This has to be a joke, right? RIGHT?

Jebus said:
Dude, just google "star wars plotholes". I'm not going to spell out the plotholes of the entire damn trilogy to you.
there is a difference between "nitpicking" and "shit story telling".

Watch the Star Wars review I posted in another post (above this). They really explain it much better then I could. Was Star Wars 1-3 perfect? Hell! for sure not. But it was simple. It was never meant to be a deep story. It was never more then a fairy tale in space. And people should simply see it as that. I cant say that from the dunno thousand times I watched Star Wars 1, 2 or 3 that those "major plot holes" you are talking about kept me from enjoying it. But with the episodes? They are just a steaming pile of shit when it comes to Star Wars. Even IF SW had plot holes, they had at least really good and memorable characters. Han Solo alone created pretty much an image everyone will remember easily. Not to mention Obi Wan or Luke. Episode 1? Who the hell was even the main character of that movie ... its so hard to remember anything from it simply because whole movie is so damn bland. That is what you get when you do everything with CGI.

The new episodes have been simply boring shit. Space taxes? trade federations? Emo-Skywalker? Com on ...

If you don't like Star Wars. Fine. I respect that! No one has to like everything. But please, don't come up with such things like "The old movies have been as bad like the new ones" or something like that. Even with their flaws the old movies had much more quality compared to the new episodes.
FFS, Crni, you seem to have pretty aweful reading comprehension. I never said Star Wars was bad (though it probably is, objectively), nor that the original three are as bad as the new ones, or that the characters are better, or whatever; I'm just saying the original three were rife with plotholes and incoherence, even more than the three new ones.

If you don't let those plotholes bother you - more power to you, man. I'm just the kind of guy that usually picks up on plotholes, and often gets irritated by them. That's for instance, why I don't like The Hunger Games, even though it's objectively a good movie.
Jebus said:
FFS, Crni, you seem to have pretty aweful reading comprehension. I never said Star Wars was bad (though it probably is, objectively), nor that the original three are as bad as the new ones, or that the characters are better, or whatever; I'm just saying the original three were rife with plotholes and incoherence, even more than the three new ones.

If you don't let those plotholes bother you - more power to you, man. I'm just the kind of guy that usually picks up on plotholes, and often gets irritated by them. That's for instance, why I don't like The Hunger Games, even though it's objectively a good movie.
why dont you explain me where the old ones had more compared to the new ones. Oh ... guess I should go for "google" ... great way of having a discussion >_<
Oh I'm sorry, let me make a spreadsheet where I catalog each plothole in all six movies in order to make a clear scientific comparison between the first three and the latter three.
Then, maybe, I could assign an independent panel of experts to ascertain the 'size' of each plothole, so a clear distinction could be made in gravity, which can then be assigned a numerological value in order to make a precise comparison.
Then, I can write that up in a thesis for you, maybe even submit it for peer review to a journal of cultural sciences.

I guess that would do.

(Just effin' google it)
why jebs? You claimed the old movies had more plotholes compared to the new movies. Not I did. Despite the fact that every normal person I know says the old movies are pretty much better in everything compared to the new movies. Except the CGI maybe ... but well.

I typed in google "Star Wars plot holes". This is what came up.

10 things the final ‘Star Wars’ should resolve

The Biggest Star Wars Plot Hole, Explained By Science

Yet, the second you put an Alderaan Princess in front of them, you've got five Stormtroopers missing a stationary target roughly eight feet away, three firing their guns wildly into the sky, and one asshole trying to ride his blaster rifle like a pony -- and none making the shot.

OMG! The princess kills stormtroopers left and right! OMG MAJOR PLOTHOLE DETECTED. And when Schwarzenegger kills countless terrorists in Comando its no problem? Its an actionflick! This sounds to me more like nitpicking then anything else.

Here again. SW was a sci fiction fairy tale ... why not simply treating it like that?

