So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

I don't think they would accept it as a sequel, but more like a game that is good, but has nothing to do with real Fallout.
Danilh said:Megaton has huge walls to protect from raiders and other beasties, all of the citizens carry weapons and they have a sniper on the roof. They also have plenty of food, judging from the two restaurants that are in operation.
Oh, i guess those 10-15 raiders at Springvale school couldn't finish off this town by, say sitting outside the Only door and stopping supplies from coming in? It is a very poor defense system, as any blockage in the front door would starve them to death. Unless they pull magical food out of their ass.
Sorrow said:[Intelligence]So, you don't think Fallout 3 is a bad game?GhostProject said:I don't know if i'm making any sense to you guys, but all I wanted to say is, just because it's not like the origionals, does not mean it's bad.
Mistrz said:1. None of guns are from previous games.
Mistrz said:3. Power armors are not as powerful as they should be. Armors are too weak, when you wear them there is no mechanical sound during movement etc.
Obviously, the gore bags the Super Mutants drag in and shopping cart jails on the Behemoths' backs are radiation resistant.Stanislao Moulinsky said:-So...Vault 87 -quite conveniently- is a vault (the only one so far) with multiple entrances. But two of them are blocked and the main one is surrounded with ultra deadly radiations. Can anybody tell me how do the SuperOgres bring the humans in the vault...?
Bethesda never really explained that one either. The Mutants traveled across the States to D.C., because they were attracted by something powerful.-In the FO3 setting a big role is played by the war zone that is DC. But...why? Why are the SM fighting? What are they searching there?
NFSreloaded said:Bethesda never really explained that one either. The Mutants traveled across the States to D.C., because they were attracted by something powerful.
It might have been planned to be explained in a DLC, but since there isn't any more DLC coming, we'll never know.
Three things I honestly don't get in Fallout 3.