This ghoul has seen it all

Anyway. Anyone seen The Irishman?
I'm not saying it would be bad. I dug Sicario and BR2049. But I am under no delusion to say that people will go the theaters to see Dune when the highest grossing films have been cape shit for almost 2 decades now. Hollywood loves wasting money though, look at John Carter or the lone ranger, that is like almost $1 Billion dollars lost by disney alone. I'm just saying if you want to lose a shit ton of money, instead of making that all female version of Fight Club, give that cash to Villeneuve so Dune can be really kick ass.I think they're expecting a good profit from Dune, actually. It's still a beloved and influential universe, and even though it's notoriously hard to adapt, the fact that they put Villeneuve in charge makes me think they expect something more than just some money laundering scheme. After Arrival and BR2049, I think he can do it justice. Somewhere between the weirdness of the Lynch adaptation and the follow-the-story of the TV movies. I sure hope he uses more weird visuals like Lynch did, Dune is strange and requires that shit.
Anakin's character Arc was broken from the moment it was concieved.
Why are people acting like star wars is only just now being terrible and whoring itself out?
When you say "Anakin's character Arc is ruined in this movie" like it wasnt already broken from the start then yeah you're acting like it's only just now bad.No one is acting like
When you say "Anakin's character Arc is ruined in this movie" like it wasnt already broken from the start then yeah you're acting like it's only just now bad.
The use of "ruin" implies the tarnishing of a good thing. Seeing as how it was never good it can't be ruined.
That's why I love NMA.Suck a dick walp kunt
Sucking dick?That's what I love NMA.