You might also notice that even Lord of the Rings, Terminator, Alien and many many more movies have "plot holes". You can't avoid it. Want serious science fiction? Watch, Matrix, Space Odyssee or Clock Work Orange. And even those, I am sure, have their "plot holes". Also, it has a reason why many of those "plot holes" links are rather humoristic. Take them with a grain of salt. Not to destroy the movie. The old Star Wars movies are classics, and rightfully so. Why should I care if the stormtroopers cant aim? Or if there is some small inconsitency here and there. We are talking about a setting where you have laser swords and people using a "force" calling them self "knights" while they travel trough space with faster then light speed ... Jeebs! Usually I am here the guy nitpicking at everything! Do you really want to push me from my throne?

*Not attacking you, still love you brotha! <3
Okies ... lets forget for a min, that its a "movie" and thus its part of the plot.

E-mail and the capability of copying a floppy disk.

Think about what the first film hinges upon. Princess Leia has plans to the Death Star that must be conveyed to the rebels. And the only way that she can think of to get it to them is to carry the one existing copy of those plans, by hand, herself, to the rebels.

Maybe she was afraid about the network being compromised or that someone would eventually intercept with the transmission. Remember the empire has a very huge body and they probably have a spy network which is most probably the reason why they knew about the stolen plans and Leia in the first place also if nations like China and the Iran control parts of the Internet its not that far away to assume that the empire is trying to control every means of communication. If its possible to catch and trace mails today, its only fair to assume as well the same for the SW setting. Not to mention it has its advantage if you hand over the informations directly. You make sure that the right person gets the information. Also, even if we are in the age of the internet for some reason ... sticks and transportable mediums have not become obsolete. Can you explain that? Ah! probably the same reason why Leia used a physical copy! Not to mention we have no clue how huge the informations are, lets not forget we talk here about a space station with the size of the moon. Also, I might be wrong, I cant really remember it anymore, but I think the movie never made it clear if Leia was the only one with a copy, if the rebells didnt tried it before already or if the people have been actually caught. Maybe it is a plot hole. But its really not that huge. Its part of the plot.

The other part is a rambling about how "solo" is a bad ass killing a bounty hunter who tried to kill him ... seriously? IS that your point? Jeeebs :? ... this ... is ... an ... action flick ... why dont you complain about light sabers? Or how they all travel faster then light ...
I do. Like I said, I don't want to spend walls of text on describing them all. In fact, every word on it is a word wasted.
I'm getting very tired of discussing shitty movies, so let's all just agree that we disagree and that you are wrong. Thank you.
Crni Vuk said:
Okies ... lets forget for a min, that its a "movie" and thus its part of the plot.

E-mail and the capability of copying a floppy disk.

Think about what the first film hinges upon. Princess Leia has plans to the Death Star that must be conveyed to the rebels. And the only way that she can think of to get it to them is to carry the one existing copy of those plans, by hand, herself, to the rebels.

Maybe she was afraid about the network being compromised or that someone would eventually intercept with the transmission. Remember the empire has a very huge body and they probably have a spy network which is most probably the reason why they knew about the stolen plans and Leia in the first place also if nations like China and the Iran control parts of the Internet its not that far away to assume that the empire is trying to control every means of communication. If its possible to catch and trace mails today, its only fair to assume as well the same for the SW setting. Not to mention it has its advantage if you hand over the informations directly. You make sure that the right person gets the information. Also, even if we are in the age of the internet for some reason ... sticks and transportable mediums have not become obsolete. Can you explain that? Ah! probably the same reason why Leia used a physical copy! Not to mention we have no clue how huge the informations are, lets not forget we talk here about a space station with the size of the moon. Also, I might be wrong, I cant really remember it anymore, but I think the movie never made it clear if Leia was the only one with a copy, if the rebells didnt tried it before already or if the people have been actually caught. Maybe it is a plot hole. But its really not that huge. Its part of the plot.

As the resident Star Wars nerd, I must inform you that the Bothan spy that stole the plans was actually the character that you play as in Star Wars: Dark Forces. I'm pretty certain no other copy was stolen.

Star Wars always had great potential for continuity error since it started with the last half of the series. Not to mention that countless people have contributed to the constantly evolving mythos. The movies aren't meant to be over examined really. There really isn't much beneath the surface other than the Hero Myth.

