The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

Yeah, it is part of the EU. That shit all the Star Wars nerds (some on here) were whining about being discarded. Then Abrams uses stuff from it and everyone bitches about it. Thankfully he didn't use the lightsaber whip that was in one of the novels. I remember people bitching about Darth Maul's saber too when it came out. They also said that he would most likely cut his own hands or legs off. Turns out the fights with Maul were the only redeeming part of the movie. Star Wars nerds are worse than Trekkies when it comes to nitpicking.

Speaking of Trek, the movies were never great in the first place. Not the original ones anyway. The series was where it was at. I'm no big Abrams fan, but I like his first Star Trek movie. I think he can do a better job than Lucas at directing, so I'll wait and see a real trailer before writing the movie off, then looking like a jackass when I fawn over it later. Make no mistakes, most of the detractors will eagerly lube up their assholes for Abrams when the movie comes out in a year or so. They'll be lined up in their dorky little costumes, camped out for days on end until the movie launches, regardless of what they might say on the internet. It can't be worse than the prequels.
Hey now. The original series of Star Trek movies was great. The motion picture is awesome, Wrath of Khan is the bomb and The Undiscovered Country is a great send-off. Also there's humpback whales but they don't do it for me like they do it for everybody else.
At least Whedon has the balls to put a twist and a critique on one of the industry's major cash-cows: slasher films.

Yeah, so brave.

TCITW is a fine movie for sure, but it's also kind of a silly little throw away movie too, just like all of Whedon's work. Everyone has there own tastes and preferences, but Nolan makes sprawling epics with amazing visual style and artistry; comparing him to whedon is just... I don't know. What has Whedon done? buffy and firefly? They're ok, I guess. Nothing to justify the silly fanboyism they generate though.
At least Whedon has the balls to put a twist and a critique on one of the industry's major cash-cows: slasher films.

Yeah, so brave.

TCITW is a fine movie for sure, but it's also kind of a silly little throw away movie too, just like all of Whedon's work. Everyone has there own tastes and preferences, but Nolan makes sprawling epics with amazing visual style and artistry; comparing him to whedon is just... I don't know. What has Whedon done? buffy and firefly? They're ok, I guess. Nothing to justify the silly fanboyism they generate though.

I like Whedon as much as the next guy, but The Cabin in the Woods was nothing special. Definitely not anything to be sucking Whedon's dick over. A couple movies and now he tops all of Nolans shit? Hahaha. :grin:

The Babadook was pretty good. Not bad for a horror flick. Bonus points if you figure out what it means.
When I saw that hooded guy in ze black forest with dat kerazy light saber and that raspy voice-over, all I could think of was: LotR. Why not introduce the scabbard as well? I know a hilt protects the hand somewhat, but this perpendicular one is still flawed as fuck (i.e. you can still hit that hand if you know what you're doing). That's why they invented the cup-hilt. So why not give this sci-fi sword a decent cup-hilt, eh? And a shield. I would love to see a shield. :roll:
TCITW is a fine movie for sure, but it's also kind of a silly little throw away movie too, just like all of Whedon's work. Everyone has there own tastes and preferences, but Nolan makes sprawling epics with amazing visual style and artistry; comparing him to whedon is just... I don't know. What has Whedon done? buffy and firefly? They're ok, I guess. Nothing to justify the silly fanboyism they generate though.

Nolan also treats his audience like total morons. Everything must have exposition, everything must be unambiguous, and his recent work often ends up incoherent. The Dark Knight should have been titled Joker Does Epic Random Shit, as Batman doesn't do anything really dark or knightly. Dark Knight Rises is just horrid. The last Nolan movie I really enjoyed (haven't watched Interstellar yet, but I might like it) on a level above Epic Random Shit Happens was Inception.

Whedon has the courtesy of giving the audience freedom of interpretation and does much less hand holding. I love The Cabin, both as a movie and as an homage to the horror genre in general. An homage that takes the entire spectrum of horror into account, not just movies.
The Cabin in the Woods was smart, and when I think about it, I must confess that I haven't seen that many smart horror flicks in my life. The first Scream movie was smart as well. The first Saw movie too. They all have an element of surprise that surpasses the simple plot twist or the gore climax other horror movies drive on. They're more intelligent in some way.

