This has to be a joke, right? RIGHT?

Crni Vuk said:
a flight-sim in the star wars universe could be still entertaining I think. If done well.

Definitely, you'd think with how good the graphics could be now there'd be something out there. And what about the Wing Commander series? Privateer was awesome and way ahead of its time with the sandbox style and RPG elements.
Evil Banana said:
i loved had such potential..and then the old republic is really SW:WOW and it sucks

Yeah and I felt KOTOR2 was good from a gameplay standpoint and that it had some really fun quests, but the end of the game is so cut short it's silly.
i need a new serious SW game..i loved jedi academy sort of, multiplayer was fun albeit completely retarded. i dont stress enough that people forget R in Rpg
well no clue if it was a problem with lucas or with Obsidian who made Kotor2 but they have released the game way to early. They hade to cut out tons of dialogues and locations.

Still Kotor had great potential and I was really happy to red some news about a new game ...

Then it turned out be just another World of Warcraft just with light sabers ... but well. Hope it goes down fast so they might concentrate on a good single player RPG again. But sadly to many companies today think they have to jump on that "mutliplayer for everything!", see ME3. I believe when people say the Multiplayer in ME is great. But I do as well believe they should have spend more time on the singleplayer here. Might have avoided that strange ending who knows.

Still many good old SW games have been kinda ... forgotten
Yeah I heard subs for TOR are dropping like flies. It'lll never go F2P, lucasarts has too much pride for that. They'll probably stay on to the bitter end taking money from diehards and little DLC carrots that they toss out there.
plaidchuck said:
Yeah I heard subs for TOR are dropping like flies. It'lll never go F2P, lucasarts has too much pride for that. They'll probably stay on to the bitter end taking money from diehards and little DLC carrots that they toss out there.

It lost around 400,000 recently. Mass Exodus. I think it is actually much higher.
people are just ungrateful..dont like it make your own goddamn video game or shut up and take what youre given by the people you give that power to
no just dont waste your time and energy because lucas isent listening obviously nor would he care if he did hes rich what does your opinion matter really?..just save your energy for things significant..
Nobody listens to or cares what you have to say, either. So why not just shut the fuck up?
yeah jebus is right, people are just ungrateful..dont like it what we writte make your own goddamn ̶v̶̶i̶̶d̶̶e̶̶o̶̶ ̶̶g̶̶a̶̶m̶̶e̶ forum or shut up and take what youre given by the people you give that power to
Rogue Squadron was the shit. The N64 one and the sequel on Gamecube (NOT the third game) are gems that play really, really well and feel very much Star Wars-y. Was reasonably hard too.

I also liked Battlefront II. The space battles were suitably epic, if a bit easy against the laughably incompetent AI. Multiplayer was a blast, but it didn't last very long before everybody played that boring and unbalanced Heroes-only map.

Flipped through it and it's sorta Uncharted with blasters.
Geez enough with the action games.. how about a real rpg that doesn't have just 2 endings and a "good cop/bad cop" for each dialogue tree.
sea said:
Hey guys, you know what this E3 needs? More Gears of War clones! Who gives a shit if it makes sense for the universe and the dev team doesn't have a single original idea in its head, there's money to be made!

Seriously, the same thing I was thinking. That is the ultimate game for the ADHD generation. First time I played it I literally was done in about 5 minutes.
My stepbrother bought the Star Wars Kinect pack for $439 with his birthday money. The Xbox was sick (R2-D2 design and functions) and it came with the Kinect (pretty cool, I guess), but we never, EVER play that game. It's so.... :crazy:

Everything except the game was exceptable. I'm pretty sure I don't have to tell you this, but don't buy it. Not for your friend, not for your family, not for anybody.