Trump is winning

I'd like to know what lovely and unbiased news source this quote and the rest of your opinions came from.

EDIT: Also people keep calling Trump a flip flopper but never give a single example. Please, if you have an actual proof to back up this claim I'd love for someone to post it for once.

Just went with the first random one:

I tried your phrase of flip flop with "trump" and it also came with a bunch of articles :D
Well even if Hillary is a drone-happy war monger etc. then at least she's a woman. Not a whole lot of women in Russian politics. So the "evil yank leader" will be more difficult to spin because of that issue alone.
So Russians don't trust women in their politics, ergo they are more likely to view a female head of another country as the "good guy"... what?
Just went with the first random one:

I tried your phrase of flip flop with "trump" and it also came with a bunch of articles :D
A: Those are both incredibly shitty and biased Media outlets.
B: Those "flip flops" come from 15+ year old quotes from Trump long before he was a political canidate. Changing your opinion on something through a 15+ year period is not a flip flop. Maybe if Trump was a career politician like Hillary it would be a bit of an issue but since he's not thats hardly a flip flop. Tell me, have you, kept the exact same set of political beliefs you had 15, hell even 5 years ago? Like I said if he was a politician and ran a campaign based on one belief and then turned around and ran another or that same campaign on an opposing belief he'd be a flip flopper but he didn't and he's not.
Also people keep calling Trump a flip flopper but never give a single example. Please, if you have an actual proof to back up this claim I'd love for someone to post it for once.
Compared to Hillary, he's positively trustworthy on the issues. However he did do some quite bad flip - flopping over women being punished for aborting foetus's.
A: Those are both incredibly shitty and biased Media outlets.

Is A not true, did they create those quotes? Seriously, i'm asking because i have no idea, all i ever hear about him is how he changes his views.

B: Those "flip flops" come from 15+ year old quotes from Trump long before he was a political canidate. Changing your opinion on something through a 15+ year period is not a flip flop. Maybe if Trump was a career politician like Hillary it would be a bit of an issue but since he's not thats hardly a flip flop. Tell me, have you, kept the exact same set of political beliefs you had 15, hell even 5 years ago? Like I said if he was a politician and ran a campaign based on one belief and then turned around and ran another or that same campaign on an opposing belief he'd be a flip flopper but he didn't and he's not.

Well there seems to be an unlimited amount of videos and articles that don't show him with very clear plans, or views like this one:

Because the one place you know you can get information you can trust is on the Trump website.
Certainly better than the people who literally deny the Armenian genocide ever happened.

Also since he resorted to posting a lengthy video from a biased source instead of coming up with an argument I'll go ahead and do the same.
Ahh, the internet. I would say never change, but I gotta say, it's all becoming a bit predictable these days.
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Certainly better than the people who literally deny the Armenian genocide ever happened.

Also since he resorted to posting a lengthy video from a biased source instead of coming up with an argument I'll go ahead and do the same.

No problem, i think you have a right to change your opinion and any sane man should, because otherwise you might be stuck with a shitty one. Changing your opinion too much means that you are either incompetent, or a schemer. I don't know which one is it with Trump, that's why i'm asking, because he does not seem to be very clear on various subjects very often.

Now then:

"Is A not true, did they create those quotes? Seriously, i'm asking because i have no idea, all i ever hear about him is how he changes his views."

And is the video i'm posted somehow misleading, because it clearly shows him talking in the end? I watched your video, the guy in the video is reading from an old 2000 book and then at the end claims a bunch of stuff without backing it up with anything, among which was Trumps unchanged views on "toughness on Russia and China", which is pretty strange if he is seeking warmer relations with a planet sized ego in Putin.
Yeah, a lot of what they write there ...can be said about other politicans.

The hard truth is: Trump only cares about Trump.

The hard truth? Uhu ... and Hillary REALLY cares for anything else but her self ... Still if it turns out to be true, I was not THAT far away from making Trump to someone who doesn't even want to be President, and is just a comedian in disguise who keept a charade for the last 40-50 years.
The best thing about Trump is that we get stuff like this.

I do not put any stock in the assumption that Trump will ruin the US economy. Why do I believe that Trump's economic and social policies will benefit American business? Here are a few points.

1. Economic protectionism. Trump is a proponent of middle-ground protectionism. He seeks to eliminate free trade bills such as NAFTA, and stands against TTIP. He shares this in common with Senator Bernard Sanders, as both seek to increase American jobs, and penalize businesses that outsource labor to foreign nations. For example, Trump wants a 20% tariff on all imported goods, 35% tariff on imported Mexican goods, and a 15% tax for companies that outsource jobs. This may not seem like much, but it is a start compared to the very few roadblocks in the way of American companies that want cheap labor.

2. pro-nativist immigration policies. We've all heard about "The Wall" to the point where it's practically a living meme. But the wall is not the only proposition that Donald Trump is advocating for. Trump supports increasing the number of ICE officers, increasing penalties for overstaying visas, mass deportation of illegal aliens, devolution for states to have greater control of their border security, increasing penalties for companies that hire illegals. These policies and others regarding immigration assure that the American worker is put first in line of preference compared to foreign workers. This can raise the amount of jobs gained every year due to the fact that companies will have less incentive or ability to hire foreign workers.

3. Trump's ego. Yes, one of the main factors on why I trust Trump is his sky high ego. Trump is a narcissist, he cares immensely about his name and brand. The narcissist is obsessed with how the self looks to others and wants to keep up the appearance at all costs. He cannot go back on his word, as that would only harm him. The narcissist, if he is in the public eye, must maintain a status of success and competence. If Trump were to be a horrible president, that would do more damage to his credibility and legacy than any bankruptcy jokes or Drumpf memes. Trump NEEDS to be an economically sound president, if only for his own sake.