I've seen Inception, but I had to go to the IMDb page to remind myself what it was about. When I have to do that, it's fair to say the movie didn't really strike a chord with me.
When I saw that hooded guy in ze black forest with dat kerazy light saber and that raspy voice-over, all I could think of was: LotR. Why not introduce the scabbard as well? I know a hilt protects the hand somewhat, but this perpendicular one is still flawed as fuck (i.e. you can still hit that hand if you know what you're doing). That's why they invented the cup-hilt. So why not give this sci-fi sword a decent cup-hilt, eh? And a shield. I would love to see a shield. :roll:


Lucas, is already way ahead of you ... or anyone else.

Though, I think there are a few ideas they havn't explored yet. So exciting! Can't wait to see what they will show us next.


You need the midichloroform count of Bruce to make it work though.

So true. The Joker definitely did a better performance then Batman and the last movie kinda sucked. I had such high hopes for Bane, because it is one of my favourite Vilains of the series, and then, Rhas Al Ghul again ... fuck you Nolan. He could have made it about Bane and Bane alone it would have been awesome. Prestige was pretty good though, I can only recommend that movie.
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Believe me, there's practically no stupid light saber thingy the EU hasn't explored yet. Saber staffs? Old. Light whips? Fuck yes. Tonfa? Sure. Pike? You know it.
And yes, the crossguard lightsaber is not a new invention either, although in the comics it had only one second blade coming out at a 45° angle.
I thought the Star Wars teaser was fine. Bunch of whiny bitches.

Yeah. I mean, why did I join NMA?

I mean, I wait around tO for all the cool people to show up once a month.

This place is a pit of angst driven small-dicked losers that deny everything that doesn't fit squarely up their tight assholes.

I didn't know fucking Star Wars was suppose to be realistic.
So true. The Joker definitely did a better performance then Batman and the last movie kinda sucked. I had such high hopes for Bane, because it is one of my favourite Vilains of the series, and then, Rhas Al Ghul again ... fuck you Nolan. He could have made it about Bane and Bane alone it would have been awesome. Prestige was pretty good though, I can only recommend that movie.

I'll just repost what I wrote two years ago:

Upon reflection, I have concluded that apart from a change in costume and the ability to form coherent sequences, the DKR Bane is really no different from the B&R Bane. Both are manslaves bent on nothing but destruction, with the moral grayness of a black hole.
A shame, really.
Addendum: If I wrote DKR, I'd completely scrap the League of Shadows crap, bar the notion about Bane being excommunicated, and use him as a real revolutionary. Keep the whole "Gotham Invasion" motif and framework, but rather than the moustache-twirling evil bomb plot (proverbial moustache in Bane's case), have Bane use it as a deterrent to pass judgement on the evils of Gotham, to exterminate Blackgate, execute corporate CEOs guilty of dirty warfare, carve a swath and eliminate corrupt officers. Rule Gotham with an iron fist and purge it, do the very thing Batman wouldn't dare to do. Let the alleyways be filled with corpses impaled, hanged, burned alive. Wage total war on evil.
All the while the broken Batman is forced to watch in the Pit. Forced to rise, to understand. And only then, when he comes back, leading the people of Gotham against Bane and his militia, let them fight for their future, take back what is theirs. And then either have Bane die, killing Batman at the same time, or make it appear that both died. At any rate, I'd leave Bane's fate uncertain and Batman's... Well, Batman's.
Leave ends that would allow for speculation that Batman COOPERATED with Bane. Or at least did nothing to stop him.
I remember people bitching about Darth Maul's saber too when it came out. They also said that he would most likely cut his own hands or legs off. Turns out the fights with Maul were the only redeeming part of the movie.

