Unpopular Fallout Opinions

Noble savage is certainly a powerful philosophical concept of Rosseauian philosophy that I think Fallout likes to play with. Lonesome Road is actually my favorite DLC, but I don't get what of his talks were psuedo philosophy. Everything was either Hobbesian in relating to human nature, frustrated at the expansionist mindsets of Legion and NCR which are problems you can see through out the game, the basic adage of "Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.", or him driving a conflict between you that is framing the two of you as foils. I don't ever remember a time where I was playing where I felt he was talking about nonsense. It always felt like it was feeding back into themes, making it really fun for me to listen to. I get he might sound pretentious, but anybody spouting philosophy is gonna sound that way, and I like it better than having a dumb villain.
i fell in love with the universe the original was presenting rather than the gameplay. lore, setting, tone, and continuity are more important to me, at least in the case of fallout, than even the genre of game they release. writing quality is paramount. its annoying that this amazing setting with literally endless storytelling possibilities is not only not being utilized but also being outright ignored by not only the writers but the majority of the fallout fanbase. the feeling that gives me is comparable to being in an alternate reality where everyone were fans of the star wars prequels and didnt have much knowledge of the original trilogy.

fallout has always had and still has shit gameplay.

if i had control of the series i'd probably move mediums from video games to comic books. it'd be a great way to really branch out and explore the fallout universe in a larger scope than video games are capable of doing.

fallout 4's combat is less fun than new vegas' combat
Fallout 2's wacky change of tone from Fo1 set the groundwork for Bethesda's rule of cool mutilation of the series. They went way overboard with the humour and references for the sake of humour and references, the one thing I can't blame Bethesda for doing to Fallout.
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While Uylesses is a character who is not far from his tribal roots, I don't think that his wordiness is intended to be part of that. I think that Avellone wanted to portray him as a "noble savage."

No, I meant his peculiar way of talking was due to his Tribal upbringing. I forgot what specific tribe it was. The effect of reading about things he doesn't fully understand in some respects. Like an accent you can't shake.
No, I meant his peculiar way of talking was due to his Tribal upbringing. I forgot what specific tribe it was. The effect of reading about things he doesn't fully understand in some respects. Like an accent you can't shake.

The Twisted Hairs was the tribe Ulysses was from, I believe.
My, my. The New Vegas hate :sad:
  • Lonesome Road in terms of gameplay was bad, I'll agree. But I found the story to be an interesting end for New Vegas.
  • Fallout 2 is only more popular because it has more content
  • Fallout 1 is the best Fallout. My personal favorites are 1 and NV. 2 is good too but not on the same level.
  • As much as I want to see what Van Buren was, I have a sinking feeling it wouldn't have been something I'd like based off of what I read about the main plot (maybe I read incorrect information)
  • The Karma system kinda sucks. Especially in New Vegas when you have to kill enemies that are automatically hostile to you no matter your choices and you gain Karma. Just rid Fallout of it please.
  • I don't have a problem with Bethesda making Fallout entirely something else but anything they make being in the same universe/style of OG Fallout is just wishful thinking. 1, 2, and NV are one thing in my book. 3, 4, and 76 will be in another. I haven't played Tactics yet, don't crucify me over skipping my opinion of it.
  • Lore/canon is only important as you make it out to be. To me, it's important but sometimes it changes. The point I like to make is whether or not the writers care about trying to be mostly consistent rather than super weird and cool quests over consistency.
Also, I'm always going to be upset that New Vegas was never truly finished and that the Gamebryo (or whatever Bethesda's engine is) was the most logical decision for building the game on.
New Vegas is one of my favorite games ever and I wish it could be what it deserved to be.
  • The Karma system kinda sucks. Especially in New Vegas when you have to kill enemies that are automatically hostile to you no matter your choices and you gain Karma. Just rid Fallout of it please.
God, yes. Karma wasn't too bad in the non-Beth games, but FO3 set a precedent that just fucking ruined it for every game to come after. At least NV had Faction Relationship be significantly more important than raw Karma for the most part.
God, yes. Karma wasn't too bad in the non-Beth games, but FO3 set a precedent that just fucking ruined it for every game to come after. At least NV had Faction Relationship be significantly more important than raw Karma for the most part.
Until you butcher a few fiends and become the paragon of justice. Those guys are the purified water for hobos of the Mojave.
Until you butcher a few fiends and become the paragon of justice. Those guys are the purified water for hobos of the Mojave.

