Those who write on Heaven’s walls...
Noble savage is certainly a powerful philosophical concept of Rosseauian philosophy that I think Fallout likes to play with. Lonesome Road is actually my favorite DLC, but I don't get what of his talks were psuedo philosophy. Everything was either Hobbesian in relating to human nature, frustrated at the expansionist mindsets of Legion and NCR which are problems you can see through out the game, the basic adage of "Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.", or him driving a conflict between you that is framing the two of you as foils. I don't ever remember a time where I was playing where I felt he was talking about nonsense. It always felt like it was feeding back into themes, making it really fun for me to listen to. I get he might sound pretentious, but anybody spouting philosophy is gonna sound that way, and I like it better than having a dumb villain.