The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

People who are interested in dinosaurs have made public their suggestions to the entire internet non stop, and yet ^those sketches are what they come up with.
In the end, they CLUNG on to the idea of a "newly created artificial dinosaur", cus, idunno, cus Godzilla made money, and that's how it works. I'm surprised JP4 wasn't shaped after Game of Thrones or something, seeing that it too makes a lot of money

So, even a proper time-travel angle would be expertly botched, because feathers "are gay", Godzilla makes money, and everybody loves Tyrion.
I think Ledger was great as The Joker, and without him that movie would have been quite bad.

To me Nolan is a less skillful version of Ron Howard. They've even made some comparable films, like Memento and A Beautiful Mind (the latter wins hands down), and Interstellar and Apollo 13 (closer because Apollo 13 has a very sappy ending, but it still wins). Ron Howard's films are more deft, polished, and economical, however. He never wastes a scene, where Nolan's films always have 20-30 minutes that would have been better left on the editing room floor. Howard's the kind of director who has the discipline and the professionalism to take in an overhyped story like The DaVinci Code and put out a rock solid film interpretation.

The Cabin in The Woods struck me has having several possible metaphorical interpretations. It could be a representation of the mind of someone who watches a slasher movie in order to feed the atavistic bloodlust that dwells deep within, or it could be a commentary on the greed of the horror movie producers who reap large sums of money from the promiscuous generation of images of brutality. In any case, Cabin has more ideas behind it than any of Nolan's forgettable films, which is why I say it's better.


Over the past week I saw two movies: Them! from 1954 and American Hustle.

Them! is really quite good. It holds up a lot better than you might expect. One of the cool things about it is that James Whitmore, who was the librarian Brooks Hatlen in The Shawshank Redepmtion is one of the stars. Like the best old sci-fi Them! is very grounded in science. Okay, so you have to accept the premise that radiation from the Manhattan Project has caused ants to mutate to gigantic size, but after that the story tries to follow the science to model their behavior. The movie also has a really good action ending, IMO. Unlike so many current sci-fi monsters, you can kill the giant ants in Them! with infantry tactics and regular old bullets, provided you have enough.

American Hustle was pretty good, I guess. I didn't love it because it feels like it's trying too hard to be a Martin Scorsese movie. I don't think Amy Adams is an especially good actress, either, I'm sorry to say, and Bradley Cooper is also just so-so. Christian Bale is good though. I realized how uninspired most of the acting was when Robert DiNero showed up for about five minutes and outclassed everyone else, with the possible exception of Bale.
So Interstellar is good then? I may go watch it this thursday. Because next weekend I'll be No-Lifing Pokemon ORAS.
(Avoiding spoilers)
I felt very conflicted about it. It somehow fell into the "I liked it but there were many minor irritants" hell for me for, well almost all aspects. Was a very good attempt but it somehow fell/felt flat for me due to previously mentioned shoehorned bits that existed solely to satisfy Holywood's mindset of what constitutes or creates suspense as well as overly messy/meandering story structure, scientific headscratchers grade technobabble and the nagging feeling that the ending was made that way because they couldn't repackage their story in a reasonable frame and it had to end on a "humans win!"* note.

*"Humans Win" doesn't bother me but the way story was headed, it should have taken even longer to get there, with a large chunk of the logical progression being downhill on the suspense/interest chart and that wouldn't be interesting film material so in a paradoxical way, the ending sequence felt cheapening the work of certain individuals with a fast forward jump.

Btw, About inception, you guys know about the "Uncle Scrooge" plagiarism in it I hope?
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I think Ledger was great as The Joker, and without him that movie would have been quite bad.

To me Nolan is a less skillful version of Ron Howard. They've even made some comparable films, like Memento and A Beautiful Mind (the latter wins hands down)

No, fuck that movie. I really felt like I wasted my time on that pretentious flick. Sure it's got some drama, because apparently the guy has mental issues, but to me it just felt like a walking hollywood cliché. He's really fucking smart, and he has break-downs. The awe factor and the drama factor. Memento on the other hand is a finely crafted story that does something different. In my opinion they couldn't be on more different levels.
Btw, About inception, you guys know about the "Uncle Scrooge" plagiarism in it I hope?
That's pretty amazing and interesting. Maybe I will see the movie. I heard good things about it.

Though is it really plagiarism? I mean how many times has someone took a known story and just changed it a little to work in a different medium, as a Designer you are doing this all the time.

