I wanna see "The Room", that epically bad etc, but I can never be arsed to actually try to find it. It doesn't quite seem to deserve that effort.
Yeah, it's a problem. Most or at least some moviegoers seem to buy into it big-time, though.That second point does in fact bother me, like, why include man made concepts and things into what should be scientific abstracts. Like randomly saying that a lighthouse is the universal constant of the multiverse or something.
Wow, crazy! Congratulations. It's the right way to see a movie, really.
Yeah, it's a problem. Most or at least some moviegoers seem to buy into it big-time, though.That second point does in fact bother me, like, why include man made concepts and things into what should be scientific abstracts. Like randomly saying that a lighthouse is the universal constant of the multiverse or something.
I, of course, must be a cynical a-hole.![]()
Yahtzee said it best when he was criticizing a game for focusing heavily on the romantic pairing between two characters because it was an American trope. He likened it to watching a film where every 10 minutes the scene just stops and everyone starts dancing a ho down. Wouldn't that be jarring and strange and totally not fit the pacing of the rest of the story? EXACTLY! So take it out!Hollywood movies love to inject this dumb idea that "love" is somehow a tangible force in the universe. I'm utterly bored by movie "scientists" spouting this blather. Bah again.
It's definitely a Hollywood trope. It can be done well, but it seems really out of place in a semi-serious sci-fi movie. I mean, how many times have you ever seen a real astrophysicist start talking about love as a real material force in the universe, or how just because we can't measure it doesn't mean it's not real? Hollywood movie astrophysicists do that with irritating regularity.Yahtzee said it best when he was criticizing a game for focusing heavily on the romantic pairing between two characters because it was an American trope.
My advice? Don't.I wanna see "The Room", that epically bad etc, but I can never be arsed to actually try to find it. It doesn't quite seem to deserve that effort.
Nothing to add, really. Just tons of "THIS ^" in spades. =)It makes him more hero material because he's less likely to abuse the power he gains on his quest for selfish reasons.
It's a fine concept, however I think most agitation comes from SHITTY WRITING.
My advice? Don't.I wanna see "The Room", that epically bad etc, but I can never be arsed to actually try to find it. It doesn't quite seem to deserve that effort.
My advice? Don't.I wanna see "The Room", that epically bad etc, but I can never be arsed to actually try to find it. It doesn't quite seem to deserve that effort.
What I'm really starting to dislike is that you can't say shit about this movie. Every answer on RT is "there were actual scientists overseeing the movie to make sure everything is accurate, dumbass." I asked why the black hole looked the way it did and it apparently "was created using real equations" so there. What? I especially like the trivia entry on IMDB which says that the plot is based on Einstein's famous equation. Yeah, how exactly and isn't every movie? Shit like this pisses me off.