Thankfully being wasteland Jesus has distinctly less impact on your interactions/gameplay than it seemed to in FO3. About the only thing karma really matters for is the cLvl50 special perks, of which I think the Neutral one may actually be the best overall? Memory's hazy on that.
Damn, thing is I did like Lonesome Road despite its flaws as I acknowledge that Ulysses did not turn out what I had hoped him to be (an alternative Dr Presper from Van Buren), focusing to much on symbolism and questionable philosophy (and rambling).
I rather liked the atmosphere of the DLC and the scenery, giving us this post apocalyptic region to explore with all its own dangers and mysteries though it is rather "undeveloped" (not providing as much content as it could have had), but I am not sure if packing it full of NPCs to interact would have made it better.

The team probably should have added ruins of the Divide settlement to the map in order for Ulysses reveal to have more impact, full of old logs, diaries, and so on so that the player would get the idea that the character they are playing has been here before and that there is some kind of connection between the two.

It would have been nice if indeed another city would also have been brought in with one of the DLCs, I kind of thought that we would get to see New Canaan, Jericho, or a newly made up Mormon settlement.

Karma definitely needs to go in Fallout games, it gives the idea that there is an absolute arbiter is constantly watching and judging you and telling people you have never met what kind of person you are.
The reputation system is much better.

Personally I feel Van Buren would still have been better than Fallout New Vegas and all its DLCs even though it is probably my favorite Fallout game (it has been ages since I played Fallout 1 and 2).
No, I meant his peculiar way of talking was due to his Tribal upbringing. I forgot what specific tribe it was. The effect of reading about things he doesn't fully understand in some respects. Like an accent you can't shake.

That makes much more sense, the "Bull and the Bear" stuff coming from tribal culture that has seen those symbols but doesn't fully understand the meaning behind them. He talks of the Old World and history, but has only a loose, uneducated grasp on the subject. But I still find him annoying, like a 14 yr old autistic using overly complex and wordy language in order to sound super smart.

The team probably should have added ruins of the Divide settlement to the map in order for Ulysses reveal to have more impact, full of old logs, diaries, and so on so that the player would get the idea that the character they are playing has been here before and that there is some kind of connection between the two.

I was really hoping that there would be terminal entries and diaries to discover both from the Hopeville military base, giving an insight into pre-war America, as well as from the post-war Divide settlement.
People keep talking about Van Buren probably being the better game had it been completed, but something to keep in mind is that certain faction concepts would have flown with audiences about as well as a lump of uranium. Can you imagine the utter SHITSTORM that the VB Caesar's Legion/Daughters of Hecate factions would have likely caused?
It is obvious that Obsidian wanted to get rid of the Karma system in Fallout New Vegas. It is pretty much not used except on a couple places and for a couple perks.
It definitely feels like they just tried not using it, but then at the last minute had to do something with it because they couldn't just get rid of it.
People keep talking about Van Buren probably being the better game had it been completed, but something to keep in mind is that certain faction concepts would have flown with audiences about as well as a lump of uranium. Can you imagine the utter SHITSTORM that the VB Caesar's Legion/Daughters of Hecate factions would have likely caused?

You are going to have to go into detail.
One would have been a slaver faction where playing a male character would have benefits while the other would be more female character oriented.
Sounds pretty balanced to me, offering two options for players who want to achieve a high position in a slaver organization.
You are going to have to go into detail.
One would have been a slaver faction where playing a male character would have benefits while the other would be more female character oriented.
Sounds pretty balanced to me, offering two options for players who want to achieve a high position in a slaver organization.

Gender warriors would have had a conniption about the very idea of such an inglorious portrayal of the fairer sex. We're talking broad brush strokes being made on the devteam with misogynist-colored paint.
Gender warriors would have had a conniption about the very idea of such an inglorious portrayal of the fairer sex. We're talking broad brush strokes being made on the devteam with misogynist-colored paint.

Not back when the game (would have) came out. I thought you meant them being both Roman knockoffs.