Angry joe is the bomb..altho his reviews are highly bias but who cares, like his review of skyrim was making it seem godlike but the game itself is as repetitive as oblivion was, they expanded the world a little bit and added a few minor changes but the game is essentialy still the same..but anyway i think SW kinect is hilarious, i am a die hard fan of star wars..but not of darth wader, star wars needs a bit more quality humor and this made me laugh my ass off, it deviated a shit ton from the franchise but meh who cares im a die hard fan of humor too ^^..dont take it so hard people..i think han solo always had it in him to be a rock star and now he is and thats awesome..and the always underrated storm troopers stealing the dance floor, awesome too..and all you liars and bastards pretending you never wanted to see the princess dare you lie so any rate its a blast it seems, either play it or dont but really a whole forum segment dedicated to hating the thing..lets grow up shall we..