It reminds me of one of the reviewers of Matrix Revolutions. He complained about the logistical problem of sewage in the underground city, and all sorts of crazy shit. Yeah, I understand making sense of it all, especially if you really care for the series (like I do), but it is just a movie after all, and a cheesy sci-fi movie at that.

Han did shoot first whether people want to admit it or not(Lucas :smile:), Leia almost never fucking misses her mark, and Stormtroopers can't shoot for shit. Who could expect more from a movie largely inspired by Flash Gordon?
TorontRayne said:
As the resident Star Wars nerd, I must inform you that the Bothan spy that stole the plans was actually the character that you play as in Star Wars: Dark Forces. I'm pretty certain no other copy was stolen.

Actually if you have been following the expanded universe a little various plans were stolen all over the galaxy, portrayed in comics, games, and novels.

It became such a mess eventually that on order to make something coherent of it that all these plans are just parts of a complete technical read out.

Please don't ask me how that is suppose to work.
Jebus said:
I do. Like I said, I don't want to spend walls of text on describing them all. In fact, every word on it is a word wasted.
I'm getting very tired of discussing shitty movies, so let's all just agree that we disagree and that you are wrong. Thank you.
yeah, well it just feels to me like you simply dont like it and you blame it on the movie. Tell me your favourite movie and I will tell you its plot holes/mistakes or why its shit. See what I mean? ;)

Seriously. If you dont like the movies. No problem! I respect your taste. But for itself and the genre SW was pretty good, otherwise It would not have been that succesfull. Even today. So plot holes or not, but they did something right.

Walpknut said:
That happens when you turn Fan fics into official Parts of the Canon.
that is the only problem I really have with the Star Wars franchise and why I usually try to get away from the "fans" I only see the movies really as canon to say that. Its an really entertaining movie which you can watch with your kids or friends. Get some pop corn and shut up your brain. Just like Toront said, its a very simple hero-mythos with a father vs son story. Good vs evil. It could not be more simple than that. But it works for me. No clue why some expect(ed) THAT much from star wars ... or why everything has to suddenly make sense. I mean again, we are not talking here about a Kubrik Sci-Fi flick where I would agree with Jebs the more serious a movie is the more you will notice plot holes and inconstancies. Take Prometheus as example. I really HATED the way how the actors played their roles. They are supposed to be Scientists? And the first thing they do is removing their helmets as soon they get in the alien ship. Awesome. Not even a usual person would do that. Despite the fact that they can breath inside it. Or how the guy who made a map from the ship got lost ...
Crni Vuk said:
Jebus said:
I do. Like I said, I don't want to spend walls of text on describing them all. In fact, every word on it is a word wasted.
I'm getting very tired of discussing shitty movies, so let's all just agree that we disagree and that you are wrong. Thank you.
yeah, well it just feels to me like you simply dont like it and you blame it on the movie. Tell me your favourite movie and I will tell you its plot holes/mistakes or why its shit. See what I mean? ;)

Seriously. If you dont like the movies. No problem! I respect your taste. But for itself and the genre SW was pretty good, otherwise It would not have been that succesfull. Even today. So plot holes or not, but they did something right.

I feel like a dog tied to a pole, constantly running in circles.

I never said they didn't do anything right, I said there were a lot of plotholes. Period.
Star Wars is a futuristic fairy tale. A flashy movie for a younger audience. Plotholes like no E-Mail don't really matter, as Star Wars in its original form (the very first movie) never really tried to depict a working universe.
Like every fairy tale it's an unholy clusterfuck of ideas without much coherence or deeper thought. It's not needed, though. The focus is the story, the morality and the characters, like all fairy tales.
Long story short: Star Wars is not Science Fiction, never was. Although many people like to think of it as Science Fiction for its futuristic setting, it's just not. It's a fairy tale in space.
That being said, I'm still a huge fan of Star Wars.
I just hate it when people judge it by Science Fiction standards or claim it to be Science Fiction.
The prequels are still crap, though, even by fairy tale standards.
I feel like a dog tied to a pole, constantly running in circles.

I guess that's what it feels like talking to a Serbian liberal.

Starwars is good because it combines space, swords, dogfights, b-grade shootouts, cowboys, incest and magic into one. Basically, George Lucas had the best thing ever and he fucked it up.