Evil Banana
Still Mildly Glowing
i loved KOTOR..it had such potential..and then the old republic is really SW:WOW and it sucks
Crni Vuk said:a flight-sim in the star wars universe could be still entertaining I think. If done well.
Evil Banana said:i loved KOTOR..it had such potential..and then the old republic is really SW:WOW and it sucks
plaidchuck said:Yeah I heard subs for TOR are dropping like flies. It'lll never go F2P, lucasarts has too much pride for that. They'll probably stay on to the bitter end taking money from diehards and little DLC carrots that they toss out there.
BFox17 said:Woah, what happened?
sea said:Hey guys, you know what this E3 needs? More Gears of War clones! Who gives a shit if it makes sense for the universe and the dev team doesn't have a single original idea in its head, there's money to be made!