Briosafreak said:
Spain played wonderfully, except for the last five minutes. Nice game, really fast.
Dude. You officially have the worst opinion in football that I've ever seen. It's like you watch football on another planet or something. Call excellent refereeing terrible, pretend a very sportsmanlike EC is happening with foul play, see a horrible Spain as wonderful. Bizarro world.
Spain was absolutely atrocious, floating on a few bits of individual quality.
Sweden - Greece was as expected. The look of pure surprise on Zlatan's face after scoring was gold. Still, Sweden disappoints, not surprisingly.
Maynard said:
So far in the tournament, the unknown name that impressed me is Engelaar from Holland. Travesty that he wasnt discovered until this age. He is the perfect defensive midfielder. I am sure he wont go back to Holland after the tournament if he keeps this going. Likes of Tottenham should go after him, would be a bargain.
He used to play striker/offensive mid-fielder. It was Rutten who pushed him into becoming a defensive midfielder, since Rutten felt he reached his ceiling as an offensive midfielder.
Looks like ol' Fred was right. Good coach.
Anyway that's every team and nobody really managed to impress, except the Netherlands. Based purely on initial matches they'd be favourites, but obviously we have more to go on than just initial matches.
That said...
France and Italy obviously didn't impress. Spain looks dividied and lackluster, lacks any kind of system (much like the French, really).
Portugal looked good but was playing against a team that wasn't really trying to play football. I don't think the crippled midfield-less Czechs will be a better test, either. Still, Portugal has the most potential, thanks to their defence and field control, but they haven't been tested yet - and probably won't be in the pool.
Germany didn't look that impressive against the not-so-good Poles, and is showing a lot of weaknesses.
All of group D looks atrocious. I would already feel confident predicting the #1 and #2 of group C to move into the semi-finals. Would've been a fine prediction prior to the tournament, too, but with Spain looking that weak, it's ensured now.