There was lots of talk, but not nearly this much negative talk when Maul's saber was reveled. I'd go as far as say that TPM overall had people pretty damn hyped. That reveal trailer for TPM was so epic, we went to see it several times at the theater. Of course, then the movie came out....
So true. The Joker definitely did a better performance then Batman and the last movie kinda sucked. I had such high hopes for Bane, because it is one of my favourite Vilains of the series, and then, Rhas Al Ghul again ... fuck you Nolan. He could have made it about Bane and Bane alone it would have been awesome. Prestige was pretty good though, I can only recommend that movie.

I'll just repost what I wrote two years ago:

Upon reflection, I have concluded that apart from a change in costume and the ability to form coherent sequences, the DKR Bane is really no different from the B&R Bane. Both are manslaves bent on nothing but destruction, with the moral grayness of a black hole.
A shame, really.
Addendum: If I wrote DKR, I'd completely scrap the League of Shadows crap, bar the notion about Bane being excommunicated, and use him as a real revolutionary. Keep the whole "Gotham Invasion" motif and framework, but rather than the moustache-twirling evil bomb plot (proverbial moustache in Bane's case), have Bane use it as a deterrent to pass judgement on the evils of Gotham, to exterminate Blackgate, execute corporate CEOs guilty of dirty warfare, carve a swath and eliminate corrupt officers. Rule Gotham with an iron fist and purge it, do the very thing Batman wouldn't dare to do. Let the alleyways be filled with corpses impaled, hanged, burned alive. Wage total war on evil.
All the while the broken Batman is forced to watch in the Pit. Forced to rise, to understand. And only then, when he comes back, leading the people of Gotham against Bane and his militia, let them fight for their future, take back what is theirs. And then either have Bane die, killing Batman at the same time, or make it appear that both died. At any rate, I'd leave Bane's fate uncertain and Batman's... Well, Batman's.
Leave ends that would allow for speculation that Batman COOPERATED with Bane. Or at least did nothing to stop him.

This seems remarkably similar to the movie that already exists.

As far as tdkr vs dk, rises has a few small issues, but really it's just hard to compete with ledgers performance. That's some really amazing work; but there are plot holes and pacing issues and whatever in that movie too.
The only bad writing in Ledger's Joker was giving him Two Face's gimmicks. It was nice watching him orchestrate these complex things that revolved around dualities and forcing Batman and others to choose between one or the other. But that's not Joker's thing. That's Two Face's! Of course, keeping Two Face in the film just sorta highlighted that error even further. I think Ledger's Joker wasn't just well acted and well characterized, it was well-written as well. Just... a little bit not-quite-Joker.
His speech to Two Face made 0 sense, only reason he even manages to pull off half his plans is because the script says he did, and because he has a horseshoe made of 4 leaf clovers up his ass or something, he is also an example of americentric interpretations of anarchy.
His monologue in the hospital made total sense. It just wasn't true at all. He claimed to be a leaf on the wind, without a care in the world, without an agenda, and without any ploys or plans, when that's entirely not true at all. His persona for TDK may not have been developed or aimed in the same direction as typical Joker incarnations in that his "purpose" was centered entirely around Batman, whereas Ledger's was all about Harvey, but at least that one rant was cohesive and logical. It made perfect sense. It was just bullshit.

But as for his rabbit's paw... I've seen FAR worse offenses of plot armor to bother with freting over TDK's.
It made no sense for Dent to even eat that speech, and just because other movies also have plot armor out of the wazoo doesn't make it okay for another to do the same. There is also the deal with Batman being the blandest character on his own movie and the rather forced "tragic ending" of the movie, it's so bad they stapled it to the last 15 minutes of the movie, that's bad writing 101.
Well, to the movies defense, I think it worked well for Nolan's take on the character. This wasn't the classic Batman we knew. Frankly I think that is why it worked so well on many different levels. People that normally don't watch superhero movies liked The Dark Knight. Same thing with Whedon's Avengers movie. The difference between Whedon and Nolan is that Whedon actually knows the characters he is writing about. He cares for the source material. Nolan just wanted to make a good movie.