The idea to "enter" someones dreams isnt THAT new either, ever seen that movie with Kiefer Sutherland? Dark City, a movie that everyone should watch by the way, a lot of movies, lets say borrowed ideas from this one, like Matrix. In Dark City dreams can be altered as well. Not in the same way like inception, and it is about aliens or something like that, but still, it has SOME similarities here and there. Or the thirteenth floor. A movie based on the idea of computer simulated reality. The concept is that you don't know in the end what is real and what is simulated. Getting deeper into the rabbit hole, as they say.

Actually I wouldn't be surprised if Inception and many more movies have been one way or another an episode of the Twilight Zone. Did you know that the movie Real Steel, you know that one about boxing robots is actually extremely close to some Twilight Episode? I guess the fact that the movie is named Real Steel and the Twilight Episode Steel isn't a coincidence either.
I know "plagiarism" is a serious accusation but the fact that the movie follows the plot of the comic at every "dream" step makes me think this way.
Although, my bias must also be taken into account as I was a duck tales reader for a decent while :), as well as my general dislike of "holywoodized" stories.

Edit: Btw, there was a Japanese cartoon about a young kid controlling a small sized humanoid robot that took part in robot gladiatorial combats and whatnot. Does anyone know/remember it's name? (I only saw localized version which had a completely nonsensical name in the early 90s)
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Edit: Btw, there was a Japanese cartoon about a young kid controlling a small sized humanoid robot that took part in robot gladiatorial combats and whatnot. Does anyone know/remember it's name? (I only saw localized version which had a completely nonsensical name in the early 90s)

Akratus; I'm afraid not.

Crni; Yep, there are a few more weird instances of Ducks predicting other stuff too. Certain writers and accusations of witchcraft come to mind :twisted::lol:
So... It's the first four movies and SCC all rolled into one movie. What a load of nonsense.
How much do you want to bet that it will make millions of dollars for them? People already now shout on every comment section about the trailer "ITS ARNY! YAY!" ... when was the last time he actually made a really decent movie by the way?
Why is Sarah Connor a 14 year old with shitty eyebrows? When she started spouting quotes I almost felt like I had an aneurysm....
Shitty eyebrows? Her eyebrows have more acting chops than the entire cast of Twilight.
The idea that Sarah Connor started out as a simple waitress has always been an insult to feminism. In accordance with new standards of social justice, that unacceptable history has been revised so she always kicked ass right from the start. History is made of liquid metal.
Did any of you watch the 2013 remake of Oldboy? Even in part? It's a fucking disgrace what they did to that masterful work. I'm rewatching the original now, after dropping the remake entirely.

I watched the original, and didn't see what the big deal was. Then I watched the remake and it seemed like a virtual carbon copy, only with better production values.

What exactly makes the remake a disgrace, and what makes the original a masterful work?
I think the new Terminator movie looks good, has a pretty decent cast, and the trailer got me interested. I have enjoyed every Terminator movie to some degree. Sarah Connor Chronicles was very badass and so were the original movies, but this gives us a chance to see time travel playing a bigger role and altering the future. Most likely changing things drastically from the very beginning. I dig it. We get a new take on the originals (kinda) without erasing all the continuity from the old movies. I hope this can kick off a new trilogy of movies that doesn't suck. I think Emilia Clarke makes a good Sarah Connor personally. It looks like the old Arnold Terminator saved Sarah Connor as a child, then he killed the young Arnold Terminator that was sent to kill her from the first movie. Then we have some asian T1000 trying to kill them. The future John Connor looked scarred as fuck. I really liked that. That is how Connor needs to look. Not some pretty boy like Christian Bale. I'm just aching to see any glimpse of the war in the future against the machines.
I am not sure, I think they have a shitty cast. Of course I am only going here by the looks. But Daenerys Targaryen? Terminator Queen or Mother of Machines just doesnt sound right. And the guy playing Kyle Reese? Urgh. I really like her performance in the TV show. But I just cant see her in the role of Sarah Connor. Because yeah, the original actor was already doing the perfect performance, and I am glad they decided to left her out in T3. It made the movie better.

What really hits me though, and I am serious about that, is this super clean look. They all dont look like resistance fighters or warriors, they look like super stylish models. Is Terminator 5 some (post-)apocalyptic movie about machines killing humanity? or is it actually an advertising campaign for which american actor can hit the gym the hardest?

Seriously. Does someone still remember this guy?

Or this one?

And now they have been all replaced by those ...


*May god have mercy with us.

I admit, the trailer doesnt look as bland like those photos and I am pretty sure some marketing guy might have lost his head because he chose them. But still, the trailer doesnt really feel that much better.

*I am a bit overly dramatic here. Dont take it too serious. But com on, the pictures look shit :p
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