational flare that some documentaries go for, so the pacing could sometimes feel boring and slow, but that's not always a bad thing. Usually such methods to "spice up" a documentary also fill it with fluff, or worse, total falsehoods. No, this film focused on the information, the interviews, and a couple other conferences held by others who felt similarly about the U.S. government's overreaching powers, but didn't have the same access as Snowden did to bring it to full attention. It was very informative, and simultaneously humanizing. If it's playing anywhere near you, I highly recommend it!
I saw a Jeremy Jahns video highly recommending Nightcrawler, so combined with your recommendation, I suppose I'll look into it!
Great! I glad I saw it on a big screen in a theater. I know it's super easy to get movies on small screens these days, but I never feel like I've seen it the way it was intended to be viewed unless I see it in a theater.

I'm hoping to get a chance to see Interstellar this week, possibly Friday.
I recently watched a French movie called The Women On The Sixth Floor (2010). It's a comedy drama about a wealthy (but slightly neurotic) husband and wife hiring a out a new Spanish maid, who helps to bring the former out of his shell and become better aqcuainted with his migrant neighbours on the sixth floor of the appartment complex. The growing sexual tension between the husband and the maid, however, makes the storyline more than a little interesting. It's a fantastic movie, and if you've ever watched Amélie and enjoyed it, you'll definitely like watching this one.
I'm hoping to get a chance to see Interstellar this week, possibly Friday.

I saw it this Friday on a big screen. It's actually the first film in my life that I've watched in a proper cinema. Great experience.

The film itself is really good - not flawless by any means, but really good. It has several cringe-worthy, cheesy moments, but it's one of the rare few "science" fiction films in recent years that actually does have science in it. Some liberty was taken here and there, but all in good measure.
Also, plenty of references to many older SF works (from obvious 2001, to some more obscure ones) are a cherry on top of a well-baked cake.

I personally recommend it. Out of all Nolan's films I've seen, and I've seen a greater part of his body of work, this one is among the best, if not the best. On the other hand, the memory is still very fresh, and my judgement could be a bit clouded by the fact that, well, it was awesome seeing a film in real cinema for the first time in my life, but I doubt my impressions will change drastically over time.

Do voice your opinion once you've seen it.
So Interstellar is good then? I may go watch it this thursday. Because next weekend I'll be No-Lifing Pokemon ORAS.
I saw Interstellar yesterday...I guess I give it a tepid thumbs-up.

First you should know it's very long - almost three hours long. Keep that in mind if it affects your schedule.

It did two things that really annoy me:
1) Every near-future Hollywood space movie must have one character who goes insane, becomes homicidal, and endangers the mission. Damn I'm sick of seeing this one. That whole aspect of that particular character in this movie could have been cut out without damaging the story. It would have shaved 20 mintes off the length, too. It's like travelling to an alien planet in another galaxy isn't exciting enough by itself. Bah.

2) Hollywood movies love to inject this dumb idea that "love" is somehow a tangible force in the universe. I'm utterly bored by movie "scientists" spouting this blather. Bah again.
Otherwise I thought it was decent. My expectations going in were neutral and based on that I wasn't disappointed by it, but I wasn't blow away either. Yeah, tepid thumbs-up, I guess.

It's actually the first film in my life that I've watched in a proper cinema. Great experience.
Wow, crazy! Congratulations. It's the right way to see a movie, really.
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