The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

Oh, never mind then.

Edit: If you like animu though, I highly recommend Tatami Galaxy.
Walpknut said:
It was a Live Action movie.


[spoiler:e5c3e94514]Tatami Galaxy is still great even if you don't really like animu.

I mean the Ace Attorney movie. It wasn't anime, so I don't see why you are recomending me anime. But thanks, I may check that one too.
Walpknut said:
I mean the Ace Attorney movie. It wasn't anime, so I don't see why you are recomending me anime.

Oh, well it's based on an animated Japanese visual novel so I just assumed it was anime. My mistake.

I am excited for this movie....they probably could have done a better job with making the trailer though...

Good acting...
Verd1234 said:

I am excited for this movie....they probably could have done a better job with making the trailer though...

Good acting...

Wtf, no vampires?!
I'll toss two movie tips:
Sandlot (USA, 1993)
October Sky (USA, 1999)
Both a very nice family movies, it reminded me of my own childhood. No monsters though, sorry. :P
Lol pretty sure I saw both of those back then too. Wasn't October Sky the one about the idiot teenager who saw the first rocket launch and taught himself trigonometry and calculus between shifts at the coal mine to build his own rockets?

Ah, nostalgia. Anyone remember Blank Check?
Yup, you are right, that was October Sky. But idiot? Hell no, he became a respected NASA employee later. You nasty monkey! :mrgreen:
I re-watched Excalibur the other day. Patrick Stewart, Liam Neeson, and Gabriel Byrne are all in it but it's long before they were really famous.

Nicol Williamson as Merlin is still the best wizard ever in any movie, barely edging out John Cleese as Tim the Enchanter.